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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. I feel bad saying this because there's only a handful of games left this season but I can't watch this. Time for Bill Burr.
  2. Well, Seager is gonna hit at least 5 or 6.
  3. How many homers does Bellinger hit this series?
  4. I love seeing them completely miserable. Most expensive team in the game, IIRC, not gonna make the playoffs.
  5. In my mind you've just taken shape as, like, a slightly more refined Lebowski with a snarkier attitude.
  6. We're approaching the 1 year mark for Elias. IIRC, that's in early November so we're a couple months away. I'd say so far it's been a pretty solid year. I think some of us were disappointed that certain players didn't get called up this year but I think most of us were happy with how the system has developed. We're probably not going to get the #1 pick and it's been a pretty crappy year at the ML level but we knew that going in...that said, I think we'd all rather watch this team than last years team. But IMO, "Year 2" is really "Year 1" for Elias. He'll have all his people in place. He'll have had a full year to take stock of the minors and a full year to start setting up his draft board with Orioles needs in mind. Game time for Elias. These "firings" or contracts not being renewed or whatever...well, game on. Let's see what he's got.
  7. Well, as long as you don't wear them outside of the house. Can't be seen in those.
  8. Birkenstocks, are you kidding?
  9. I'm into it. More teenage Dominicans, please. I want us to get the next Acuna.
  10. RIP to a good Oriole. Here's a writeup about his no-hitter: https://sabr.org/gamesproj/game/april-27-1968-tom-phoebus-throws-orioles-3rd-no-hitter
  11. There's a chance he could be average but I'd like to see him earn an outfield spot instead of us just handing it over to him.
  12. It's my understanding that he can play left field but not at an elite level. As CoC said earlier, I believe, it's a Mancini like level. Which, if you like that, that's fine.
  13. Because there are obvious flaws to his game. I just find this whole thing amusing. We do nothing but pick apart the flaws of the guys on the current roster, yet we've got a guy in the minors who has many of the same flaws that we like to pick apart on here. Yet it's somewhat frowned upon because he's a prospect and on some publications Top 100 list. I'm not saying there's no upside to Mountcastle, I just find it odd that people absolutely can't wait to see this guy when he's got the same deficiencies we love to blast current Orioles for. That, IMO, is a bit odd.
  14. Well if we judge players by saying "Player X was a better hitter in the minors than Player Y, therefore Player X will be the better major league hitter" then you and I could be scouts. I'm all for giving Mountcastle a trial, I'm just not believing that he's a talent that we absolutely can't live without.
  15. Probably. I just don't know why everyone's got their panties in a knot about making room for a guy who's got a good bat, questionable (at best) plate discipline and no position. He should be a DH, that's it. I don't care if the DH spot is traditionally looked at as a place where old but good hitters with bad knees go to die, we've seen so many traditional ways of going about things in baseball shattered over the past few years. If the Tampa Bay Rays can contend for a playoff berth with the opener strategy, no one can tell me that you can't take a young hitter who LOOKS ATHLETIC (I'm convinced that's why we're trying to find him a position, if he was a fatass like Vlad Jr, we'd be singing a different story) but can't hack it with the glove and just tell him to DH. Focus on your hitting, stop worrying about your glove, get better at taking walks. That's all he should be doing. All this crap about trying to figure out where he's gonna play is trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Anyway, back to Santander. I've railed on here for years that Rule 5 picks are a waste. I'm glad to see one work out. I'll amend my stance to say that Rule 5 pitchers are a waste.
  16. Yeah, it's an issue for both but at least we're seeing Santander hit at the major league level. Don't know if Mountcastle can. I'm not saying we shouldn't give Mountcastle a shot, that would be silly but at the same time I'm not buying into the hype. Hopefully Mountcastle's walk rate continues to improve, but It'll be interesting to see when the OH boo birds start turning on him for high strikeouts and low walks if he can't.
  18. Ah, DSJR. @Can_of_corn is smiling right now. If he can smile.
  19. Sounds about par for the course.
  20. How'd you like that DSJR catch, @Can_of_corn?
  21. Chandler Shepherd looks like that frat guy you knew in college who was shredded but now he's in his late 20s and has put on 30 pounds after college. Yet he's still walking around like he's still got it.
  22. Wow, they got out of the inning. How about that.
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