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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Mazara is an enigma. Wonder if he is actually 29.
  2. My first thought was this is bad news for Neustrom.
  3. His extreme hot and cold streaks would be frustrating. Especially with other similar players on the team. I think I pass on him.
  4. They went back and forth on MLB network last Monday (was driving all day) and almost everyone agreed he should be in. They also think Albert Belle has a legit resume and should/would be next. I know McGriff doesn’t have the 70war but at 2490/493/1550(less than Baines), a 130OPS+ And a good bit of bold print even though he played in the thick of the Steroid era and at First Base no less. Congrats Crime Dog! Well deserved IMHO.
  5. Might need to take some time away from the hot stove for a while…
  6. My first comment was actually partly serious. I think this signals spending a bit more on the back-up assets. Franchy as a backup project is a lot more exciting than Diaz or even Neustrom.
  7. Ronaldo. Portuguese soccer player. Just signed. 3 year @ 173£. Total value of 770milluon USD. Maybe a Saudi will by the Orioles.
  8. Almost as much as CR7 is gonna get per year with his new Saudi Deal….at age 37.
  9. The absolute only thing I can think of that would drive a signing like this is that ME actively reads OH and is trolling us.
  10. Pretty impressive they spent 450k on a guy to play AAA. Can’t say they are going cheap…
  11. That would change my calculus as well. I think they should let him go 140-150 and imagine with limits and some time on IL he will go 100-120.
  12. Correa is just another asset. If they think they have a better chance signing him than some of the available pitchers on, then they'd be silly to not take the asset available. That in turn allows them to flip a package for a more impactful pitcher. I do not think it will happen, but I'd be thrilled. I think the chances this org signs a high-end position player is a lot better than a high-end pitcher. For the record I’m not advocating going hard for him, just that we’d be remiss to not explore all avenues and there is a world where it could be a good move.
  13. He allows us to trade a seriously high-end prospect to get a seriously high-end SP. So with that line of thinking I believe he improves the team dramatically.
  14. Out of curiosity what have your seen, heard, read that made you arrive at that conclusion? Not disagreeing, just curious on what drove your thinking. It’s A very specific observation.
  15. Can’t remember where I heard it from, but he is supposed to have some legit power that hasn’t quite shown itself in gameplay.
  16. I think all 30 teams would be in on Belly @ 7mm. I imagine his floor is closer to 11mm. Santana just got 6.75 and had pretty similar year, is way younger, and can play CF.
  17. All of his projections are super tight and not abysmal. .309 to .316OBP & .752-792OPS I feel like with two years under his belt and his underlying hit data those numbers could realistically be a floor for him. If he has another gear I have to imagine that kicks in this year. I sure don't want to take ABs away from him. I think they can add a 1b/dh and not take many ABs away from Mountcastle and significantly improve production out of those two spots.
  18. At the end of the day, Abreu hit the jackpot. He got paid fair market value(slightly above it would seem)to play for a winner in a climatized ball park that also happens to be an easy place to hit. Astros got their guy, in hindsight even if we were interested we had no chance. My take away is that bats are likely to be a little more expensive than people thought.
  19. Gotta say, it’s pretty cool to see us churn through some of these guys. Just shows the crème is rising to the top. Quite a few guys on that list that came aboard with some acclaim and high hopes. Good news is even though they are out of top 30, most of them are still pretty darn interesting.
  20. Wait, are you saying it’s not normal for 320lb lineman to run 4.7 40’s? Again, benefit of the doubt
  21. Dang. That’s pretty harsh and I’m a pessimist. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. With that said, fair enough.
  22. And if they are really thinking Ardoin is their long term back up might as well give Mav his shot and see what he has.
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