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Posts posted by Pickles

  1. The rumors I've heard are the E-Rod asked to go on the inactive list or whatever.  He isn't being paid, and he's not fighting to be paid while absent.  Apparently, he's having personal issues he's trying to work out; i.e. something is going on with his marriage.

    This isn't a Kyrie Irving situation where the guy just doesn't feel like playing.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Rom threw 5.2 scoreless but then allowed a homer, a walk and two singles.  His reliever allowed another single that scored one of Rom’s runners so he ended up allowing 3 ER in 5.2 but I’d still call it a solid outing.   Just ran out of gas.   

    He hasn't taken a big leap forward this year, but I'd still count his year so far as adequate.  And I still believe he has a solid chance to be a future ML starter.

  3. 6 hours ago, Frobby said:

    I’ll say this for SG: he throws out specific ideas and you can look back on them later and see how they might have worked out.  The idea on DeJong was he was a buy-low salary dump, not unlike JJ Hardy in 2011 (someone who SG also wanted us to chase, long before we did).   That looks like it wouldn’t have worked out, but I kind of liked the idea, so long as there was little cost in talent traded back.  

    And I'll willingly give him that credit: He creates a lot of content and sparks some good (often) discussions.

    But let's also be honest: He has a lot of very strong opinions; he defends them in a manner that isn't always conducive to civility (and I understand the irony of ME saying that); and he spent all offseason advocating for moves that in hindsight would have made the team worse in the short and long term, as many predicted at the time.

  4. 7 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    Yep.  He was always a gamble in that the bat had been off in recent years, while the defense was elite.

    He is signed to a very reasonable contract where he can kept through 2025 or be done after 2023.

    He has certainly been terrible although you have no idea how a change in scenery would have effected him.  I don't think we would be any worse off now if we had him and Mateo playing more of a UTI role and I would still like the potential of DeJong finding his offense again more than Mateo finding something he has never had.

    He may be done or he may just be having a terrible year.  Maybe he has a nagging injury of some sorts?  Who knows.  

    The only reason I would currently not want him is because Gunnar looks like he can play SS moreso now than before.  Its not a guarantee but its looking better. 


    Well, this is certainly... a take.

    I think you had reasons for some of your proposals this offseason.  Not all I disagree with.

    But I think it is more than fair to point out that you spent most of the offseason ranting for "improvements," and when anyone pushed back you basically called them either "bootlickers" or "brainwashed."

    And it is fairer than fair to now point out that when you actually gave concrete examples of what kind of "improvements" you wanted they would have all made the team worse in the short term and almost certainly the long term as well- with the benefit of hindsight.

    This isn't a personal shot at you and I'm not trying to make it as such.  And as I'm about to acknowledge to Frobby I actually appreciate your content and input.

    However, maybe a little personal reflection is in order: Maybe you're not always right; maybe what you think you know isn't always true; and maybe people can in good faith disagree with you without being "stupid" or "moronic" or "bootlickers" or "brainwashed."

  5. 1 hour ago, Sports Guy said:

    Yea, those 2 were 2 of my suggestions although I would not have given him 7 or more years like the Rockies did.

    I wanted Stroman and would still be happy with him.

    This season has zero to do with his long term strategy. 

    How's DeJong doing?  You were big on him too right?

  6. 1 hour ago, Sports Guy said:

    Struck out 12 in 5 innings and missed 22 bats!  He has a swingstr% of 26% this year.

    But yea, Tate, Santander or Mancini can bring back a better, more cost controlled arm all by themselves.  lol. 

    How's DeJong doing?

  7. 5 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    What’s dumb is that you think I’m suggesting trading those 3 for Snell.

    I mean, you did write, "We should trade Mancini, Santander, and Tate..... and get Snell."

    I'll give you benefit of the doubt that you meant that generally.  That's fine.  But even then: I wouldn't trade any one of our guys for Snell straight up.  And if we did trade those three guys and the headliner of the return was Snell, I'd be livid.

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Moshagge3 said:

    I don't think he was suggesting those three for Snell straight-up, was he? That would be madness.

    Maybe he wasn't, and I misread it, and I'm giving him a hard time for nothing.

    I personally don't see the big appeal on Snell.  If the Padres were willing to dump him for nothing, and add a little salary, I might be willing to take a look at him.

    But giving up real pieces, let alone three of them, is just ridiculous.

  9. 1 hour ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    Yeah. Why rock the boat that much?  We’ve been playing .500 ball, minus our 6-14 start, why weaken next year’s team?  As is, we’ll have a top bullpen, a top 1-9 lineup in the AL, and SPs GR, Hall, Wells, Kremer, and possibly Lyles. 

    This team needs a rake, and not a backhoe. If we have a chance to add some back end rotation types for next year for depth piece position player prospects, then that is the type of buying we should do. As for selling, only Mancini makes sense. We’d have to get really blown away to trade Santander. He offers affordable production for next year versus what a FA COF/DH type would. 

    It's laughably STUPID and DUMB and only an IDIOT would suggest such a thing.

    Am I doing it right?

    Seriously, we're going to give up an "All-Star" 1b/dh, admittedly only a rental, an OF on pace for 3 WAR this year and almost 3 years service time left, AND a solid relief pitcher with a current ERA under 2, and almost 4 years of service time left, for ......... checks notes........

    For a guy who has just spent two years being below average while pitching in one of the friendliest environments in either league, and is getting progressively worse, and is owed over 20 million dollars for his year and a half of service time before he hits FA again.

    Yeah, that's going to be a hard pass.

    • Haha 4
  10. 1 hour ago, Sports Guy said:

    I wouldn’t count on Tate to be part of it.  Lopez maybe.

    I would think Tate would be part of a package, not traded individually.

    They should deal Tate, Mancini and Santander…and get Snell.

    There are others I would deal as well but I’m not giving some of them away for nothing.  As much as I don’t like Lyles, his innings do provide value to this team, especially with GRod out and Hall struggling.   I would still deal him but don’t think I’m giving him up for basically nothing either.  The saved money is that important.

    The wild cards are Mullins, Hays and Lopez.  If the offers are strong enough, you move them.

    The most interesting thing to look for this deadline is the money aspect of things.  How does the Angelos family handle this?


    That's  madness.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

    First of all, there's no hill and I'm not dying.  

    Second, yeah, it was a stupid move.  He's just not a good pitcher.  He's serviceable but you can find a lot of guys that can replace that production without the drama of what just happened to him.  I mean, Cueto would have been a much better option if Elias felt the need to bring in a veteran guy on a minor league deal who might have some gas in the tank and could be called upon in an emergency.  If you disagree with that, well, I can't help you.

    I agree with @jamalshwand @Tony-OH, it sucks that some of the guys we were counting on have been injured or crapped the bed and yeah, there might be a need for Harvey in the very near future.  I don't deny that and understand the need for a guy like Harvey.

    A guy like Harvey being the key part of the sentence there.  I'd have much preferred Cueto because 1.  He's a better pitcher.  2.  He doesn't have a known history of cocaine use.  3.  He hasn't recently served a suspension for distributing oxycodone.

    I'll be the first guy to admit that I don't need to have saints playing for my baseball team.  But the talent has to outweigh any headaches, drama, suspensions, dirty laundry, etc.

    You know, I guess it's just semantics, but I just don't get it.

    "Not good" doesn't equal "serviceable."

    "There might be a need for in the very near future" and you "understand the need for a guy like Harvey" doesn't equal "stupid move."

    I'm sorry, but it just doesn't.

    Despite your protestations, your only true objection seems to be the drug thing, as it's your only reference.

    Again, nothing bores me more than that discussion so we can just drop it.

    • Upvote 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    The right development and additions to the team and they should contend for a playoff birth next year.

    Which is funny because I was told that I shouldn’t expect that but I have been saying that is what 2023 should be.

    Then what were you complaining about?

    All people fundamentally disagreed with you about was that trading for Paul DeJong was going to speed the process up.

    What was going to speed the process up was having developmental breakthroughs with multiple players.

    Well, that's what they've done.

    We should all be thrilled.

    • Upvote 2
  13. 1 hour ago, SteveA said:

    I was bemoaning it BEFORE this year, not so much during.   Also, most of my bemoanifying was pointed at pitching development, and while this year has seen some major steps forward, I still have concerns.

    I wasn't really trying to call anybody out specifically, least of all you.

    The mood seemed to darken after Grasyon got injured imo.  And it was way darker than the reality.

    Personally, I'm thrilled.  The ML team is way better than I thought it would be.  And if you'd told me they were doing this without Grayson or Means I wouldn't have believed it.

    And the MiLs, while not perfect, seems to be going very well.  Basically, all of our important prospects, with the exception of Cowser, and Grayson due to a non-arm injury, have held serve or better in their development, and many more have done better than merely tread water.

    • Upvote 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Jagwar said:

    Exactly. Which is why I think Elias may trade those players for prospects, but he won't trade prospects for a WC run. He is trying to build a strong sustainable pipeline of prospects first and foremost. 

    Personally, I think he's more likely to trade neither than to trade both.  Mancini makes sense.  But only if you get a legitimate prospect(s).

    • Upvote 1
  15. 8 minutes ago, Jagwar said:

    True... but why would Cleveland trade "major league ready" pitching for "what it used to be"?


    No, they won't.  I'm just saying: Both those guys may have sub 800 OPS, but they have both been  quite valuable this year.  The issue is anybody trading for immediate offensive help to make a playoff run is not going to trade starting pitching that will currently help us.  Not that they have sub 800 OPS.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Jagwar said:

    Cleveland is 2 games ahead of the O's in the WC standings. Even if they were willing to move major league ready pitchers, why would they want two sub .800 OPS players in return? 

    800 OPS ain't what it used to be.

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