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Why did Davis go after Hyde? He was not happy.


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11 hours ago, Sessh said:

No, they are doing their jobs. That's what good first basemen do. They don't miss balls thrown right at them very often. Yankee first basemen made those plays all series long for their infielders. It is a negative when your first basemen can't make those plays, but they are throwing errors. That's not even the point. The point is it's a play the first baseman has to make.

Doesn't matter which team or which firstbaseman, no manager is justified in attacking a player for missing a throwing error. I can't even recall seeing a manager attack a firstbaseman for missing a scoop until Hyde.

Last night proved to me what I had been thinking all along: whenever the Orioles are playoff contenders again, Hyde will not be in the organization. Hyde is a placeholder only, like nearly all of the 25-man roster.

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3 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Exactly. These complaints and what's wrong with people today. "Don't say something negative to a player on the bench, blah, blah, blah!" BS!

Hyde saw something and addressed it. The prima donna, who Hyde has shielded all year despite his awful performance, takes exception because managers can't even say anything anymore without players calling their agents. 

I don't care what Hyde said, going physically after him in the dugout is not the answer to the problem. The Orioles are a laughing stock around baseball because of this incident. What last place team getting it's ass whooped once again has a physical dustup with it's highest paid player and manager? 

This is on Davis and I hope it's addressed by Elias finally. It's time to move on.

Still have to get sign off by the Angelos boys. Be interesting to see how this all plays out. Might be a big tell of the inner workings and dynamics of management  and the owners.

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52 minutes ago, jtschrei said:

Davis's play and nonchalance are embarrassing. I have zero problems with calling him out ... in the dugout... on the field... in the clubhouse... in the manager's office. The manager is allowed to call out the player and try to motivate the player.

It's simple: don't act nonchalant and you won't get called out. 

I personally think Hyde has done a great job this entire season. I've started to really like the guy. 

This 100 times over. Hyde has been absolutely fantastic in a tough role. the guy has been a winner most of his life and is dealing with a AAA pitching staff that is getting murdered night in and night out, meanwhile his overpaid prima donna superstar is out there dogging it on the field. 

I'd think less of him if he didn't call him out. I'm elated to see him actually take action when he saw a problem. 

Orioles fans should be charging Hyde when he writes Davis name in the lineup. He should not be on this team and I hope this incident is what finally gets ownership to allow Elias to release him.

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5 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

But Hyde didn't start the fire as Billy Joel who was just at Camden Yards said.

Yeah, I was afraid of referencing that jammy.

But Hyde did, in fact, begin the interaction. Davis did not react to Hyde farting.

While on the subject, starting a fire by placing a flame near an expectant fart is something that should be done with at least one layer of pants on. Also, when a person lets out a fart a little bit at a time while walking, it is called a "drag bunt."

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4 minutes ago, Beef Supreme said:

Doesn't matter which team or which firstbaseman, no manager is justified in attacking a player for missing a throwing error. I can't even recall seeing a manager attack a firstbaseman for missing a scoop until Hyde.

Last night proved to me what I had been thinking all along: whenever the Orioles are playoff contenders again, Hyde will not be in the organization. Hyde is a placeholder only, like nearly all of the 25-man roster.

You may have missed it above. In addition to missing the scoop, he did not run chasing it down. Also did not go hard after a pop up earlier in the game that landed in the first row and could have been catchable.

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24 minutes ago, LookinUp said:

Other context. Means looked great through 3 innings, then a lazy fly ball lands because our 2B playing CF doesn't take control. The wheels fall off. Means gives up a 3R home run with 2 outs and after about 30 pitches in that same 4th inning and gets taken out. Miguel Castro comes in and looks like the dude with a good arm who can't throw strikes on a little league team. Scott was even worse.

The game was a train wreck after that ball in CF. Davis was playing like he was one of the keystone cops in charge. It wasn't as important that he didn't make the scoop as it was that he looked like the rest of the game was a joke to him.

Then Hyde said something in the dugout. Good for Hyde. At least Means, Castro and Scott were trying and broken up over what was happening. Davis was treating it like a beer league softball game. 

If you have this take, which is a solid one, why did you upvote a take that bashed Hyde?

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15 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Absolutely, these Hyde bashers are ridiculous and have no understanding of leadership. I really haven't been this pissed off that we have posters here on the Hangout with this kid of garbage take. That is MASN blog comments section BS, not Hangout quality awareness.

I think it is really just one guy who is about to go on /ignore for me...

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2 hours ago, Frobby said:

It’s just stupid to criticize Hyde when you have no idea who said what to whom.    

To me, Hyde has had Davis’ back all year through thick and thin (mostly thin), and even if he did let his frustration boil over a little in the dugout (which may or may not be the case), I’m not going to crucify him for it.    Just learn from it and move on.   

I am criticizing him of saying something in the dugout. Davis is the senior veteran on the team. Hyde and Davis coulda gone down the stairs and Hyde could say his point. But he decided to embarrass Davis in front of the dugout. 


You ever see Davis get worked up like that..Buck was hard nosed and straight to the point. You don't think Buck criticized players in his office.. 


I am sure Hyde will apologize to Veterans on the team. You had two who help stop it.

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19 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

What would Elias' role be, short of releasing Davis or firing Hyde?

He could suspend Davis for conduct detrimental to the team.

I'd like to see Hyde come out and support his manager publicly. In the perfect world, I'd like to see him go to ownership and request that he could release Davis and end this nightmare for he organization.

What good does Davis bring to the team at this point? 

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2 hours ago, Bill Swaggerty said:

The Orioles are exactly as bad as was expected. Wins and losses don't matter this year. 

They are worse. Givens wasn't traded (a bullpen arm) cause he regressed so much. If this team wins 60 I'll be surprised.

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18 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Are you kidding me? This "throwing the team under the bus" crap is garbage. Hyde is telling the truth. He is telling it like it is and should be refreshing as a fan to hear that, not start questioning him. 

Hyde goes out of his way not to to totally throw one player under the bus, but a a team, year, he's absolutely correct when he says the talent is not there. H always says they are trying hard, but he's saying what we all see. 

What, you what Hunter to continue his Bagdad Bob approach and take over  for Hyde in press conferences? 

Seriously, this idea that Hyde should be questioned is utter and complete garbage.

Thank you.  I'll refrain from the "society in 2019" rant but, yeah, that's all this is.  Hyde is completely right.

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19 minutes ago, Beef Supreme said:

Hyde verbally attacked Davis, clearly. Otherwise, Davis would not have reacted.

Also, Davis never touched Hyde, so it can not be described as committing "physical violence," as some have said.

Maybe they both could benefit from an anger management support group. 

You are so far off on base on this it;s not even funny! What are you Davis agent or family member?

A manager getting on a player who is doggin' it is not "verbally attacking" a player. It's called being a frickin' leader. Now maybe you comes from the safe space world but for those of us who are aware of the reality of pro sports, a manager or coach has every right to get on someone who is not trying or conducting themselves in manner that the manager deems unprofessional.

No everything needs to be done in private from leadership and in fact, sometime it needs to be done publicly. If a first year manager is going to address the overpaid 10/5 superstar, if I'm Joe bag of doughnuts new guy I'm going to make sure I'm not next.

Hyde was 100% in the right regardless of what he said. He's the manager. Don't dog-git and maybe you won't get called on your BS publicly.

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5 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

You may have missed it above. In addition to missing the scoop, he did not run chasing it down. Also did not go hard after a pop up earlier in the game that landed in the first row and could have been catchable.

Still no one in this entire thread who knows when the foul ball took place or who was hitting at the time? For some reason when I watch the replay in the 4th the camera wasn’t panning away from the Yankee hitters after a foul ball.

The other non-scoop play didn’t seem egregious, but again, after he misses the ball I can’t see what happened after and if he was lazy as he went after it.

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22 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Absolutely, these Hyde bashers are ridiculous and have no understanding of leadership. I really haven't been this pissed off that we have posters here on the Hangout with this kid of garbage take. That is MASN blog comments section BS, not Hangout quality awareness.

I'm with you 100% Tony. You served in the military right? How would it have gone over if you tried to physically attack your superior officer? These anti-Hyde / defending Davis takes are pure garbage. And yes I'm looking your straight in the eyes @Beef Supreme

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14 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

Still have to get sign off by the Angelos boys. Be interesting to see how this all plays out. Might be a big tell of the inner workings and dynamics of management  and the owners.

Absolutely. This is the sons first big test as owners. Will they allow Elias to do the right thing?

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