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Posts posted by VaBird1

  1. 18 minutes ago, accinfo said:

    So if they cut him last year and they only played 60 games this year the Orioles would have had to pay him his full salary for this year even though there were only 60 games to the season?  I am asking because I don't know but I would think they would still prorate this year on his contract based on how many games are played in the season.  I would think if you cut him now and next season they play 100 games he would only get paid for that portion of the contract but I don't know.

    Yes, because of that Chen is the highest paid player this year.

  2. 16 hours ago, Explosivo said:

    You and me both. It's time. CD had back to back days of ole plays. We don't need a Dorn. Perhaps Tanner Scott (Rick Vaughn) could sleep with his wife. Maybe that'll wake his ass up. Hell, it worked for Dorn in Major League.

    Dorn could hit

  3. 17 hours ago, Philip said:

    That’s why I wasn’t sad to see the last of Villar.

    He was most definitely not fun to watch. He was frustrating. on he all- frustrating team, he would be my starting second baseman.

    I think I would have him play shortstop on that team

  4. 39 minutes ago, Roll Tide said:

    It’s Amazing how excited we get over a .500 team here. Ultimately the Orioles will likely fade as the mediocre rotation plays to its real skill level and Elias moves any part with value that continues to over perform.

    They might get better after trading the older players.   

  5. 2 minutes ago, MurphDogg said:

    Without grounds crew incompetence it would have resumed. The grounds crew failures, not the rain was the proximate cause of not being able to resume the game, thus it is resumed at a later date. 

    Serious question, why can’t they just fix the field today?  Is it raining anymore?  I live 10 miles away and it never rained here.

  6. 4 minutes ago, scOtt said:

    It looked like the tarp wasn't rolled up right, all tangled. They could barely push it. Then part of it rolled up over the roll so as they were unrolling part of it another part was rolling up. Then they had to roll it backwards to get that straightened out. This all took like 10, 15 minutes. All the while it was POURING rain. The whole infield was one standing pool of water.

    Your description made me laugh out loud all over again

  7. 3 hours ago, Enjoy Terror said:

    That’s actually the team that prompted My comment.

    The Orioles have backed into the playoffs the last three times they did. All the other times they didn’t make it, they just straight up died in September, or earlier.

    Would love to see an orioles team get hot in the fall, playoffs or not.


  8. 1 minute ago, Ruzious said:

    So pump in the noise.  He'll get a helluvalot more opportunities to field in practice than in a real game.   

    I don’t mean noise, I was referring to the ball.  A grown athlete hitting a fly ball does different things than when someone hits you a fungo.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Philip said:

    One of the worst things about an electronic strike zone is that it would render completely useless the skill of framing. You can’t fool a computer, it’s either a ball or a strike and that is that.

    That sounds wonderful.

    • Upvote 3
  10. 14 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    Sure its possible.   But Akin is hopefuly a part of the future.  So if he has a good start they probably do not send him back down.     Wojo is probably not part of the future.  He here at the present and he is out of options.  And the O's are not going to waiver him now .  So he could slide over to the pen.  Eshelman has options, is a soft tosser and is not esblished in the majors.   He is more likely to go back to Bowie if Akin has a good start.

    Know that Milone and LeBlanc are fill-in starters with experience.    They can be traded to make room if there are starters that are pushing up from Bowie.  But someone has to want them.   The O's are not going to reliease them in a pandemic and loss depth for nothing.

    So yes I think there is an overall plan in the works here.  

    I would assume Eshelman, Hess, and Phillips are most in danger of being sent down. They all have options and seem to be the worst three on the team.

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