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Posts posted by VaBird1

  1. 7 hours ago, WillyM said:

    I'm a Bills fan, and I'm still wondering about a penalty that was called at the end of the Bills' last offensive series in their game against the Texans last Saturday.

    The Bills had the ball around the Houston 45 yard line, third down and ten or eleven yards to go.  Josh Allen dropped back, then started to scramble around to the right, where he had some running room.  He made it to about the 38 yard line, where he was tackled, bringing up a fourth down and about four - or so it appeared.  That would have brought up the possibility of the Bills going for it on fourth and four or trying to win the game right there with a field goal.  A field goal attempt would have been from about 55 yards, which would be about as long a field goal as Stephen Hauschka has ever kicked - but he had been having a good day, so they might have tried it.

    But they couldn't, because a flag was thrown on Allen's scramble.  The Bills were called for an illegal blindside block.  Fifteen yards penalty made it third and about 25.  One play later they had to punt, and then Houston marched down the field and set up the winning score.

    I've heard of holding.  I've heard of clipping.  I've heard of illegal blocks in the back.  I've heard of illegal cut blocks.  I've heard of illegal hands to the face.  I've heard of illegal contact to the head.  But the Bills blocker didn't do any of those things.  He came from the side, as a Houston guy was pursuing Allen from behind, and pushed the Houston guy off balance, to break his stride so he couldn't continue his pursuit. 

    What makes it all the more frustrating is that replay showed that the Houston guy who was blocked was looking at the Bills guy who blocked him.  How can you hit a guy from the blindside when he's looking at you?

    I never heard of a penalty for illegal blindside block.  Does anyone else remember having seen this call made before?

    Pardon my bitterness.  I'm the type of fan who's still waiting for the umpires to reverse themselves and declare J. C. Martin out for interference in Game 4 of the 1969 World Series.  

    I found that call curious too

  2. 1 minute ago, atomic said:

    I read the Washington Post daily as well as the Baltimore Sun.  I don't read it either for Orioles coverage. 

    Good thing.

  3. 18 hours ago, atomic said:

    Because sports is the only reason people read Local newspapers. LOL.  

    I canceled the Post when they stopped covering the Orioles.  There wasn’t any other local news in it besides sports.

  4. 1 minute ago, atomic said:

    I would say Max Scherzer would be my MLB player of the decade. 7 playoff appearances during the decade. Won 161 games during the decade. 3 Cy Young awards. Led the league in wins 4 times.  Led the league in WHIP 4 times.  Led the league in strike outs 3 times. 

    Are you saying that you don't think Mike Trout is the best baseball player on the planet?

  5. 17 minutes ago, wildcard said:


    I think the O's have a good amount to do yet.

    Sign a SS.

    Add a starter.

    Add a 4th catcher to AAA

    Add a major league ready starter that will pitch at Bowie.    A 4A type.  The AAA rotation is full but he O's need more starting pitching depth that will be on the shuttle to Bowie/ Camden Yards.   Right now the Bowie rotation appears to be DL Hall, Sedlock and Shepherd.

    Add a first baseman to the Norfolk roster to take over when Mountcastle is promoted.

    If Elias can get those things done the Its time for Spring Training.

    Bradish might start in Bowie, right?

  6. 22 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    I’d switch over to the Nats, I expect, but it would never be the same.    

    I could not disagree more about blaming this on MLB or the Nats.   The O’s sucked for 7 years before the Nats arrrived.   The O’s have not been well run, and Angelos is the main reason for that.    The fish rots from the head.

    Can’t stomach the Nationals.  I would probably go Braves for a few years before not watching MLB at all.

  7. On 11/19/2019 at 9:31 PM, Greg Pappas said:


    My humble and admittedly-limited opinion is that I doubt this gets much traction, especially as a 31st team.  A relocation also isn't very likely, but it looks like they'll be throwing their hat in the ring regardless. 

    The Rays?

  8. 8 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    I'd rather watch this than giving Colby Rasmus millions and watch him quit one month into the season.  At least I know what to expect with this team.  Root for the young bats next year, and we'll have the young arms to join them in 2021.  

    Not sure I will be there.  If they charge full price, I expect to see Major League baseball players.

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  9. 3 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    2019 has seen a steep drop in our revenue for the site, particularly our ad revenue and membership requests. While I realize ad blockers can make some experiences better on the internet, we strive to not add intrusive advertising like pop up ads or videos that cover our content. 

    Unfortunately we are seeing a rise in people using  this site that use pop up blockers which in turn means you are using this site for free. Unfortunately it's not free to bring you this site since we have to spend money on servers, licenses and trying to give folks like Michael, Luke and Shane some money for their time and effort.

    So what does this mean? I've been producing this site since 1996 and that makes us the longest running site to cover a professional team. It's been a great run. At some point though you have to determine whether the juice is worth the squeeze. 

    The internet has changed immeasurably since I started up this site and the amount of information available for free has made a lot of what we've provided over the year redundant. About the only thing we provide at the point is this message board, where you can talk about the Orioles and other things in an adult manner that's different from the wild wild west of social media, and the scouting reports that Luke and I provide. While many sites have popped up and some have gone away, I have to ask myself do I have the energy and desire to keep up?

    I've personally covered the Orioles for the last 24 seasons (minus one year in Afghanistan where I had to do it from afar through boxscores) and I've enjoyed the vast amount of the experience, but as I'm coming up on my 50th birthday next year, it's time for me to seriously re-evaluate the future of the Hangout. While I still love scouting and evaluating prospects, along with talking about them on the radio, I have to seriously consider whether I have a 25th season in me.

    This is not a fund drive effort nor have I made a final decision one way or the other, but I wanted to keep those of you that have been part of the Hangout for so long in the loop. It's hard to believe that I started this site when I was 26 years old and now have two children older than that. As John Coffey once said, "I'm tired boss!" 

    I always thought I would be able to parlay my experiences into professional baseball when the time was right, but by the time was right, baseball has changed and old guys like me aren't valued or wanted. Sure, I've been an associate scout for a couple of AL teams and had an offer once to join a National League team, but now they have young guys with a lot more time and energy ready to step in and do these kinds of positions and they rather surround themselves with their buddies. No one cares about some retired military guy no matter how many hours I've spent doing what they do or how much I've kept up on analytics and new technologies. 

    As we finish up our Top 30 prospects for 2019 and start looking at 2020, I want to make sure I'm able and have the desire to do this for another year. Maybe I'll take some time off or maybe I can find someone willing to take over the reigns and continue, but I also have to consider whether it makes sense to shut down completely and allow the Hangout to fade into history.

    Whatever I decides over the next few months, I'll still be around and putting in my two cents. I'm sure Luke and weams will be here as well. Regardless of how this ends up, I do want to thank you all for all of the support over the years. 

    Whether the Hangout in this form is done after this year or sticks around for many more, I'll always be eternally grateful for what this site brought to me because of all of you!


    You have done a wonderful job, thank you.

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  10. 32 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Certainly not great for me.    Driving from DC in time to make a 7 pm game was hard enough.    But I try to avoid weeknight games anyway.    I usually end up with 2-4 of them anyway, the way my group’s ticket draft works.    

    How is anyone going to get there for the start of the game?

  11. 8 hours ago, DrungoHazewood said:

    I suggested this year(s) ago.  Change pitchers as often as you'd like, but if it's in the middle of the inning he doesn't get any warmups and he has to be ready to go, already in the dugout.  It takes no more time to switch pitchers than to pinch hit.  I have no problem with that.

    But I was told in no uncertain terms that the difference between bullpen mound and regular mound is so extreme that we'd have all MLB pitchers on the injured list inside of a month.  And it would only shave 8-10 minutes off the game, so as is the case with all changes, it's completely and totally insane and only people who hate baseball would even consider it.

    I hate the warmup pitches.  Why can’t the bullpen mound be the same as the one on the field?

  12. 6 Rutschman

    66 Hall

    79 Rodriguez 

    88 Diaz

    99 Mountcastle 

    That’s the same 5 BA has in the Top 100

    the rest of the Birds top 10:

    6. Hays

    7. Stowers

    8. Akin

    9. Lowther

    10. McKenna


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