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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. The good ones know not to try and frame an obvious ball. They just stick it and move to the next one. If it’s close then they frame. I do agree, the ones that aren’t good and try to overcompensate and look a bit silly.
  2. Big dude for 16. Looks like a body you can project. Pretty slick hands. Exciting signing.
  3. @Tony-OH have you seen/heard enough about Almeyda to give us an idea where he might slot into the system. Is he top 10? 20?
  4. I do say that’s a great pay day for Trey, what do y’all thank?
  5. Damn good balance. Most peeps would have been off balance and taken that ball in the face. I saw a guy knock his teeth out once in BP. Fouled it straight down off the plate, popped up and caught him in the mouth. Lotta blood. *Already rocking the O's hat!
  6. If Mateo is on the team when the camp breaks, I imagine he will be given the starting job. But as soon as he goes into one of his prolonged slumps, he's going to lose his spot Gunnar. I have to imagine Elias is trying to trade Mateo, he's the tip of the SS iceberg in the organization. The league knows that as well and likely isn't going to give ME the value he wants. I wouldn't mind seeing him traded for a couple super young pitching prospects to stick in low A just to get some value for him. My fear is he will be terrible next year, and we will be left with nothing.
  7. Amparo is an Iberian SurName (Spain & Portugal) that means refugee. Most Amparo’s are found in the Philippines & Dominican Republic (where 1 in 4,000 have that surname). Edwin is from Sanchez, DR. Once we get some more info on Felix will be interesting to see where he is from...Not sure if they are related but watching a couple YouTube videos Felix has some great footwork, hands, and a super quick release.
  8. Trade Mountcastle and I’m Ok with signing Mancini. One year stop gap until we get some more bats up. I still like giving Westburg ABs at first base. He profiles similar to Mountcastle with better OBP.
  9. Send Mountcastle and Mateo and roll with 3b Urias SS Gunnar 2B Frazier/Ortiz 1B Westburg/Acquisition
  10. Opens up ABs for Westburg as well.
  11. Mountcastle would not be difficult to replace and would be an ideal trade piece. He doesn’t fit the the system, has decent value, can be replaced. Sign Mancini and give Westburg reps at 1B & Turn Mountcastle in to an arm.
  12. Lineup will be changed often with 50+ iterations.
  13. As a pro player guy and a pro MLB guy, I think having guys with 1.4MM salaries in AAA is nothing but good for the sport.
  14. I think O's should take a flyer on a low cost, low floor, mediocre ceiling FA SP to help supplement the pitching staff. Wacha is a decent example. Inventory and depth are good things. That SP won't make a difference in a short series but could play dividends to the rest of the staff over a long season.
  15. People said the same thing about Felix Bautista.
  16. As the frustrating off-season continues, just think about Basallo and Holiday tearing it up at Delmarva. 18yo stud catcher and 19yo stud SS. 2023 is gonna be a fun year regardless.
  17. Off-season isn’t over yet, they could still sign Nelson Cruz! My dream off-season was/is: 1- extend Adley 2- acquire one “exciting” pitcher 3-acquire an Upgraded innings eater 4-acquire an OF thumper who could play 1B 5-make a bunch of benign moves that sends the OH into a frenzy for the sheer entertainment value
  18. Not gonna lie, Norfolk is gonna be a juggernaut this year. Just wait until the boys from Bowie come up. International League Champs 2023!
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