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Everything posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. Eliashttps://twitter.com/lockedonorioles/status/1519318814135140353?s=21&t=mW2i2aWg5RVY3Y0DiOQvbw
  2. Iagreehttps://twitter.com/danconnolly2016/status/1519056494339235842?s=21&t=CcGudeolNcrUlWTvlQklUg
  3. I would definitely give him a shot on a minor league deal!https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2022/04/khris-davis-intends-to-play-this-season.html
  4. The endless rebuild, sickening, fans deserve better. Hopefully soon. Ownership needs to change first.
  5. Thx. Agreed on d and speed plus good obp
  6. No doubt. I’d take you over Harvey. At least you aren’t sharing opioids in the clubhouse.
  7. Didn’t Tony say a few times about McKenna’s inability to hit fastballs above 92-93? That seems important.
  8. I don’t think he clears but if he does he likely will be released or traded for cash bc they don’t want to hurt playing time in OF.
  9. I like Martin and rooting for him but the hate for him runs deep on here lol.
  10. I would like to see him get regular at bats for a bit.
  11. Error today. I just don’t get why this guy is here. Much rather have Martin & Nevin than Owings & Odor but that’s me. Thoughts?
  12. They are staying in Baltimore.
  13. Would someone be able to do a poll on signing means to a deal? I’d love to hear other opinions.
  14. Told you sale has been in the works. Heard something could be lined up too, but not as confident on that front.
  15. Is everyone confident he gets recalled that quickly. I am skeptical but could be wrong. If he struggles offensively, will they still recall him?
  16. Disappointing news on Velez. I guess he isn’t a nugget. Elias doesn’t seem to be the nugget finder that DD was…
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