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Everything posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. I agree with this 100%. 2023 and oh boy do I want Leiter!!!!
  2. I can only personally speak for myself but : 1. I don’t think anyone is “blaming” Elias for myocarditis. That obviously is a straw man. Some have questioned the amount of research/in depth research done with him personally beyond metrics/stats. I think that’s a fair question. 2. I think in a town where the football team’s greatness was built upon drafting the BPA (and I get it, different sport, different draft strategies) AND you put a putrid product on the field while trading away anyone of value….perhaps you should take the BPA and not get too cute. Looks bad from a PR standpoint IMO.
  3. I think Lakins was given a long leash, new blood, let's see what they saw in this pitcher.
  4. Not saying much. I still think he is just a bullpen arm, but we don't have anyone better so whatevs!
  5. Elias has done WORLDS for our player development and pretty much every aspect of our team but that pick was questionable at best. Was disappointed when it happened, before the injury (and again, I fully understand the underslot strategy). It reminded me of Joe Jordan picks, just glad I didn't hear him described as "toolsy". Regardless, MUCH more good than bad for Elias and his tenure but he should get criticism just like anyone else.
  6. What is terrifying is that we have been living through this hell the last year or more and still people don’t understand basic things about the virus, like how vaccines aren’t 100% or some are still at high risk WITH a vaccine and need to wear a mask at all times. Sometimes I wonder what year it is when we are debating the merits of vaccines & masks during an airborne virus. Endless nightmare.
  7. So Elias can take the 10th/15th best player? Thrilling.
  8. At the game last night and I said wait until the 5th, Nats will score. I like Lopez but clearly a middle reliever. However, Orioles giving him a very long leash because tankathon. Overall, not a bad line but got to go deeper.
  9. It’s a long personal story that I can’t share on a public forum but knew the situation well when it happened and even saw him a day or two before he left. He had many personal reasons for staying. He wanted to stay more than anything, that I can share with you. He was terribly broken hearted to leave Baltimore for a variety of reasons.
  10. Lots of political propaganda too like the paragraph about Epstein. Still broken hearted about Jon Miller. I knew him. He was also heartbroken to leave. Just an absolute tragedy IMHO.
  11. Do you have the link to the pitch framing stats? I’d love to see that honestly.
  12. LOL. There is more to defense than passed balls. How you call a game, caught stealing %, etc.
  13. I don’t agree with the general consensus on this thread. I think Pedro is a much better all-around catcher than Cisco. Calling him “lazy” bothers me & seems bizarre at best. Both have flaws of course. Pedro would be a terrific backup for any mlb club. I know catcher ERA is quite controversial but curious if you take Means out, what they look like, my guess is Pedro is much better.
  14. I just want to know if the "Patty Melt" is as good as they were all pumping the other night. I looked at the new items and the roast beef sammie sounded much better. Curious if anyone has had either.
  15. I counted 4 names he got wrong yesterday and 3 so far today but I was working and not fully paying attention in this blowout. That is nuts. You can't get that many names wrong on a daily basis.
  16. How is Cumberland's glove work/throwing out runners? I saw him a bit in Bowie but not enough to remember much obviously. How does he project? Regardless, I would love to see someone replace Sisco.
  17. Agreed. You are right. I apologize. That wasn't.
  18. I would be more than happy to answer that if you responded in a civilized fashion. People disagree, it is a message board, I offered my "rant". But I have no interest in being bullied. That is unprofessional and uncalled for. This is a great forum, but a lot of people on here just seem to want conflict and pick fights. I don't get it. If you disagree, just say that. No biggie.
  19. Silly me posting my OPINION on an internet message board. Have you played professional baseball in the past? Could it be POSSIBLE that a change in roles (after exceling at one role in a capacity well above past performance) could impact a player's approach, mentality and ultimately performance? Crazy idea I know.... I think this is unprofessional as a "Hangout Contributor". I will let your little clubhouse continue without different opinions. Enjoy!
  20. The Orioles do some real dumb stuff at times. Plutko was lights out in his role but they had to get cute and push the envelope & start him. I said when they did it that it was dumb: don’t fix what isn’t broken. That messes with pitchers. If he were a former first rounder, I’d say, sure! But dude has been underwhelming even in the minors. I just don’t get it. Just dumb decision making. Now he will probably be awful for 2 months. Maddening. End rant.
  21. Albert Belle could blister a baseball. I don’t regret that signing. That was bad luck, he had immense talent.
  22. Listen, I get the contract was awful, but you got to take responsibility for your actions. This whole CD fiasco doesn't reflect positively on the organization IMHO. He should have been cut long ago.
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