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Miclat signed..Bundy comes to terms

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Would it be unreasonable to think Bundy could add 2-3 mph on his fastball over the next couple years? A guy with a 96-99mhp fastball and a sharp-breaking 75-77mhp curve could be absolutely devastating!

Especially if his change continues to develop.

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I'm going to go on record as saying - barring arm injury - Bundy will be our top pitching prospect within two years.

Everything I've read screams plus-arm, good control, plus-make-up, plus athleticism. This pick, for me, could really make this draft.

I agree with you. I am not sure how everyone else feels, but I think that he will be right up there with Zach Britton in a few years. I think Britton has a chance to be at the top of that list with Bundy. I love the young pitching talent we are putting in the system!

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