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Everything posted by IPlayGM

  1. Oh I agree with you, just having a hard time moving past what has happened in recent Os history. I recognize that Elias wasn’t in charge then, but it is still etched in my brain.
  2. I’ll believe we will spend that much on a FA pitcher (Rodon) when I see it. Just don’t see it happening. I think it is much more realistic we sign a couple bats and trade for pitching. The scenario where we sign Correa and Benintendi would actually make sense with what it would allow us to make available in trades (pick two of Mateo, Ortiz, Westburg, Hays). It’s really going to be interesting to see the direction Elias goes.
  3. I just don’t see how adding two starting pitchers is the prudent approach. If you add a 1-3 type, then your choices for starter are: FA signing GRod Bradish Kremer Wells Hall Voth Watkins Means (June/July) To me, that is a nice mix of depth/quality for limited spending. Use the money to upgrade the lineup for guys that can get on base and drive in runs.
  4. I’m not sure we can make enough moves in one off season to rival these staffs. We would need to acquire 1 legit guy, another pretty legit guy, and have GRod be really good immediately and Bradish and Kremer be who they were down the stretch for a full year. Not sure all those things are going to happen, in fact I’m quite sure they won’t. But I do think acquiring the starters is the right path because it also solves your bullpen depth issues.
  5. I don’t think anyone would argue your point, but we aren’t talking about ‘a bunch of Lyles types’, we are just talking about one who would be our 5th starter. I wouldn’t hate the move, but I feel like we could do better.
  6. I feel like Josh Bell would be a really interesting guy for that spot. I’m assuming he would be pretty expensive, but I think he has the tools mentioned.
  7. A positive OBP is slump proof. The problem with the Mountcastles and Mateos and Hays of the world is that they are completely dependent on the hit tool to get on base. When they slump, it is amplified because of their hitting philosophy, which at this point in their careers I don’t see changing much. So for me it is much more about cycling in TYPES of hitters, ones that can get on base even if their hit tool is struggling. Give me Abreu over Mountcastle, Westburg over Odor and Ortiz over Mateo. The OBP difference in those 3 scenarios seems to be pretty significant, although I attest I did not look it up prior to posting.
  8. The bolded part made me laugh….I think a lot of guys fall in that category!!!
  9. I watch videos all the time of Tiger, Rory and Rahm striping drivers 330 down the middle of the fairway. Why then do I keep fading it 240 into the right rough?!?
  10. That sounds good and all, but how often has this realistically happened? A top 100 pitching prospect moved to the bullpen to start his career so that he can transition back to the starter role? I guess the better question is how many times has this been done successfully?
  11. Well he won’t have to worry about that when he gets to the bigs with Hyde.
  12. I agree with your numbers for this year, my numbers were just my thoughts more long term.
  13. To me, he looks like a #5 starter on a legit playoff/WS contender. Best case #4. But I am not a stat guy, I’m an eye test guy, which I recognize can be flawed. So we have in my opinion the following that currently are in play for next year: Grayson: #2 starter type Bradish: #3 starter type Kremer: #5 starter type Wells: #5 starter type (maybe 4) Means (eventually): #3 starter type Voth/Watkins: bullpen guys, backup starters So to me, it is pretty clear what the target should be in the off-season. But that is easier said then done.
  14. Remember when it was legit discussion about a Santander for Snell trade?!? @Sports Guy would have been an absolute legend if he had willed that trade to fruition!
  15. I think you will find out that Hays (yet again) has been playing through injury for some time now.
  16. Sentimentally I completely understand the thought that SS is Mateo’s with his play this year and his involvement in our turnaround. I guess my question would be is he part of our best team? Or do you move on and have Ortiz, Westburg and Gunnar in the infield (all 3 can play short) and then have Urias as your utility? I don’t know if any of us have that answer but I believe that is your highest upside IF.
  17. I disagree, we’ll kind of. Not that I don’t want this, but by looking at the lineups in Baltimore, and Hyde’s continued insistence on playing Odor, it would be silly to bring him up just to sit and play 1-2 games per week. Maybe Elias can pull a Billy Beane ala Moneyball and trade Odor to get the right guys in the lineup!
  18. The idea of Henderson at 3B, Ortiz at SS, Westburg at 2B is pretty sweet.
  19. I hope they spend both…Now is the time to fill out the roster with upgrades, and this is why you 1) bottom out payroll and 2) grow the farm. We finally have the resource flexibility to do business.
  20. So he is an upgrade over every player in the infield….can someone remind me again why he is not up?!? I have been the guy preaching patience and “stick with the plan”, but that was because I was confident he was coming up after the rookie deadline. My frustration level is growing by the day.
  21. I think if they don’t announce it soon (like within the hour) it’s not happening tonight.
  22. Certainly seems that way. I was sharing with a buddy last night that inserting Henderson into last nights lineup really makes it interesting. Really hoping it happens next week.
  23. First time physically seeing Kremer last night more than just random clips or reading stat lines. Feel like the 2 seam at 95 really plays up when he is effectively using cutter/change up. Made some good hitters very uncomfortable.
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