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Everything posted by WarehouseChatter

  1. I just hope we let him in the rotation. Don’t send him back down. Let him learn on the Major League roster. While we know what he is right now, will he truly be worse than some of our current starters? I would let him learn every 5th day with the Orioles.
  2. I keep having this thought that Mountcastle won’t be part of our 2023 team. I’m not sure he would command much of a return, but as I look at our team and where we could make improvements, 1B is an area we could target. It could even be bringing in someone with a veteran presence.
  3. Getting caught up on the day’s news and pleasantly surprised! Could be a good bullpen arm. Really like the move!
  4. While I’ve been patient, it did bother me today that the Braves call up Vaugh Grissom and we continue to hold our younger guys down. It’s great to Odor hit the homer last night and provide key hits (among other Oriole players who may not be here in the near future), but at some point, I have to think talent prevails. We have a spot open on the 40-man. Would love to see someone get a chance.
  5. Couldn’t agree more. I had to stand directly in front of TV to watch Brady’s ‘96 1st inning homer in ALCS game #1. Makes no sense. I don’t need to see a rainstorm in half the screen.
  6. I just love baseball. For me, it’s all about emotion. We play day after day and get up and down based on results. All other sports have more time between games and rest their players in a way where you know (for example) a good basketball team is probably going to lose. In baseball, you can win any game on any day and that’s what draws the emotion out of me. Especially when you’re not supposed to win and you surprise everyone (1989, 2012, 2021). Even though we didn’t make the playoffs in ‘89, I loved every moment. Even more so than 1997 when we were expected to win (it was so damn stressful). I truly believe this organization has turned the corner. Glad to be on this ride with all of you!
  7. Murph - I was so relieved tonight as I worried my post jinxed us! I’m glad the answer is “no”. What a win!!!
  8. Just being honest. I would love to see them come out strong next week. Maybe we will. It will be exciting to watch.
  9. If I was in Baltimore, I would try to attend a few of next week’s games! Good buying opportunity for seats to some big games.
  10. 56-51 - 5 games above .500. Let’s say we win today and get to 57-51. With a very difficult schedule ahead, I’m not sure we’ll get back to 5 (or 6 if we win today) games above .500. I’m not saying I don’t have faith in the team - just being realistic on what’s ahead. It’s been a great ride, but starting next week, we really have to show if we’re contenders or pretenders.
  11. ‘89 was my favorite Orioles season ever. When I became a fan (1979) the Orioles were regular winners. After the WS win in ‘83, we started a decline and for the first time since the mid-60’s faced significant hardship. For many fans the rejuvenation of ‘89 was the first time they saw several years of poor baseball (in some cases horrific) turn into something special. In ‘89, we also put many of our chips in on our minor league talent. Opening day featured rookies Brady Anderson, Steve Finley and Craig Worthingtom. By year’s end, we would also see rookies Mike Devereaux, Pete Harnisch, and Curt Schilling. Note that our rotation included several second year players including Bob Milacki and 18 game winner Jeff Ballard. I feel we put more of our young talent on the major league field than we have this season (which is exciting). And then, after ‘89, …..Glenn Davis.
  12. Early impression of Phillips……ummm…..I’m sure he’s a nice guy.
  13. I would suggest watching Why Not? https://youtu.be/BQY8sk8gbPE
  14. I think this thread is more of an expression of frustration and venting. Glad to have @tinmancontributing to the forum! Yes, Monday morning quarterbacking gets us all frustrated. I was ecstatic when he signed simply because it showed me the front office was willing to spend. In retrospect, the $ for Crush and Ubaldo didn’t pan out (our big signings of the 2010’s).
  15. @Tony-OHmay know more than me - I haven’t seen video - just watching numbers.
  16. I’ve been visiting OH for a long, long time. I don’t post as often as some, but OH is my daily (hourly if not more often) go to website. You have created an incredible environment of knowledgeable and caring people who, despite losing seasons, make Orioles baseball fun. Thank you for what you do!
  17. Aron Estrada with another good day. 3-4 (all singles) to raise his average to .394 with a 1.091 OPS.
  18. Roy - this brought me to tears. You captured everything so perfectly. What a man. What a man. While I remember so many of his great baseball calls, I also remembered “the catch” call. Many don’t remember that he called that game (1982 SF/DAL NFC Championship). His “Buckner call” remains a favorite of mine as well. Again, what a man. Thanks for sharing this Roy!
  19. I was jazzed about the quotes. @interloper- you seem excited too and I share that. We have lots of skeptics on the board and I understand why, but this just feels different. Elias has done everything he said he would do since he took the job. This organization may be in the best shape it’s been, too to bottom, since the late 70’s/early 80’s. I mean it. It’s a “system” and not dysfunctional, siloed, “pieces” that lack strategy and cohesion. I’m pumped - for ‘22 and beyond!
  20. I would have liked to get Syndergaard. Considering what the Phil’s gave up, I think we would have been okay with the deal.
  21. None of these moves were made to slash payroll. They were made to add players to a minor league system that needs more pitching competition. You could argue that Elias should have made trades to enhance the team for 2022. I would have disagreed with this approach if it meant giving up our good minor league talent. Look at what those in front of us did today. I would not give up talent to put us in a position to win, what, the wildcard round? It’s about 2023,24, etc… sustained success.
  22. It’s easy to target payroll and assume or think it won’t increase under an Angelo’s. That said - I believe our payroll hit top 10 in MLB during our mid-2010’s run. And then, when we spent money (on Chris Davis) you see where it got us. We will know more in the next 12-24 months as to the “new” Angelo’s stance. If they don’t spend, MLB won’t be happy. I too expect a sale sooner than later but have no inside info. Our success in the mid 2010’s came with a lot less player development and more “good player hits” at the right time (Chen, Gonzalez, Crush, etc.). I feel like we have a better head start based on our player development alone.
  23. We made a big mistake following the 1989 season when we gave up good young talent (Finley, Harnisch and Schilling) for one Glen Davis. We thought that based on 89’s results we should go all in. It set us back several years. Agree that we need to stick to the plan.
  24. I was thinking the same thing - and why not do it?? Give him a taste of the big leagues in a bullpen capacity. The Orioles used to develop their starters that way (first in the pen and then to starter) back in the 70’s. That’s where Schilling started as well in his very brief stint in Baltimore.
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