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Everything posted by MCO'sFan

  1. Even Brown himself has picked up the inflection of his voice when something goes well.
  2. So, Basically just like his post game interviews. I thought they were joking when I first heard them talk about it and then I was oh wait, they're serious.
  3. One of the most well thought out and insightful post in OH history. Well done!
  4. I don't think it is a lock that Gibson is in the playoff rotation. I hope he isn't. He has some decent starts but overall he isn't very good. Unless Flaherty has more starts like the last, I think he's in the rotation.
  5. It was a SSS but at the end of the year )I think last 8 appearances) he was dominant. I referenced that SSS in an earlier post. I acknowledged that I am dreaming a little on him but while we might be able to get by without him. He has the most upside of any of the guys who could be added (unless you count Means) to a middle relief role. Now is the time to find out IMHO. My initial point was that the September 1 date was arbitrary.
  6. I don't think Hall is anything like Fuji. He was dominant at the end of last year in a relief role and appears to be back to full strength after his injury and his stint in Sarasota. DL has allowed two runs in his last 5 appearances while striking out 15 batters in 6 2/3 IP. Last time out he struck out the side on 15 pitches. He velo is up and I would rather see him in the pen over Voth, Fuji and Vespi. He has the potential to be like Hader was his first few years. Enter into the game in the 6th and carry it to through the 7th and even 8th innings on occasion. He could be a shutdown middle guy like Andrew Miller was in 2014 and I a I am dreaming on him to do that. I am looking forward to both Means and Coulmbe returning and along with Hall they could really transform the pen into as good or better than KC's 2014 version.
  7. Are you implying that they would keep someone down because of the AAA playoffs? I can't imagine they would do that.
  8. Your points are valid and you certainly may be correct. I happen to disagree. I think Kremer is a lock to be on the playoff roster. I would prefer him over Gibson. I don't think Gibson is a lock anymore because they have Flaherty on the staff. Gibson would be a lock if he were the only "veteran". I don't see them keeping Irvin over Kremer. I could see them keeping Irvin over Gibson. Time will tell and I am just excited to be having conversations about the playoffs!
  9. I believe Kremer is an absolute lock for the playoffs. If he isn't starting ( and I don't think he will) he will be the long man used for insurance against an early game injury or bad performance. Starters get quick hooks in the playoffs so you need a long guy. I think he is the best option for that. I also would be surprised if Gibson is left off the roster.
  10. I was happy when they got McCann. But, he was so bad at the plate that he was nearly an automatic out. Then you'd have him and Mateo in the same lineup and geez, it's like starting every other inning with two outs. I clearly gave up on him too early. It be great if he could be a little more consistent throughout the year. I guess it's better to be hot at the end than the beginning though.
  11. To be honest, this is what I want to see. I think that it is the best way to ensure long term success anyway. Very few players stay with their original teams for long now anyway. The worse then that can happen is handling it like Manny. You sell too late and get very little in return. Players come and go. I will always be an Orioles fan. If you can sign a player or two long term then fine. But as Chris Davis said,in this system, guys get paid for what they have already done and not what they are going to do. The AAV and the number of years you have to sign these guys for just isn't worth it.
  12. I suspect that your are right. I just don't want to wait for an artificial date if he is better than someone on the 26 man now. I am hoping that he repeats the end of last season and can be a real weapon out of the pen. Maybe he isn't ready and needs the extra time. I just don't think there is anything magical about the date rosters expand. I don't understand the thinking there. If he's ready, he's ready.
  13. I don’t care about Voth but assuming he is healthy, I’d get Hall here first.
  14. The pen could get really crowded assuming that Hall, Wells and Means are activated. Only one of the two expanded roster spots can go to a pitcher IIRC. I think Fuji and Vespi/Whoever go.
  15. I was down on him earlier only because I thought Hyde was playing him too much and he was hurting the O’s offensively. If he was playing only once a week like most back up catchers, I could live with that. But, he certainly has gotten hot at a good time.
  16. I think the rebuild may have played a part in this. Let’s see how they operate going forward. I don’t think we will see anyone get the Nolan Schanuel treatment though.
  17. Yeah, I selfishly wanted him to fall to us. Some mocks had him as a possibility. He’s really a great guy with a great personality and a lot of fun. We had a particularly gruff player on the team and Nolan said to him on day 1 that he would make this kid like him and they’d be best friends by the end of the summer. They weren’t but Nolan had 28 other best friends.
  18. I agree. I have not checked BA but Nolan isn’t in MLB’s top 100. He is the Angels #2 prospect. Their system is pretty bare.
  19. I have mixed feelings about this. I coached him in 2021 with the BigTrain and he was a very advanced hitter. I’m not surprised he was promoted aggressively but I had no idea that he’d only spend 6 weeks in the minors. The Angels have been pretty aggressive with bats in the past.
  20. My comment on his Blue Jays dominance was my own. I wasn’t commenting on anyone’s post regarding that other than to say that his numbers against the Blue Jays skew his overall numbers somewhat. I am aware of the inside joke but it’s also true.
  21. Well, I was posting in a thread about Mountcastle. I agree with you on Hays and Santander.
  22. I disagree. While many players have their ups and downs, his are extreme and there is more down than up.
  23. Yes but not quite as strongly. Hays has been disappointing in the second half two years in a row.
  24. I still want him gone. He goes on the crazy streaks which make his overall numbers palatable. But he stinks for large chunks of time too. The O's need more out of 1B.
  25. Move on from Frazier, replace him with Ortiz and start him. Keep Urias for defense and depth. Mateo can be a sub or gone. I don't care.
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