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Trade Cabrera NOW!!!


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A 5+ ERA is not league average. He's taken a step back this year.

For a starter, in the AL East, it isn't that far off of average. Also, take into consideration the man is on pace for 220+ innings. NOBODY's #4 or 5 starter does that. The fact of the matter is that EVERY SINGLE TEAM in the major leagues would hand Daniel Cabrerra the ball every fifth day; there isn't a rotation that he doesn't improve. FWIW, a few more starts like tonight and that era will soon be 4.5.

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FWIW, a few more starts like tonight and that era will soon be 4.5.
FWIW, a few more starts like the 3-4 before that and that era will soon be 5.5.

We can find a guy to replace Cabrera, we can't find a guy like Mark Teixeira. Or trade him for another piece. My main point is that I think he has more value to us in a trade at this point than he does on the mound.

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FWIW, a few more starts like the 3-4 before that and that era will soon be 5.5.

We can find a guy to replace Cabrera, we can't find a guy like Mark Teixeira. Or trade him for another piece. My main point is that I think he has more value to us in a trade at this point than he does on the mound.[/QUOTE]

That is a possibility I'm willing to accept. However, trading him and other young arms for Tex, a guy who is a free agent in 1.3 years, isn't better value. There's a reason Texas is trying to trade him now. If we are going to trade DC, or any of our young arms, then it better be for postional players we can control for 5+ years. Not a guy we'll be "lucky" to pay 20 mill a year for the next 8 years. (Imo, Tex isn't worth the kind of $ he'll get.)

If I was dealing with Texas I'd do a Penn/Olson + a Liz/Beato trade. And that's it.

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FWIW, a few more starts like the 3-4 before that and that era will soon be 5.5.

We can find a guy to replace Cabrera, we can't find a guy like Mark Teixeira. Or trade him for another piece. My main point is that I think he has more value to us in a trade at this point than he does on the mound.[/QUOTE]

That is a possibility I'm willing to accept. However, trading him and other young arms for Tex, a guy who is a free agent in 1.3 years, isn't better value. There's a reason Texas is trying to trade him now. If we are going to trade DC, or any of our young arms, then it better be for postional players we can control for 5+ years. Not a guy we'll be "lucky" to pay 20 mill a year for the next 8 years. (Imo, Tex isn't worth the kind of $ he'll get.)

If I was dealing with Texas I'd do a Penn/Olson + a Liz/Beato trade. And that's it.

If you don't want Tex then send him elsewhere. Send him to the Mets and get Milledge and another prospect.

And I'd trade Cabrera way before a Penn/Olson + Liz/Beato package. Olson has already passed Cabrera, IMO. The others aren't far behind.

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If you don't want Tex then send him elsewhere. Send him to the Mets and get Milledge and another prospect.

And I'd trade Cabrera way before a Penn/Olson + Liz/Beato package. Olson has already passed Cabrera, IMO. The others aren't far behind.

First of all, are you back East? What the hell are you doing up so late?;)

Secondly, imo, Milledge has a lot more value for the O's than Tex does. We can sign him as a FA before this team is ready to contend imo. But Milledge, or a guy like him, could help fill the gaping hole we have in the outfield for quite a while. How in the world has Olson passed Cabrerra? DC's been doing this for a while. Granted, maybe it isn't what we hoped are expected, but Olson has to prove- o I don't?- maybe that he can actually pitch in the big leagues and dominate at times before he is in DC's class. Trading DC makes a sense in a lot of ways. Trading DC for Texiera is more of the same for this club: Doing things with the turnstile in mind rather than actually puting a product on the field than can compete- and compete for a long time without best case scenarios.

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First of all, are you back East? What the hell are you doing up so late?;)

Secondly, imo, Milledge has a lot more value for the O's than Tex does. We can sign him as a FA before this team is ready to contend imo. But Milledge, or a guy like him, could help fill the gaping hole we have in the outfield for quite a while. How in the world has Olson passed Cabrerra? DC's been doing this for a while. Granted, maybe it isn't what we hoped are expected, but Olson has to prove- o I don't?- maybe that he can actually pitch in the big leagues and dominate at times before he is in DC's class. Trading DC makes a sense in a lot of ways. Trading DC for Texiera is more of the same for this club: Doing things with the turnstile in mind rather than actually puting a product on the field than can compete- and compete for a long time without best case scenarios.

I'm working a night shift tonight.

I would have no problems with dealing Cabrera for someone else, I just really feel that now is the last chance we'll have to trade him and still get a good return. If he ends the season with a 5.50 ERA, his stock will drop even further.

But, Cabrera for Tex is a good trade for us. It helps us now, it helps us in 2008, and I think that it'll help us in the future b/c I think if Tex comes to Baltimore, he won't be leaving. Sure we have a chance to sign him as a FA, but I think the odds are better if we trade for him beforehand. If you can move him for something better, great, but I think thats a move we'd regret turning down in the long run.

I'm not worried about Olson at all, I like what I've seen from him, the minor league numbers are there, and its onyl a matter of time until he settles in and becomes a solid member of the rotation. I think by next season he'll be well ahead of Cabrera. Loewen is another guy who I think is well ahead of Cabrera already assuming he can come back healthy, and other than the time missed his injry isn't supposed to be incredibly risky for his future. So thats 4 guys, I wouldn't hold off on dealing Cabrera because we don't think we can find a 5th starter. Thats not a good way to operate, IMO.

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Finding a #5 starter is all well and good. I'm of the opinion that you don't go into spring training with five starters; you better have 7 bc sure as sh-- somebody is getting hurt or underperforming. Look at the O's this year. Assuming Loewen and/or Penn comes back next year and actually contributes is a big assumption imo. If we keep DC we don't have to go out and overpay for the Traschels, Wrights, and Bensons of the world. Or god forbid, actually dole out the cash for a top-flight starter, which is generally a terrible idea, and the way the market is now days, worse than usual. I like Olson and I do think he'll be a solid back end kind of guy, but, imo, DC is that now. And nobody in baseball, or with eyes, confuses what DC COULD become with what Olson could accomlish. Again, I don't see this team competing next year w or wo Tex so I wouldn't trade for him. However, I'd move DC if it brought back a Milledge + from the Mets, or a Jones + from the Mariners, or a Pie + from the Cubs. Because we need to get better, specifically in the outfield.

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First of all, are you back East? What the hell are you doing up so late?;)

Secondly, imo, Milledge has a lot more value for the O's than Tex does. We can sign him as a FA before this team is ready to contend imo. But Milledge, or a guy like him, could help fill the gaping hole we have in the outfield for quite a while. How in the world has Olson passed Cabrerra? DC's been doing this for a while. Granted, maybe it isn't what we hoped are expected, but Olson has to prove- o I don't?- maybe that he can actually pitch in the big leagues and dominate at times before he is in DC's class. Trading DC makes a sense in a lot of ways. Trading DC for Texiera is more of the same for this club: Doing things with the turnstile in mind rather than actually puting a product on the field than can compete- and compete for a long time without best case scenarios.

Tim,Do you know what an insomniac is?:)

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Tim,Do you know what an insomniac is?:)

I'm afraid so. I'm only an hour behind ya'll and I have to take a test in Art Appreciation at 8 in the morn but I'd rather stay up and sip than sleep. I usually only sleep 3-5 hours a night, but strangely, I'm rarely tired.:)

And of course, my blood boils everytime somebody wants to ship DC out for a rental like Tex:D , which makes sleep impossible.

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Number 1, I seriously doubt the O's are going to pay anyone over $15M a year and especially a 6-7-8 year deal so it makes no sense to trade 3 power healthy arms for a 1 year rental. # 2,while tex might add some much needed power,this team needs more speed than anything. One of the reasons they struggle to score runs is they need too many hits to do it. Once you get past Roberts and Patterson this is a veeeeeery slow team. So if I'm trading DCab,it's for a young OF with speed and power potential. IMO Dcab's ERA means nothing. Another team would be buying the arm and potential and I believe DCab could be a huge winner for a team that scores a lot of runs. He's always thrown a lot of walks and always will,where he gets in trouble is when he takes MPH off his pitches for location.Sometimes i think there are just too many voices going off in DCab's head rather than just letting him pitch his game. The Mets would be a great landing place for DCab but not for Milledge,too many question marks about this guy for a rare arm like DCab's.Botton line is you sit on DCab unless the right deal comes along.

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And Olson- god love him- hasn't proven 1/10 of what DC has.

Two of those guys have hardly pitched at all in 07 and neither was real great the last time he was on a major league mound. Olson has virtually no expierience, and for all your angst about Guthrie, the guy who's success this year is questionable imo is Buress. That is not the kind of starting 5 that convinces Tex that this team is winning anytime soon. In fact it is one injury away from being crapilicous. How much better does Bedard, Guthrie, Cabrerra, Lowen, Penn/Olson with Buress in the pen in long relief look? From where I'm sitting a lot.

I think you drastically underestimate his potential.

Selling high is one thing. Selling high, along with other valuable pitching prospects, for a 1.3 year rental is another. BTW, DC isn't fringe; he's average. With the potential to be a lot more.

Co-signed. Burress' and Olson's MLB walk rates aren't any better than Cabrera's, and they don't have his stuff. Again, very tall guys like Cabrera take longer to develop, due to mechanical problems. You don't give up on a guy with his arm who turned 26 a couple months ago. Well you can, but you'd be making a potentially disasterous mistake.

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Now more than ever... Just because tall guys take longer to develop doesn't mean that Cabrera ever will.

I would just like to see the kid traded while people still use the word "potential" when describing him, instead of waiting for everyone to agree that he failed to reach it. The team has few pieces available to move with perceived value. By the strong arguments here, Daniel is probably one of them. Personally, I don't care if he's moved in a package for Tex or someone else. Just get something for him while we can. I don't think he's ever going to blossom into that front end starter some are salivating for, and I don't think it'd be that tough to replace his 7-10 5+ERA record.

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