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Posts posted by backwardsk

  1. On the Eve of K’s retirement, who would be his top ten players to form a team?  It gets a little weird because he has had a bunch of one and dones this past decade or so.  You have guys like Williamson who was a rocket his lone year there, but can’t get much out of his pro career because of injuries/weight.  You have guys like Laettner and Battier who were dominating college players and carved out good, but not great NBA careers.  You have Jayson Tatum who may end up being the best NBA player from Duke, but missed some games on a relatively underwhelming team (5th in the regular season, 2nd round exit.)  Not to mention Kyrie Irving who missed most of his only college season on his flat earth.


    If I had to win a college game, and took guys based off of what they did in college, I’d take:

    PG Hurley

    SG J Williams

    SF G Hill

    PF Brand

    C Laettner (I know he played more of a four for a lot of his career)








    That’s a lot of great players left off.  ( I know I’m missing guys like Ferry from his early years.  The Laettner years are what I really remember.




  2. 1 minute ago, Sports Guy said:

    The current anticipation would be that at least one of them is there at 14.

    I wouldn’t do it though.  I would rather go get a vet guy like Rodgers, Wilson or Watson but we run into the same salary cap issue with them too.

    There are a few QB needy teams in front of them: Denver, Carolina, and Washington.  Then you have some wildcard teams such as Houston, NYG, and MN that could also grab a QB.  That also assumes that Det doesn’t make a play for QB by either moving back a little or using their extra firsts to move back into the top   13.  And that Pitt doesn’t move up.  If Carr and Wilson stay put, there’s a good chance that you are settling for QB 4  with the 14th pick.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    Excellent article Rob. Well thought out and researched. 

    So the question is, what do you sign Jackson for this offseason? Will he take a team friendly deal for the next 2-3 years in the hopes he can win that big one and make himself worth hat franchise money?

    There really is no option other than to sign him to some kind of extension right now unless the Ravens believe one of Kenny Pickett, Desmond Ridder, Matt Corral, or Malik Willis is the future and hope they can draft them this year.

    Depending on how many vet QBs get traded, I doubt the Ravens could draft Corral, Willis, and Pickett without spending a lot to move up.

  4. Nice write up.  I’m not a Ravens fan, but I’m really interested in what teams like Baltimore and Cleveland will do with their QBs as they go into year five.  As an outsider’s view, I definitely have Jackson in the top 10 QBs.  I do question how he’ll do as he ages and takes more hits.  But finding a franchise QB is EXTREMELY difficult.  If you let him go, how do you replace him?  Can a non-dominate QB team compete with KC, Buf, LAC, Cincinnati going forward?  In my view, keeping Jackson is the best path to compete for the AFCN over the next 3-5 years.

  5. On 11/20/2021 at 11:31 AM, Just Regular said:

    Recently we've come to the first time really where at the end of the month, sending in some extra principal on one and only one mortgage at 2.500% at the end of a month is a practical option.  Like watching Tuffy Rhodes on Opening Day, this does give me personally a nice feeling of contentment.    Finishing off the house in our 50's not 60's and before college begins for our Class of 2033 1st grader does have a lot of appeal imagining retiring someday as a reality not a theory.

    I suppose some wealth managers would also present an argument it is "dumb", and happy to hear crowdsourced opinions should any care to share whether "really really dumb", or....perhaps naively, maybe even reasonable.

    I used to have the mindset to pay my mortgage off early, but with sub 3% rates, I would put the extra money into the market.  There’s the math answer, and that would to not pay off early.  Then there is the piece of mind answer, and that could be not having a P&I payment sooner makes more sense.

    As far as crypto, I’m not into it.  I feel like I’m diversified enough with equities and real estate.  I have invested some in blockchain technologies with mixed results.

  6. 3 hours ago, ChrisP said:


    I hate to beat the Covid drum, but that really limited the guys travel, games, etc last season.

    That doesn’t really have anything to do with Wilson though. He was drafted in 2020, meaning they had his 2019 season to scout and evaluate.  Now, I think COVID may have affected the combine, it didn’t affect the post season camps like the Senior Bowl.

  7. On 10/25/2021 at 3:58 PM, Tony-OH said:

    Well if that's so, and I haven't watched Wilson, then it's a complete and utter scouting failure. 

    Small school bias.  Teams get too nervous to be bold on guys who don’t have the Alabamas, Georgias, and Ohio States on their schedule.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    Well first of all, I think any of those guys would come here if our offer was the best on the table.

    And whatever contract you sign For Adley or Grayson, the “real money” won’t be made until at least their arb 2 season and even at that point, it depends on how you define “real money”.  If they are making 10M but performing at a high level, that is chump change relatively speaking.  

    You’re Kris Bryant.  The Orioles offer you 6/180.  The Giants offer you 6/174.  You’re going to the Orioles deal over the Giants?

  9. Just now, joelala said:

    Ray Rice isn’t, and I think the biggest difference is the video. We don’t have as many details about Chapman, Osuna, and Ozuna. I think the extremely graphic nature of the accusations combined with Bauer’s history of anti-social behavior will effectively end his career. 

    Rice would have played if he was younger and more effective at the time of the assault.  Kareem Hunt was on camera kicking a woman and he’s still playing.

    • Upvote 2
  10. 13 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    If you pay 30-35M for one player and most of the rest of your team, especially your core, are making pre arb2 money, you will have plenty of payroll flexibility to do things.  

    Where the contract starts to hurt you is in year 5 or so of the deal and by that point, you hope that you are generating a lot more revenue and the sting of the contract still isn’t that big.

    One bad contract doesn’t hurt you much at all.  

    Now I’m a little more clear on what you mean.  Wasn’t sure if you meant lead FAs will come here at market rates or they won’t have payroll flexibility.  Putting the idea that those guys would be willing to come here to the side, I do think it’s year 3-6 that would hurt this team.  Do you see them carrying multiple $100M deals when they (hopefully) are on the verge of extending R&R?  I think they could be capable, but I believe they’ll use it as an excuse for half-measures instead of going all-in if the core develops.  

    I always felt that the Davis deal didn’t have to affect a Machado deal.  They could do both, but obviously they used the Davis deal as an excuse to not make a competitive offer to Manny.

    At any rate, I can’t see Bryant or any of the SS entertaining a Baltimore offer because they will have others.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Philip said:

    I wouldn’t have a problem with either guy. I wish people would really try to refrain from declaring guilt on the basis of accusation. There’s a long distance between being a jerk and being a criminal and too many people are eager to span the gap on the basis of too little.

    I mean, Heimlich pled guilty.  He is, in fact, a criminal.

  12. Harrison is guy you may be able to get if they overpay a little.  I’m talking 1yr/4-5M.  He has more value to a competitive team that can use him in a utility role, IMO.  If we offered him $1M and other teams offer him spring invites, I can see him going for a Spring invite.  If he’s offered $1M from competitive clubs, and we offer him $4M, he may consider us.

    These other guys being discussed (Correa, Bryant, Seager, Baez, etc) aren’t coming here unless we massively overbid.  Why would they want to come here?  They’ll have other offers.  And if we do overbid, then we won’t have the payroll flexibility to make other necessary improvements.

  13. On 7/6/2020 at 7:57 PM, atomic said:


    New York forced nursing homes to take in a total of 6500 COVID infected patients.  I am assuming New Jersey did the same as these two places had the highest death rates by far of anywhere in the world.  There is no way any other state will match their numbers.  

    The number in Asia and Australia/New Zealand are lower than Europe/America's because the virus mutated into a form that was more easily spread.  And that is the virus active in North/South America and Europe.  In Europe if you look at the real numbers it seems that most places (Except Germany) the rate of death settled on around 800 deaths per million.  That is probably what we will end up with in the US.  

    What got me as I spent last summer visiting Belgium and the Netherlands and was surprised their death rates were so different as countries urbanization is so similar.  And people in Belgium seem much better at following rules than in the Netherlands from my experience.   But then I looked at the unexplained excess deaths in Europe and Belgium did not have any but if you look at France, Italy,, Spain and the Netherlands they are really vastly under reporting deaths there.  And if you add those back in they are all at 800 deaths per million.  Now they are no where the ridiculous numbers in New York and New Jersey .  But I am guessing even with those states horrible response we will end up at 800 deaths per million once you add in the excess deaths. 

    Maryland had excess deaths not reported to be by covid as well.  We report right now 537 per million but the real number is probably around 700.   

    Never underestimate Mississippi.  They have passed New Jersey.  1 out of 327 people.

  14. 6 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    Absolutely. The first year in the playoffs when he missed that catch that changed the entire game I gave him a pass. The next year when he did it again in the end zone, it became a pattern. When you look at his numbers they drop up in the playoffs and he seems to really disappear at times when you think he would be the main target. 

    He may block ok, but no way he's a consistent impact threat in the receiving game and he's now developing a very disturbing pattern of coming up small in big games. I was really hoping they would have taken some potential replacements in the draft but they love drafting themselves some underachieving fragile receivers instead.

    Who did you have in mind?  The 2021 TE class is pretty weak outside of Pitts.  For reference all non-Pitts TEs drafted this year combined for 1 target in Week 1.

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