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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Must be nice to be a guy like Straily who wasn't effective in the MLB anymore but can go dominate in Japan. If you still feel good, love the game and want to get a few more paydays, it's a good option for a guy like that. MLB players probably go over there and the KBO and feel like
  2. Funny that they describe it as a pitching rich system. I'd say it's more like "Two arms and everyone else." Might go try to find this issue somewhere, would be curious to see why they picked him #1 and not Wander Franco or someone else.
  3. Well, thanks. Wish I could have replied sooner, was out all day. Good points on Alberto, Ruiz, Severino. And you're right, it's one of those things and we can't be expected to get all the moves right. No one bats 1.000. I don't believe he SHOULD have had a chance, I just question the move for DSJR. I don't think DSJR was a significantly better upgrade. For me, a 4th outfielder should be able to field really well and be decent (not amazing with the bat). Yaz, by all accounts, has a good glove. DSJR does not. If the argument is that DSJR is younger, well that's fine. These are good points worth considering, too. Even if we brought Yaz up, I don't think he performs here like he did in SF so it's a moot point despite this being a fun, spirited debate.
  4. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/mike-yastrzemskis-breakout-is-mostly-real/ https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/giants/how-giants-mike-yastrzemski-has-turned-star-year-after-close-call It seems like fairly simple solutions. It's funny, people throw their hands up and go "Oh well, it's an outlier, it's an extreme case, it doesn't happen that often," but it happened. A 47 win team couldn't be bothered to give him a shot. And on top of that, they couldn't coach him up, they couldn't tell him what adjustments to make. For people who claim to be obsessed with getting the right people in place from top to bottom in the organization and who are obsessed with getting AAAA players and thinking "maybe we can do something with THIS guy..." it's odd that we're so dismissive of Yaz because...the likelihood of that happening again? Or the likelihood of that happening in the first place? It's weird, it's like people want to shape their arguments around circumstance so they can be viewed as being "right" instead of being consistent with their critiques. It doesn't bother any of you that we didn't have the coaching and instruction in our minor leagues where someone could look at Yaz and go "Hey, he might be older than a typical prospect but there are some tools here we can work with..." It doesn't bother any of you that the Giants philosophy is to give players some runway in the majors but we couldn't do it after a 47 win season? But I don't even know why I'm arguing or debating these points, it's obvious Yaz wasn't going to do it here, even if given a shot... just like Arrieta wasn't going to do it here, just like Justin Turner wasn't going to do it here because Orioles.
  5. Maybe I did, I can't remember. But I think he got worse this year.
  6. Well then they're stupid. I don't know what OPS DSJR would have to reach in order to nullify how terrible he is with the glove but I'm pretty sure that'd be impossible for him. Maybe I didn't realize it during 2019, but I didn't take notice of how bad he was defensively until this year. He was awful, and I think it got in his head a little it and snowballed on him.
  7. Good point. I didn't really know much about him when we picked him up, but judging him by his 4th outfielder profile, I assumed that he had a solid glove and couldn't hit much. But I agree, they whiffed pretty hard if they thought his glove was adequate.
  8. I agree with where you're coming from, but that's the shortsighted view. The part you're ignoring is that they let him go but they brought Dwight Smith Jr instead, which was viewed as a wash at the time. And if you believe what was reported the other day, they tried to mess with his swing and approach in the minors, the Giants just let him get back what worked for him. I will agree with you that it's a rare occurrence, but it still happens. Max Muncy comes to mind because he's in the WS right now. Teams let guys get away who have struggled in the minors and majors and they go on elsewhere to do good or great things.
  9. Because he's the one got away. And people love to point to it as incompetence. What everyone fails to understand is that every franchise has stories like this. We've got a thread applauding Santander getting a Gold Glove nomination, yet no one here pats ourselves on the back for getting that guy from Cleveland, but eeeeeeeeveryone wrings their hands over letting Yaz go. Every franchise has this happen to them, we're not any different.
  10. I've heard that Mexican place is good. But the best tacos you'll ever have are next to a gas station off Rt 7.
  11. Bro, if you're ever out here in Winchester, hit me up.
  12. Tony, I get the argument but...punting? C'mon.
  13. Hating on the Red Sox is fine no matter what the narrative is. Dammit, SG, just quit with the "I'm right all the time schtick" and enjoy it. Who cares if the narrative is stupid? Sox are getting made fun of, can't we have nice things?
  14. Well, last night was fun. Glad to see Kershaw get a win and dominate. And to see all of Betts' skills on display was a treat, too. I am loooooooooooooving all the articles/people looking at the SAWX and saying HOW COULD YOU HAVE LET THIS GUY GO?!?!?! I hope this is the new Curse, that they go another 96 years or whatever without winning a Series. I'm good with either team winning. I'd like to see the Dodgers win and to see Kershaw get a ring, he deserves one. And if the Rays win, it's a victory for the little guys everywhere.
  15. Yeah, I don't think the World Series we've won have been particularly exciting (not that I was there for any of them, I'm aware). Exciting if you're an Orioles fan, sure, but little else.
  16. Not to get off-topic, but that's what they did to Arrieta. IIRC, they were obsessed with correcting the fact that he threw a little bit across his body, which is what made him a star in college. He got to the Cubs and they got him back to what worked for him immediately and then made adjustments from there.
  17. Haven't been high on him since we got him. Not surprised.
  18. Just messing around with your name, Frobingo. Things here have been a bit boring of late.
  19. Agree to disagree, Frobasaurus Rex. I know we're thirsty for information about our prospects, but it is enthusiastic fluff. But I can't get too excited about news that's coming out of our Bowie site this summer about Gunnar Henderson raking when he's facing the same pitchers over and over. But at least they'll be playing some games against other organizations in this league so hopefully it's more than what we learned about this summer. The Kjerstad thing is by far the most worrisome issue here. In fact, I'd argue that Roch buried the lead on this one.
  20. I really can't stand these articles. It's like Spring Training. Everyone looks good, everyone looks fantastic, everyone's doing well. Roch could save himself the time and just save these articles with spaces for the players names and swap them out from year to year, we'd never know the difference and get giddy just the same. You would hope that Elias and Co. had an idea about whatever issues Kjerstad had before they drafted him.
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