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Everything posted by 7Mo

  1. Agree with this. And the signing probably doesn't happen until late Jan.
  2. Let's take a look at how much the Astro's and Ray's spend on catchers before deciding how much to spend on a backup. Mike Zunino signed for $2M as the frontline guy this winter.
  3. Elias had an interview on MLB radio last weekend that I haven't seen anyone talk about. Maybe it was a replay from somewhere else and it's been mentioned but he said they would look for upgrades to the MLB roster this winter. He didn't say "incremental" but that's the tone of it from the little I heard. He also talked about this year being a year where they wanted things cleared where they could evaluate what they had. That makes me believe they'll sign 2-3 guys who might be lesser cost starters or maybe 9 batter openers or something. Bulk type guys who are far less costly.
  4. Ok good. Maybe I read it wrong. If Seve is disappointed with the idea of being a backup catcher, maybe he should watch some video of him catching/not-catching. I might be too optimistic but I think pitchers will improve at least marginally by throwing to a strong defensive catcher next year.
  5. I know you're on a kick to prove Seve sucks here but do you think people (plural) really believe that?
  6. I didn't see it so I don't know. Wildcard above says he didn't have his curveball so he likely shook a few.
  7. Granted but how many did Akin shake off? Was that the original pitch called each time?
  8. It was a pretty impressive collection of cliche's. For a guy new to MLB, he shows natural talent. Recited them effortlessly, didn't press, showed a relaxed presentation. Almost appeared to be normal conversational speech. Maybe not the full cliche' taught by Crash but effective nonetheless.
  9. Yes and "generally" as used in that sentence would be as a modifier, akin to saying "usually reasonable" or "normally reasonable" so I'm not understanding your distinction. However, the last thing I want to do is even appear that I might be arguing with you so instead of that, let me say "oh yeah, I see. Good point". Hope you have a great Friday night.
  10. I'm positive that's something I couldn't answer from first hand knowledge.
  11. I agree with this. I don't think there's much chance that Elias had more money to spend last winter and just chose not to. If the brothers are beginning to wonder if there's a chink in the armor with Elias, I'd like to think they recognize that one need is more major league budget. That may not manifest itself until late January or February, but small budget increases should show up this winter.
  12. Come on now. This started with you saying NO advanced college bat needs the minor league system. Now you've moved to "Tork will be up next year" and "prospects miss". Your argument that advanced college bats don't need minor league development is nonsense. And that's what you said and you've said repeatedly. It's nonsense. But it's your board. You and SG shout everyone down. So I'm out. Not that it matters but was it you or SG that down voted my post? If you guys want me gone, just say the word.
  13. Was JJ Bleday an advanced college bat?
  14. How many advanced college bats come out each year?
  15. No, you gave me one PLAYER. How many college bats do they have in the minors? Do you think 1 player vs the 15-20 or so college bats in the minors proves your point? And with Tork in AAA, is that still considered the minor league system? Or have you moved the goalposts?
  16. Nice. One outlier. There was much gnashing of teeth about how awful it was that this organization didn't take Austin Martin who was described as the most polished college bat in years. Where is he? Spencer Torkelson was described as the best college bat in years. Where is he? I can come up with another 50.
  17. There is not one major league team that agrees with you.
  18. You're assuming Gunnar would take a deal that's substantially below market. And then you'd back it up if it fails by saying Elias should have known better. You win either way. I'm an advocate of signing guys early. But not in A+. That's just silly. And you seem to think the minors only exist to game service time. Players need to develop.
  19. Earlier in the thread I was going to post "players don't bunt because it's not easy to bunt" which would have been accurate but not persuasive. And then I ran across this factual masterpiece. Excellent post.
  20. Seems like Big League Advance is still in operation.
  21. March 2021 https://bigleagueadvance.com/minor-league-player-investment/ March 2021 https://www.yahoo.com/now/betting-on-minor-league-players-is-like-a-lottery-ticket-but-worth-the-massive-risk-ceo-173252557.html Was it Big League Advance that was involved with Schoop?
  22. It would definitely be interesting. And to me, I'd want to separate guys signed before their major league debut vs guys signed after. I'm not convinced there are so many players anxious to take a below market deal. And, there are now agencies giving loans/advances to MiLB players. How would/has that affected a players interest?
  23. All 50 have a "favored to sign with" team listed.
  24. I agree. I don't think they'll go above a $10M deal, let alone 9 figures.
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