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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Surprised they started him. He’s had some questionable outings all year long and only showed flashes of brilliance here and there. Seems starting him off in pen with 2 outs might have been a better debut. Stupid black out and stupider recording effort, so can’t see the game but I gotta tell you that was pretty predictable. I guessed at 1 run praying and hoping it’d be the Hall that narrowly escapes a catastrophe, but gets out, kinda day. The kid is gonna be a absolute beast, but it’s gonna take some time.
  2. I’m gonna go 4ip, 8ks, 4bbs, 1 run.
  3. Yankees are 7-14 since the break? Wow, I knew they were struggling but that’s hard to believe. Just keep winning Os!
  4. The obp & hr count will compliment each other. I imagine his obp will continue to creep up as the power starts to play more often.
  5. Let’s get 88 and save our blood pressure.
  6. Struggling. Ks are 3x BBs. .203/.293/.635 in 79 ABs in Aberdeen.
  7. Couple things then back to Jackson. 1- crack of the bat is absolutely different from player to player. You’ll notice more in amateur and lower ranks where barrel speed can fluctuate from 60-80+mph. Players size, weight, strength will play into it as well. 2- Hays uses the atypical Birch bat (not ash or maple). Takes longer to break in and has more flex. I’ve noticed over time birch bats don’t have the same crack as maple or ash. Jackson Holiday is a beast. Can’t wait to see him take BP and play live. Fingers crossed he can sneak up to Delmarva/Aberdeen this year.
  8. He pinged a ball of first base last night to extend his streak to 18 games.
  9. The argument for Lyles is that any given year almost half your staff will get injured. You need 8 starting pitchers to get through the year. Having Lyles gives you an insurance policy if/when other pitchers get hurt. The question is whether or not you want to pay $11M for that insurance policy.
  10. Those long plane rides always catch up to them in August.
  11. Wonder if it has anything to do with his defense. Now I’m not saying he’s a hack or a bad defender, but having seen him play about a half dozen times now there is always one or two hits per game that drop in front of him that seemed like fairly routine plays. Can see why they value Phillips D with the young pitchers.
  12. Pass. I want two studs to complement or cache of young arms. Not the year for an innings eater.
  13. I think a “Tide-al” wave of talent is coming up last week in August.
  14. The fantastic thing about a pipeline is that there will be players right behind the AAAers & AAers that could be just as impactful. It’s time to win now. Not to mention these guys probably won’t be around for Arb 3, it’ll be another teams problem at that point.
  15. I think we will see Stowers next week or the week after.
  16. My hope is that his role is diminished but his presence remains larger than life and that he has some random playoff highlight to cement him in Orioles folklore.
  17. I was always a tradition, old school, by the book guy, but I also loved flare and enthusiasm. It can be infectious. Now I look at the kids and try to view it from their perspective. My 10 yo & 7 yo were on the edge of their seat. It’s entertainment at the end if the day. With all that said, you still have to respect the game and put it all on the line when the lights turn on.
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