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Everything posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. But the lack of depth is an issue because it pushes people in roles they don’t belong or earlier than necessary. That’s why inaction this off-season was puzzling, but irresponsible. Can’t push Rodriquez, etc
  2. Thanks for the write up.
  3. So he can not take the bpa? Raise beer prices? Genius! I know, I know…he doesn’t raise beer prices:) Another SP or two (Maybe both on mil deals) would have made a huge difference. Not asking for much…just makes you angry and feel disrespected. We are fine with the rebuild but you can do that by bringing in a veteran presence to improve the team.
  4. What message is Elias sending the fans, the players and Hyde on this move? He’s clearly awful and recalling him is a disgraceful move. At what point will Elias (at a min) try to sign folks to have an unlaughable major league product?
  5. Leave Akkkin in the role he is in.
  6. Why not? No excuse not to when we have Harvey & Watkins.
  7. The os need to stop forcing things. Lopez is a good BP arm, not starter, not closer
  8. It’s seriously depressing to watch Means & Mullins emerge and fans clamoring to trade them away. Do you ever want to win? How about take this opportunity to lock up Means at a discount to be our 3/4 on the next winning team?
  9. 96% consistency 94% accuracy https://twitter.com/umpscorecards/status/1515337490353336322?s=21&t=wzODn3d9hEAWu6qDGL_nYQ
  10. He’s one of the guys signed I drafted in the 5 round season so potential is there.
  11. If he could play a good 3b, he’d likely be here.
  12. Maybe your right. But Buck will get the Mets to the playoffs if not more so I strongly feel a great manager can make a significant difference, more than SABR believes.
  13. The fans deserve better. All do. Like life, maybe there is too much. People just want a fair shake. Last CBA sadly didn’t address the disparity nor bad ownerships.
  14. I thought about this too, my guess is when Santander is traded and if he is traded.
  15. I didn’t but my father always said he didn’t have the same energy when he came back. I trust his baseball acumen.
  16. Unbelievable state of affairs but same question I was pondering. I love Means, just awful.
  17. He also didn’t have the same energy. Was just older.
  18. To be clear, I don’t dislike Hyde or disagree with your assessment, just think Britton will be special.
  19. Awful news. Elias failed us this off-season by not getting us any number of veterans stop gaps. Just absolutely appalling and dereliction of duty. O's mgr Brandon Hyde: “We don’t have much experience in our rotation. We’ll see how long it’s going to be. But it’s going to be hard. Do need guys to step up. John’s one of the guys that people look up to on our staff. To have him out is challenging."
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