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Everything posted by dzorange

  1. You do realize that the Orioles are bringing back Brown, right?
  2. In what fantasy world do you live in where Kevin Brown has acted unprofessionally or like a diva?
  3. Yes, they are credible. I have followed them for years. ESPN directly quoted them in their report. The Athletic and others corroborated their story.
  4. I agree that this won't be talked about in a week or so. KB will be back. Everyone will move on. Everyone will have said what they wanted to say, and probably won't say much more out of respect to KB. The one risk I see is tonight's game on TBS. There's no way it's not going to be brought up in a significant manner unless TBS tells them not to. If MASN is playing the game tonight, I'm wondering why they wouldn't have Brown back in the booth tonight. Would it be too much attention on them? Do they not want Brown there answering questions from fellow colleagues or the national media? I assume it's the latter. I actually think that this goes deeper than just John Angelos. Someone else that's a higher up and a yes man has the ability and authority to make these decisions. It would not surprise me at all if these people have been around for decades and make a good living by being suck ups and being grandfathered into the Angelos organization. When some of these other commentators are saying "Orioles management" or "front office", I think that's what it likely is. It all obviously falls under the guide of John Angelos. But other idiots are making these decisions and have the authority to do so.
  5. Not to mention they weren't even the first ones to break the story.
  6. I wouldn’t be shocked if Angelos never even saw the clip until yesterday. He probably had some stooge acting as his right hand man whistleblow this and complain about Brown to Angelos.
  7. Wasn’t sure if ESPN would do much with this since they contract KB from time to time. Looks like they’re pretty much just reposting Awful Announcing’s story.
  8. 100 percent. Or whenever he’s free from his contract.
  9. KB learned a bit under Benetti: “was very lucky that I happened to be in Syracuse when there was an open position," Brown said. "I was hired by Jason Benetti as a 21-year old who didn’t know what he was doing."” https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/central-ny/sports/2020/06/01/broadcasting-in-the-bigs--su-s-own-kevin-brown
  10. Palmer will bring it up first and smooth it over. KB will say thank for the support, it’s been overwhelming. Things were a misunderstanding and that he and O’s have figured things out.
  11. They have nothing to apologize for if the Orioles aren’t going to make any sort of a statement.
  12. Benetti was sort of KB’s mentor I believe. Or at least helped guide KB to success
  13. I’m sure there are good ones. But they’re in the minority and I’m not privy to really know who’s good from bad.
  14. Unfortunately (or luckily) I just assume that most sports team owners are scumbags. If the O’s don’t win the AL, is it better if the Rangers do?
  15. I would not be surprised if the O’s go with their #1 pairing of KB and Palmer starting Wednesday in hopes to blow this whole thing over ASAP
  16. This after Cohen and Darling were so complimentary of the Orioles during those last three games. Darling does the TBS game tomorrow, I think. It’ll be interesting what’s said.
  17. Doubt it. He’s in a lose-lose situation. If he quits, he breaches his contract. I don’t think that’s an option. The Orioles would have to fire him or grant him some sort of release. That’s not gonna happen.
  18. Jomboy Media is re-posting the video as well. Seems like it’s picking up steam
  19. The Athletic has picked this up now.
  20. Did anyone else get suspended? Serious question. It’s not like this is only Kevin Brown’s “doing”.
  21. That's definitely an opinion.
  22. The Orioles were holding on for dear life for most of that game. They should have lost earlier but Givens got out of a major jam. I thought the game was as good as over for several innings, but they kept plugging along. Buck was saving Britton to close out the game, which wasn't unprecedented for a manager to do, but I never really understood that anyways. It was clearly going to blow up in Buck's face. If you're gonna go down, go down with your best. I don't really care in hindsight. Buck's probably annoyed as a four time Manager of the Year in four different decades to be talking about this one mistake he's made for the last 7 years.
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