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Jones wants say in offseason, plans to meet with Angelos

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AJ is not the first Oriole Ball Player to sit down with Peter after the season is over.

As with the previous seasons, not sure, it will get much accomplished.

Then again PAG promised Markakis a few years ago, he was committed to the team, and building a winner, and I guess going to the playoffs for 2 out of 3 years supported that statement

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So maybe we can just go without an official GM and let the players vote on who we should sign? I understand AJ is frustrated and wants to win and I have no problem with him expressing his desire to win. But what if Hardy also speaks up saying he wants to win, and he and Jones disagree on which players to keep and make offers to? Should Hardy and Jones both lobby PA on players? What if Manny has a buddy that he wants on the team? Should he be able to argue against AJ and Hardy and try to get money spent on his guy?

Adam should tell management that he wants to win now and expects moves to be made to benefit the team in 2016......then trust them to do it.....or ask for a trade.

Jones just wants to make his view clear directly to people in charge before the fact, not after. I doubt he is going to lobby for specific acquisitions.

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Jones is basically saying what I and many others have said since last winter. Last winter we should have retained our free agents AND added some finishing pieces to try to get over the hump and win it all. Going into this offseason we still have some great players, need to replenish what we lost last offseason, retain Davis, O'Day, and maybe Chen....and then add the pieces to win.

This is the bottom line. If Angelos doesn't commit to winning Jones will ask for a trade, and we could also see Buck want out. This is coming to a head.

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Jones is basically saying what I and many others have said since last winter. Last winter we should have retained our free agents AND added some finishing pieces to try to get over the hump and win it all. Going into this offseason we still have some great players, need to replenish what we lost last offseason, retain Davis, O'Day, and maybe Chen....and then add the pieces to win.

This is the bottom line. If Angelos doesn't commit to winning Jones will ask for a trade, and we could also see Buck want out. This is coming to a head.

I think you are reading way more into it, then was actually said.

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Yet he's still a player with a player's perspective. You can humor him, but he has no power or influence in player acquisition or teambuilding. Or at least shouldn't.

Exactly. Don't want the inmates running the asylum. I love Jones but this is the wrong route. I understand he is upset about the offseason, many of us were but he should have no say in what happens going forward. Sneaking suspicion that we are going to need a thread to discuss his trade value this offseason.

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First off I want to say that I think this comes from a player who is invested, not entitled.

Second, this confirms the defeatist mentality that comes with a lack of positive moves from this past off season. Jones comes out and says it, we need an off season like last off season should have been. If you want to find a reason for why this particular orioles team was so streaky, outside of the stats, there is your reason. It similar to the season they went out and got Vlad and Matusz was thanking the GM in spring training.

Players get it, they know when there is a tremendous loss of talent. They understand when the roster is clearly deficient. That said, they probably not the best judges of where the teams resources should be spent.

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I think you are reading way more into it, then was actually said.

Adam is obviously frustrated. I can see him wanting out if things don't change. He's 30 and wants to win a WS. He may not see that happening if Angelos won't do what it takes to accomplish that. It's funny anyone thinks Manny will extend here longterm, when you have your team leader having doubts about the direction of this team.

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In fact I believe there was one poster who was banned (or at least he doesn't post here anymore) who talked about how the tone and momo for the upcoming season is actually set during the winter months and off season (like Adam just did). I believed he actually made an analogy to something Peyton Manning said about that, and he was called an idiot for lack of a better word.

Gee, that's some memory you have for someone who signed up a month ago. Here's the quote

I know many will pooh pooh this, but ask Peyton Manning about the off season and what it means to a team. He has said many times that to have the full support of the coaching staff and owner....to have all of the players on the same page at off season conditioning and workouts...is vital. He repeatedly says that the off season is by far the most important time of the year for the team. That it leads up to the team getting in the right frame of mind and competing at 100%.
That leaves me with one question

How's the wife?


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Adam is obviously frustrated. I can see him wanting out if things don't change. He's 30 and wants to win a WS. He may not see that happening if Angelos won't do what it takes to accomplish that. It's funny anyone thinks Manny will extend here longterm, when you have your team leader having doubts about the direction of this team.

I agree Adam is frustrated, 3 years of winning would do that to that to a guy.

I am not in agreement that Adam is going to demand things be done his way, or even, demand to be traded, if things don't improve.

Adam has played his heart out, even while not happy, which clearly tell you, where his priorities are.

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I agree Adam is frustrated, 3 years of winning would do that to that to a guy.

I am not in agreement that Adam is going to demand things be done his way, or even, demand to be traded, if things don't improve.

Adam has played his heart out, even while not happy, which clearly tell you, where his priorities are.

Your right, he has played his heart out. Who knows what he's been told behind the scenes. Maybe he has been misled by the FO. And I don't think Adam will come out demanding a trade. That's what he pays his agent for. Adam becoming more focal about this teams lack of moves is a bad sign. They aren't something to just sweep under the rug.

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So maybe we can just go without an official GM and let the players vote on who we should sign? I understand AJ is frustrated and wants to win and I have no problem with him expressing his desire to win. But what if Hardy also speaks up saying he wants to win, and he and Jones disagree on which players to keep and make offers to? Should Hardy and Jones both lobby PA on players? What if Manny has a buddy that he wants on the team? Should he be able to argue against AJ and Hardy and try to get money spent on his guy?

Adam should tell management that he wants to win now and expects moves to be made to benefit the team in 2016......then trust them to do it.....or ask for a trade.

1890: Players' League. After a series of disputes with management, including the elimination of free agency, hard individual salary caps, freedom of management to fine or suspend players for essentially any reason and various other grievances, a large number of the players split off and formed their own league. There were no owners in the modern sense, the inmates did run the asylum. It would be interesting to read up on what happened with regard to player acquisition. It was a completely different world then - no affiliated minor leagues, scouting and the modern front office essentially didn't exist, usually the manager would sign new players and the manager was often one of the players. But the whole experiment collapsed after one year, with most of the players crawling back to their old teams on the owners' terms for 1891.

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Preach on Rev Jones!! Adam is the team leader and a smart man who is in the trenches every day and night, and been here longer than management, I do think he knows a hell of a lot about what makes this team work and what doesn't work. We will never again be lucky enough to have guys like Jones, Manny, Schoop, and Crush at the core of the team, either go for it or let our stars go somewhere that wants to win a World Series. You can be crappy and see revenues go down and point out that its a small market, or win and electrify Birdland and grow the revenues.

1983 is a long time

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Exactly. Don't want the inmates running the asylum. I love Jones but this is the wrong route. I understand he is upset about the offseason, many of us were but he should have no say in what happens going forward. Sneaking suspicion that we are going to need a thread to discuss his trade value this offseason.

I have no problem with the on-field leaders sitting down with management to talk about where the team is going. And management can take Jones' and the other players' inputs under advisement. Which means they'll probably try to avoid openly antagonizing the current team, but at the same time will do whatever they think is in the best interests of the organization.

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I think it's a good idea for any CEO, CFO etc to sit down and talk to the lower level ;) employees. Any executive that believes totally what he hears from lower level executives is foolish. As "Captain" of this team Adam certainly deserves to be heard in a private forum about his concerns and the future plans of the team. He will get the lip service and perhaps some action. I think Adam still sees the Markakis handing as disrespectful and probably "hopes" he doesn't end up in the same situation. The workman's perspective is important in any organization...the chain of command theory has portions of weak links.

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