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Posts posted by emmett16

  1. 7 hours ago, Just Regular said:

    Now that BP's lead writer and some folks here have put eyes on it, curious takes on a batting stance so noticeably wide?

    Here's where my limited mechanics knowledge taps out - I gather from the writeups it sounds like Mayo is one who gets more of his power from his upper body than his lower body, and may even be extreme in that kind of lean.

    But whatever works, the barrel rates and EV's play.    Weird can even beat typical in rock-paper-scissors.

    For really big guys the less moving  parts the better. He’s got levers that provide the power.  He just has to make contact.  Looks like he’s doing that consistently.  

  2. 1 hour ago, RVAOsFan said:

    I am thinking Ortiz is penciled in as the starting 2B primarily while he is up.  I also wonder if the Mateo injury may be still an issue and Ortiz is up to spell him a little.  Tonight's lineup will be telling.

    I bet they debut him at his primary position SS.  Then start the merry-go-round.  Give Mateo another rest day against a weak Detroit team. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

    I know the guy that owns this is your friend, but I can't help the 5th grader in me laughing hysterically at the URL as I read it in the address bar.

    Check their twitter.  Good stuff.  Good info. They highlight a lot of the players they work with.  I’ve been studying hitting for as long as I can remember and what they stumbled upon is that epiphany moment.  It boils down to if you don’t know what your body does good and train to that, your Fd.  So many players get put into the factory of “this is our process learn it or end your career” and that blanket approach/training regimen only works on a small % of their players.  

  4. 13 minutes ago, Billy F-Face3 said:

    1st game I ever went to at Camden Yards, Clancy served our section and I ordered a hot dog and a drink from him. The way he interacted with us, made our experience very fun and memorable. This was in 1998. To my surprise, I ran into him last year and immediately recognized his face so I said Hi to him. He gave me an autographed picture that commemorated his years of service to Camden Yards as well as his catering. That's the only reason I know his name.

    I just think it's awesome to have a guy like Clancy still here after all these years, providing memories to countless of fans in the stands at Oriole Park. People like him are what completes the experience of going to a Ball Game at Camden Yards. I really appreciate vendors like Clancy.

    Clancy is legend.  

    • Upvote 1
  5. 3 hours ago, LA2 said:

    I still miss the complete (jersey and pants) orange unis. My closest friend (Mets fan) calls it a clown suit, but the four 20-game winners posing together in them looked like anything but a bunch of bozos....

    I think city jersey is going to resemble that ensemble. 

  6. On 4/23/2023 at 1:06 AM, jcaponio said:

    Anyone know why they didn’t wear the Saturday orange jerseys again this week? I get having to wear the grays with 42 for Jackie Robinson day last weekend, but I figured they’d wear the orange tonight. Hope they’re not phasing them out…

    I’m expecting massive amounts of orange for the city jersey.  

  7. Mayo laser bomb.  Was just noticing how he legit has one foot in front line of box and one foot on back line of box.  Crazy bat speed. 

    Edit: double.  3rd base umpire have HR sign.  They overturned to to a double.  Absolutely smoked nonetheless.  Quick bat 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

    I just read an article today about the adjustments that Mateo has made that have made him a better hitter.  Right after that, I read an article on The Athletic about what Jarred Kelenic has done to go from looking like a bust to looking like an All-Star.  If you want to read it, I'd recommend it, it's very well done:  https://theathletic.com/4443635/2023/04/26/mariners-mets-jarred-kelenic-adjustments/

    I'm not here to say that all players can be fixed to the degree that Mateo has been hitting this year and a turnaround like Kelenic.  But it's not as if you have to look very far to see guys who have found the right hitting coach, the right methodology and the right approach to turn their careers around.  I don't need to remind you (but I'm going to) that we had Jose Bautista at one point.  We also had Justin Turner.

    If baseball is an allegory for life, how many people have we run into across our lives that are super talented at something, but don't give it their all effort?  That maybe they'd be the best person at their job or a fantastic artist or a better parent but they're perfectly content to say "this is good enough."  

    I don't believe that these are easy fixes, but I also believe that everyone in the MLB is in the 99.9th percentile when it comes to hand/eye coordination and fine motor skills.  I truly don't believe there's much that separates a guy like Ryan McKenna's raw skills from the raw skills of Julio Rodriguez or Mike Trout.  I'm not saying that McKenna IS as talented as those guys, but he's not far off from a raw perspective.

    And yet, does McKenna go to Driveline in the offseason?  Has McKenna used the Trajekt Arc machine?  Has McKenna come across the one hitting coach that has the eagle eye to look at him and say "Hey, we need to make THIS adjustment" which turns him into an All-Star caliber guy?  

    Like I said, I don't believe the fixes are necessarily easy to make, but I believe that it's also hard to search and FIND the right coach who can make those changes.  

    Motor preferences.  Baseball Cheat codes.  A lot of people train 'against' what their body wants to do.  Once you figure our your preference.  Plakata.


    Motor Preferences | Baseball Approach | Performance (motorpreferencesexperts.com)

    • Upvote 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, interloper said:

    I do mostly agree with you on this. I don't fully buy that Mountcastle has worked on this as much as he could, but that's just bare speculation on my part and I can't back it up with anything. 

    I think he HAS done a pretty good job of going to RF more, which is important because if he just becomes a dead pull hitter that doesn't walk, he's going to have some real problems. And his ability to hit pitches out of the zone is pretty wild, but that skill probably doesn't help him lay off close pitches. 

    His other worldly talent is also his Achilles heel. 

    • Upvote 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I don't buy it's that easy.

    More guys would show large amounts of growth in this area if it was.

    If you could just set him down (Get a player to do it if you think he won't listen to a coach) and just show him how much better his numbers would be and how much more money he would earn.  Why wouldn't you?

    Why not ask Frazier why he just doesn't hit the ball harder and in the air?

    Just because something is perceived as being more mental than physical doesn't mean it's an easy fix.

    A lot also has to do with each players eyes.  Some people just have better vision.  Even with contacts/glasses etc, some people have much superior eyesight. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, interloper said:

    It's interesting that fans have all kind of simultaneously reached the point where they're calling for Cowser or Westburg or both. Intuitively, it's time. The pitchforks are being dusted off and sharpened as we reach 1 month of games and the prospects are lighting up AAA. 

    So let's see just how different the fan timeline is from the Elias timeline. We can use Tony's thread here as Day 1. Barring injury, I usually expect Elias to be about 1 month behind fan clamoring. But like we saw with Grayson and Irvin, sometimes we get surprised. 

    Coswer has 180 ABs, Westburg 424, & Ortiz 164.  They are all crushing the ball and have been doing so over the period of those ABS.  There is a need at the MLB level and these guys are upgrades.  We have a legit shot at playoffs and I'd like to get these guys as many MLB ABs as possible before the big end of year tournament (as Just Regular likes to say).

  12. 2 hours ago, Frobby said:

    There’s a lot of room between where Mateo currently is (1.049 OPS) and where he was last year (.646).   So, while I don’t think his current level of play is “for real” or sustainable, I have little doubt that by the end of the year, his offensive numbers will be significantly above where they were last year, and he seems to have a decent chance at being average or better offensively for a SS while continuing to play great defense.  It’s a very exciting and important development for the team.  

    If he puts the ball in play (which he has been doing) his numbers are going to skyrocket.  Like Moose said, I'm waiting to see how he rebounds from the first slump.  All the adjustments he's making are precisely the adjustments he needed to make, so I'm holding out hope.  

  13. This Frazier thing is going to be my litmus test for Elias.  It was my thought/hope that Frazier was an insurance plan if Ortiz/Westburg didn't perform.   Both Ortiz & Westburg are performing and have done so for an extended period now.  Ortiz has 164 AB & Westburg has 424.  Both has torched AAA pitching and look poised to handle MLB.  It's time for him to make a difficult move.  

  14. 16 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    I think the 8M guaranteed 400+ at bats if he is healthy and not traded.

    Doesnt mean he starts as much as he is now but he will still be taking at bats away from players he shouldn’t.

    What do you think is the lowest level of accepted production before they move on?  

    I like what Elias does for the most part, but I’d really like to see a surprise bold move of bringing up the youth and jettisoning a poor performer. 

    Really want to see Cowser out in LF. 

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