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Posts posted by Pickles

  1. 7 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    Yep.  They may be able to revitalize things down the road but businesses are leaving and will continue to do so.  The cops aren't allowed to fight crime and the corruption is terrible.  Its nothing but sh!t running downhill and that isn't going to change or get better anytime soon.

    I guess me and you are that consensus I keep hearing about.  

    When we're in agreement, you can be pretty sure people with very different perspectives are seeing the same things the same way.

  2. 3 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

    While you have the ol' crystal ball out, can you let us know about the results of the 2024 bowl games?

    I preface by saying this isn't a political statement (and of course that means it is lol):

    This country is facing some very hard economic times coming up.  It's going to be bad and it's going to last a long time.  And it's only going to exasperate all of the social ills now we think are out of control.

  3. Just now, Hank Scorpio said:

    Certainly not disparaging Mr. Bisciotti, as his record speaks for itself and he should be congratulated as such.

    But it's clearly apples & oranges comparing MLB to the NFL. 

    Sure the NFL and MLB are different.

    But the guy made himself a billionaire working in personnel.

    I think he'd figure it out.


  4. 1 minute ago, gold21030 said:

    Baltimore has plenty of safe and nice areas. Fed Hill, Fells, Canton, Locus Point, Mount Vernon, etc.

    The city does have an optics problem for sure and the Inner Harbor needs redevelopment badly. Not a whole lot of big tourist areas outside of the Aquarium. If they could redevelop Howard Street and Lexington Market correctly that would be a big first step in getting people from the suburbs back into the city, I think.

    Bro, the city is dead.  It ain't coming back.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Tony-OH said:

    Yuck. No thanks. He's a weak leader who collects big paychecks and enjoys an old boys network to run his team. 

    The best case scenario is for Kevin Plank to lead a local group. I don't think he's very interested in baseball though.

    Well agree to disagree.

    I suspect neither of us are happy with what has happened to the NFL, but I don't put that on Bisciotti.

    And if he gets the results the Ravens have gotten over the decades, I'm a-ok with an old boys network.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    lol... I do when you when you publicly denounce an Oriole legend in the one area where everyone he agreed he was the best at. But I don't want to derail this thread. 

    Honestly though, it's more about how I see the Ironbirds run. I took my Autistic son there last year for his birthday and I was shocked at how poorly the place was run. No staff, only like two things open to get something to eat, no dessrts available anywhere. It was awful. 

    But the main thing is the optics of not having an announcer on there MiLB broadcasts. It's absolutely embarrassing to have an Orioles affiliate to not even bring in a local kid in college and give him or her a chance. I'm sure they would do it for pennies just to get the experience. When I watch other teams in the same league have dual announcers with center field cameras and major league baseball like production, you realize how much Cal as owner doesn't care how his team looks. He cares about the bottom line I'm sure.

    That's not someone I'd want as part of a local ownership group. I want someone to come in and say we're going to be first class in everything we do from treating are employees to the fan experience. Including competing for the top talent to make the team a winner again.


    I believe the absolute best case scenario for an O's fan, and I'm not sure how feasible it is, would be a Bisciotti purchase of the team.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:


    You had some folks get all excited when the sons took over and hired Elias.

    Well Elias was a good hire.  And the sons are preferable to the father in the sense that the devil you don't know is better than the devil you do know that is an actual devil.

    But if you can find me somebody celebrating the Angelos' reign in this millennium I'll gladly mock him.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 21 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

    SG, I think it's hilarious that you think you're bringing something to light that we already know. :) 


    I responded to an earlier post when somebody said "I've been telling ya'll since 2006."  

    LOL.  Really?  Cause I've known Angelos was a garbage owner about five years before that.

    There isn't a soul on this board who has defended the Angelos' stewardship of this franchise, and hasn't been for about two decades.

  9. 1 minute ago, TradeAngelos said:

    As the Angelos world turns. I remember wayyy back in 2006, and for the next 18 years...how I was ridiculed for not buying into the bullshit and seeing these people for who they were.  What ya have to say now? These people are trash, and they have slowly been destroying this franchise little by little, pocketing every penny they can in the process while starving this city and team.  But you have it ALL wrong they said. 

    That Nashville comment should be downright frightening to everyone. Well to those who actually give a damn anymore, Aint many left that is for sure. This is a city in crisis and turmoil (which isn't changing anytime soon) while Nashville is absolutely booming, and with a much more business friendly environment.  Imagine what they would give to have a MLB franchise. I bet John Angelos already knows. 

    When saying "they won't move" you have to take into account what the new owners see for this city and sports fandom over the next 20-30 years. And what they have witnessed over the last 5. It isn't pretty in either case. I wouldn't be caught dead downtown on a Friday or Saturday night anymore, or else I might literally end up dead. 

    These are all factors that play into it all. And if you think MLB is going to stop an owner who is hellbent on moving when that owner can present very valid reasons why they want to move, just watch. This is a business first and foremost.


    Angelos didn't have a lot (any) defenders left by 2006.  LOL.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    Depends on how many more runs they score.  Its a trade off.  

    Right now they are losing 60% of their games.  They need to make some moves that are available to them to try to improve.  Standing pat and continue to lost 60% does not sound like a solution.

    And again, I fail to see how benching one of your best players is any kind of rational solution.

  11. 1 minute ago, wildcard said:

    I am waiting for Frobby to say how much of Mullins WAR is for offense.   I would think its mostly for defense.   The O's need to improve their offense because their starters give up too many runs and Elias don't have the other starters to improve that problem.

    If Stowers offers more offense Elias has to find a way to get him in the lineup.

    If they make their defense worse, do you think that will solve the problem of the starters giving up too many runs?

  12. Just now, wildcard said:

    You are offended?   I am not suggesting that you lose any playing time.   

    This is not the Mullins we saw last year.   He needs to adjust.  Take a breather.  Re-set.  I think he knows that more than anyone.  He will still start some games while he adjusts.  Just not everyday.  If he starts to hit he will be back in there most games.

    As others have pointed out, Mullins even playing as he has this year has been average to above average player.  Last year he was a star.

    Benching him, cutting his playing time, etc. is a bad idea if your idea is to improve the team.  If you want to tank for a draft pick, it's probably a great idea.

  13. 11 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    They will not call it benching.   It will be giving him some time to re-set.  A breather.  And he will still start at times and always be available to pinch hit and be a defensive replacement.

    You can call it whatever you want, but sitting one of your best players so he can "pinch hit" and be a "defensive replacement" is definitely going to be seen, rightfully so, as a benching.

    This is just a really terrible idea.  So much so that I am offended by it.  LOL.

    I mean, it makes no sense.  People complain the team isn't doing enough to win games now, and the solution it seems is to bench their best players for rookies, and Rule 5 guys.


  14. 1 hour ago, wildcard said:

    Westburg got off to a slow start at AA.   He has  a .247 average because of that slow start.  All his other offensive numbers are good and his defense in good but that  low average could have been enough for Elias to keep him at AA until Westburg improve it.    

    But Elias promoted him to AAA anyway partly because in the last 30 days Westburg has a .295  average to go with the rest of his good numbers.   Elias ignored the low average for the year.

    The O's starting pitching is what it is for a while.   Lyles, T Wells, Zimmerman, Bradish and Kremer are likely to give up 3 runs plus or minus in 4 to 6 innings and then the pen will finish the game give up one or no runs in an average game.   The offense will sputter with inconsistency and the team will lose on average 2 of 3 games.  Elias needs to do something.  He doesn't have any help available for the starters so his best bet is to try to improve the offense.

    Stowers  got off to a slow starts AAA.   He has a .259 average because of that slow start.  All his other offensive numbers and his defense are good.  But in the last 30 days his average is .294.   Sound familiar?   

    In this theory Elias promotes Stowers to play a corner outfield spot, Hays moves to CF and Mullins who is not hitting  .727 OPS moves to a back up role while the O's see whether that improves their chances to win.   Probably not a permanent move but just to see what happens.

    I also could see Martin with his 830 AAA OPS promoted to play SS to see what he offers and Mateo moved to a UIF position because Mateo is not hitting.  Just to see what happens for a while.  Elias needs to improve the offense and these two moves that may help.

    Do you think Elias makes either of these moves?

    Benching Mullins for a rookie?

    I mean, if you want to get worse that's probably a great place to start.

  15. 20 minutes ago, jdwilde1 said:

    I started a thread a few weeks ago commenting on the fantastic stolen base numbers of O’s affiliates.  I thought it was the product of something the organization did (e.g. better athletes, better coaching, etc.).  Now, I’ll need to take a look at other organizations to see if this is MiLB wide do to a rule change.  If so, that’s disappointing.

    We were writing simultaneously, but I wouldn't be surprised if their great stolen base #s were related to the phenomena I mentioned above.

    • Upvote 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Frobby said:

    Did you see that the minor leagues have a rule that a pitcher can only make two pickoff throws?   If they make a third, a ball is called unless the pickoff actually works.  So, you can bet some guys are getting good jumps after they’ve drawn two throws.  

    This was mentioned by one of the away announcing teams the other day.  The far more interesting thing is because they were limited with throw overs, AND there is a clock, guys can just take off at 2-3 seconds knowing the pitchers either can't or won't throw over.

    Unintended consequences.

    The crew seemed to expect it to manifest itself at the big league level, as it had in the minors, and become part of the game.

  17. Conflicting reports from google, and of course severity is an issue, but it looks to me like its 4 weeks minimum before he pitches again, and I imagine they'd want him to throw some MiL innings so I'd be he's not going to be up until Aug or close to it now in a best case scenario.

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