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Everything posted by mdbdotcom

  1. Even if they spend two months in the majors, they still won't make 50% of the ML minimum.
  2. And I was talking about players who haven't. They deserve to make more money.
  3. According to this article posted in March 2018: Unless that has changed, your statement is incorrect.
  4. A few random thoughts: If a player with less than a year's service time spends at least half the major league season on the big league team, they will be credited with one year of service time. Computation of service time in subsequent years will remain the same as it is today. This should eliminate a lot of the game playing. Eliminate arbitration and make all players free agents after three years of service time. If the owners want to go young, then free agency should go young. Raise the pay of minor league players who are on major league contracts to 50% of the major league minimum. Because they deserve it.
  5. The point is to use him as a bridge until Rutschman arrives in 2021 because trying to find a better catcher is a waste of time.
  6. But since Blach has been named the starter of the first game tomorrow, there's a pretty good chance that he's been recalled.
  7. Wilkerson isn't warm enough to be toast.
  8. Sisco is 24. No one who can put up an OPS of .750 in the major leagues in their age 24 season is toast.
  9. Magic 8-ball says he could have a long career coming off the bench to pinch-hit or play C, 3B, 1B or LF. With rosters expanding to 26 next year, he could be a valuable asset for quite a few teams if he can learn to play a few more positions adequately.
  10. His arthritis might keep him from being able to spend that much time on his feet every day.
  11. If he wants a minor league job, fine, but Don Long looks like a keeper to me.
  12. Probably hit it cause he couldn't see it.
  13. And the interviews - those mindless, never-ending interviews - for sure.
  14. I'm not suggesting that I think Davis should walk away from the money, but imagine being 33 years old, having more money than 99.9% of people in the world, and sticking with a job you are no longer capable of doing well that keeps you away from your wife and young kids most of the year - just for more money. He must be convinced that he is going to get better or that they will cut him and pay him. What else could be going through his head?
  15. Give him another spring training to prove he is worthless and then cut him.
  16. "Hey Curt, want to go in and pick out a new glove?" Paraphrase of Frank Robinson to Cur Blefary as the O's bus passed a dump in New Jersey.
  17. It's nice having someone named Brooks on the team. They should let him wear number 2-1/2.
  18. So, Davis won't make the playoff squad in October?
  19. I was thinking that the union and MLB might complain if he just sits on the roster and doesn't play, but how can you complain about not playing Chris Davis and also come out against tanking?
  20. I was 6'2" at 17 and 5'4" at 25. Thanks happen.
  21. I see a Jim Johnson-like trade happening right before the non-tender deadline. The O's shouldn't pay Villar $8 million to play on a team that will suck with or without him. Fans will have real outfielders in Hays, Santander and Stewart to enjoy next season. The infield will have to wait. Maybe they'll pick up a waiver claim or 12 or a few minor league free agents going into spring training. Hechavarria should be available at some point. He always is.
  22. Jones could have a great career as a motivational speaker. He could change some lives.
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