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Passan:Think you know baseball?


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Interesting run down of some fangraphs info a couple high (and low) lights:

FanGraphs uses two measures for defense: Ultimate Zone Rating (UZR) and Defensive Runs Saved (DRS). They purport to do the same thing, and they agree that Teixeira and Jeter are rather awful in the field. Among qualifying first basemen, Teixeira’s UZR is better than that of Troy Glaus, Paul Konerko, Ryan Howard and Prince Fielder, which is to say he’s a couple bad plays shy of cadaver. And for those who get so jazzed over Teixeira’s ability to pick throws to first out of the dirt, his 18 scoops are the second fewest in the major leagues – and 30 fewer than Albert Pujols.

Jeter’s is simpler: His minus-11 DRS is better than only that of Yuniesky Betancourt and Hanley Ramirez. His minus-6.8 UZR is better than only that of the same two players. Betancourt and Ramirez should not be playing shortstop. Use the transitive property how you will.

Poor Brad Bergesen. It’s difficult to throw a pitch so poorly that hitters destroy it for 25.7 runs below average. Bergesen’s sinker simply doesn’t dart enough – less than an inch of vertical movement and 2 inches less horizontal movement than the best sinkers – and his fastball is a milquetoast offering. Perhaps Bergesen is getting a hint. In his last start, 34.7 percent of his pitches were sliders. His average over 27 games this season: 24.3 percent.
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