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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. People need to chill. Cowser & co. will be holding down CF until Mullins comes back. They’ve built depth and redundancy for a reason. It’s the strength of the team.
  2. I imagine he is the 6th inning guy. They have to be on the prowl for a legit 8th/9th inning guy. I’d like to see Cano as fireman early or 7th with two shutdown guys behind him.
  3. Just for clarity. The “boneheaded decision” was to throw his very first pitch, a 99mph FB, to the top left quadrant of the zone? You were thinking splitter to get them off balanced on first pitch of the inning? Edit: saw earlier post. Sorry. Heres the thing. In baseball, sometimes they hit it, some times they don’t, and sometimes the guys don’t catch it. And that’s no reason to overthink it and deviate from what works the overwhelming majority of the time. Nice poke by Siri.
  4. I think Mav is going to carve out a good career for himself. I’d like him to force them to make a tough decision on McCann next year.
  5. Haha - I’m a space cadet 98% of the time.
  6. I guess we will just have to make sure Trout is in the Shohei deal now
  7. I read a great quote the other day. Paraphrasing but something along the lines of “baseball isn’t a game of failure, it’s a game of taking advantage of all the opportunities”. The Os have continued to take advantage of all the opportunities that they’ve been presented with and the sum if all parts is a winning environment with a lot of interchangeable parts.
  8. So long as he doesn’t blow his back out taking Ruthian hacks.
  9. Gunnar is going to take the ROY just like he took 3B last night. Doesn’t matter what the other guys do, Gunnar is gonna do Gunnar. What a hell of a player! The tools just keep appearing. The competitive nature, drive, focus, and attention to detail are insane. PAY THE MAN NOW!! Remember when people wanted to send him down after a few weeks?
  10. emmett16

    Jud Fabian 2023

    Some people have longer levers (arms/legs), some people can sequence their body’s better, some can rotate in their hips more, some are more flexible, some are more pliable. All bodies are different and work different. Some folks are also just not using their bodies efficiently. This is where the Motor Preferences come in. Are you an aerial mover or are you a terrestrial mover? Unless you understand how your body operates in the most efficient manner you could be working against what works best for you. Some players find their efficiencies naturally others struggle to find and work against them. Now that I think about it - this is all new stuff and maybe it can buck the “you can’t teach power” adage….
  11. emmett16

    Jud Fabian 2023

    Each human has a power ceiling/floor. It’s the combo of their strength, leverage, efficiency in movement, ability to stretch, torque, twist, turn, etc. Some folks are blessed with easy power. Others have to make a very concerted effort and still likely won’t match others. The saying “can’t teach power” is a nod to guys who have the easy power and don’t need to spend as much time on that deficiency as another player would. It takes less time to get to the finished product if they can spend bulk of training time on pitch recognition and contact ability.
  12. Gunnar is responsible for Arrozarena’s 4ks.
  13. emmett16

    Jud Fabian 2023

    You can’t teach power.
  14. Mavericks OBP is .403 which is .142 over his avg. only 142 ABs but still notable. He’s getting his walks and hitting with a little thump. The D is solid. Imagine they let him season next year in AAA and is next man up after McCann.
  15. Havnt seen him punched in the mouth starting a new level yet
  16. I imagine he brings in 1 or 2 more guys we’ve barely heard of for lower level prospects. These guys trust their evaluating and development system. I’ve kinda given up on guessing what they are gonna do. It always seems to be a surprise.
  17. If they knew, for a fact, he was doing it they’d have been better served to say nothing and then ask for a check during his next game to get him removed & impact the bullpen. In my experience making negative comments about people in the sports world is never a good idea. It’s mostly a nothing burger, but my 2 cents in the matter.
  18. Maybe he doesn’t use tissues to wipe his nose?
  19. emmett16

    Jud Fabian 2023

    He throws left handed!! Hadn’t noticed that. Just saw this the other day.
  20. Any idea how often a scenario like occurs? That’s pretty wild.
  21. Lotta pitchers. Including the best one in the league.
  22. I’d like to know what size bat Kjerstad uses. It looks like a 35” and he whips it around like a toothpick. I think his bat is going to make a major impact. He is a lot faster than I thought and has a great arm. That’s a lot of tools you can’t teach. I’m extremely high on Cowser, but what we’ve seen from HK since going to AFL is incredible. I really hope the future is Cowser in LF and HK in RF.
  23. I’ve been trying to ignore this but it just won’t go away. Frustrating and obnoxious.
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