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Everything posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. You have an entire board of Elias apologists. Again, not anti-Elias, but it has a cult-like feel to it.
  2. . I am not anti-Elias, just grounded in reality. When DD was GM, everyone defended his every move. Now they think he is the devil. Personally, I thought DD was more good than bad (and was against the Davis signing). Elias is not a savior and has made some really questionable decisions. The draft being the big one. Not giving Yaz 30 days to see what he had is also being moronic. He comes from a scouting background, I would think he would find a nugget or two from the waiver wire, no? DD certainty did. And it is funny, you are starting a fight with me over my post on here that is CHEERING this claim. I am actually applauding this pickup.
  3. https://friarsonbase.com/2020/06/30/padres-make-sneaky-acquisition-jorge-mateo-athletics/ PCL or not, speed & triples don’t lie, good pickup. “His 14 triples and 24 stolen bases were tops and seventh-best, respectively, in the Pacific Coast League last year. We also have the full scouting report on how fast this kid is.”
  4. Elias hasn't exactly dazzled anyone with this waiver wire acquisitions but this one I like a lot.
  5. Axe Sabatinos: Italian Diner. Go to La Scala or Chipparellis
  6. Been to a lot of stadiums, not Busch. I had a trip planned to Cinci before covid. That’s the highest ranked one I wanna see.
  7. Stupid question: where did we get these two guys from? Did we draft them? Trades?
  8. He was a stud in the cleanup role until they spot started him.
  9. I know for 2020 there was only 1 date, are we back to an August deadline (assuming they clear waivers of course)? https://www.mlb.com/glossary/transactions/trade-waivers-aug-31-deadline
  10. Listen Frobby, people look up to you on here. In my opinion, you give the Os too many benefits of the doubts. You certainly are an intelligent, thoughtful man. And I do know & hear things from personal relationships I have made throughout my life. I was told from multiple sources, Os won’t be sold until Peter passes. Timetable tbd so hedging bets perhaps? Why would a franchise that is trying to close the gap in the AL East take a second corner OFer when 2 franchise Ss’s were there for the taking? Sure, risk is less but you got to take chances when so much of a gap exists. It’s not judging the draft, it’s judging bad logic.
  11. Lol. They won a championship in 2019, the Os roughly 40 years prior to that but your concern is with the Nationals? Hilarious. Os fans never grounded in reality. They just rebuilt with a few trades and likely are around 15th or so. Plus their first rounder in 2020… at like 20? I think?…. Cade Cavelli is tearing it up. We took Kjerstad that year….I know, I know….nobody could have predicted that… This board just makes excuses for ineptitude and poor management like I have never seen anywhere else. “You can’t judge this draft for 4-5 years…Yada yada”. “Nobody knew Yaz would be a star” says the org with a GM from a scouting background…. At some point Bro, it’s not her, it’s you.
  12. https://twitter.com/jonheyman/status/1421114710229929991?s=21
  13. Never. The Nationals can draft competently and rebuild competently unlike the Os. They take BPA and don’t wait for values of players to fall to nil before trading. At least the O’s likely got more for Armstrong than they did current All Star Yaz. But I am told daily that Elias is a genius…funny. Os will be “rebuilding” until Angelos passes. I have stated that several times and I am not just pulling that out of arse. Most people around the team understand that, but there’s your hope window.
  14. And you are missing my larger point as well. Why are you skipping on a potential franchise SS to go for a college corner OFer? More likely to succeed but how is that closing the gap with the Sox and Yankees and Rays and Jays? It’s a head scratching approach. and for the record the my scout friends didn’t like Hobgood pick, DJ Stewart pick or Kerstad pick. Pretty darn good track record. They also questioned not giving Yaz a longer look given how little talent we had in the org.
  15. I know many professional scouts. I talk to them, I listen. I am not a Homer ungrounded from reality, that twists like a pretzel to defend an org that hasn’t been in a World Series since almost 40 years ago. My favorite response on here: You can’t judge for x of years. You are just being too critical. Same nonsense was spewed during Joe Jordan’s awful picks year after year. Guess what: you can be critical. You know why? It was a bad pick, again! We don’t need more corner OFers! We need a franchise SS and pitching, or maybe a CFer! Why do victims frequently defend their abusers?
  16. First off, if he is using spider tack, which seems to be fact for Means in the speculation rumor mill from most I talk to, did he do that on his own? I am sure the GM that came from an org of sign stealing had zero to do with that, right? It’s just Means? Unlikely. The Orioles are an embarrassing franchise on so many levels, broken from dysfunctional ownership & management. One symptom is fans thinking you have to sell anyone that is good. We haven’t had a good home grown sp since Mussina, yet fans want to ship off Means? Geesh.
  17. Lawlar or House, both would have been better picks. Just awful. So let me get this, a rebuilding club, in one of the toughest divisions in baseball, desperately in need of closing the gap in talent takes another corner OF over a franchise SS. Explain that to me Frobby. Fans are watching a crap product, we deserve the BPA.
  18. Why does it matter? Elias would use the number one overall pick to draft the 12th best player, likely another corner OF bc you know those are always more important than a stud SS like Lawlar.
  19. The typical OH poster: Adley’s value will never be higher, sell high with Adley, Means & Mullins.
  20. Lol, imagine if Duquette had just resigned me, Orioles might not have had CDs crazy contract, but who knows. Tampa took all my salary too!
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