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Posts posted by waroriole

  1. 22 hours ago, Lucky_13 said:

    This is most likely covid related, especially because Dan Connolly tweeted Palmer and others may join some broadcasts via zoom. It sucks but those guys are all high risk. 

    I have the feeling Palmer's earned the right to go on broadcasting for as long as he wants in Baltimore, so I doubt this is him being let go. 

    He’s earned the right because of his longevity, but mostly because he’s the best announcer we’ve ever had. 

  2. On 7/11/2020 at 3:37 PM, Philip said:

    Well in addition to the Smith-level guys Stewart, Mountcastle, McKenna( isn’t he close enough?) Mullins, and I’m drawing a blank after them, but that’s enough. We got 2 and one spot remaining for a corner and a backup. I have reservations about both MC and Stewart, but what better time to throw them into the fray than right now?

    Puig won’t bring anything, and will take playing time away from guys who might be part of the future.

    its much better to treat this season like an extended spring, and see what our guys can do.

    Other than Mountcastle, none of those guys are major leaguers. And he can play a lot of 1B/DH. 

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Philip said:

    I don’t see the appeal. Our team is loaded with outfielders already, I can’t imagine any asset having very much trade value this year because the season is so tenuous, even if it gets underway.

    Even if we do sign him and the season does get underway, Social playoff teams will have such a vast selection of potential trade acquisitions it’s unlikely we would get anything meaningful for him in the best of circumstances.

    It is better to focus on our own guys and see what they offer.

    Hays and Santander. Who am I missing?

    • Upvote 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Roll Tide said:


    So he took 2.5 million less .... I rest my case! If the Orioles or Kjerstad thought there was a narrow margin between him and Martin, Lacy etc .....He doesn’t accept 2.5 million light.

    Can you please rest your case? Please. 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Partial scholarships are going to hurt the economically disadvantaged that want to use baseball as a means of going to college.

    I am sure that one year of education at Duke or Kentucky does those players a world of good. 

    I think the only reason they are forcing the kids to go to college was that they didn't like the bust rate or kids out of HS.  Kwame Brown anyone?

    Oh completely agree. With the G League now, some of the top kids are skipping college all together. NBA has no reason to do what’s in the best interest of the NCAA. The NCAA has to get with the times and find out a way to pay some of these kids or college hoops is gonna look a lot like college baseball. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Roll Tide said:

    1) They should have to be 2 years out of HS. I believe that is the way the NBA is doing it right?

    2) what ... are you even reading my posts? I said that MLB should work with the NCAA to come up with a system that’s mutually beneficial.

    A system that sends most high school players to college would benefit the NCAA. 



    NBA was one year, they’re about to go back to drafting straight out of HS because it’s a farce to force kids to go to college when they don’t wanna be there. Plus with the limited number of baseball scholarships, you’re just screwing over the kids that do wanna be there. 

  7. 1 minute ago, bpilktree said:

    Ok split the difference and go with 65.  What a week we thought MLB would screw it up  last week now the NBA deal seems to be falling apart no because of COVID though and NFL having Fauci say there could be no football if rates stay same.  

    Exactly. We’re so close now. Just play the damn thing. They could beat the NBA back by 10 days. If they blow this, the owners and players deserve each other. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, Roll Tide said:

    Miami blundered like we did ....they are notoriously cheap. 


    KC went with pitching and got the top pitcher in the draft. I’d feel considerably different if they had drafted Lacy over Martin.

    I guess my main question for you is why the overly strong conviction on this? Is it just because people you’ve read had Martin as the #2 guy? To me Martin is a good prospect. He doesn’t do anything well enough to make me say he’s consensus BPA at #2. There’s certainly room for differing opinions, and if our GM and former scout takes him, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. 

    The cynic in me says it’s the entitlement that comes from being a Bammer. ?

  9. 1 hour ago, joelala said:

    I’ll have a hard time justifying spending any time, let alone money, on the sport if they can’t reach an agreement on a season. It would be a travesty and a death sentence for MLB as we know it. No reason to assign any blame either, it doesn’t matter. Myself and countless other fans will be lost. Will I go so far as to say I’ll be lost forever? No I love the sport too much, but boy is it broken right now. 

    Yeah I’ll pretty much be done if there’s no season. I’ll check in occasionally but between this and the “three true outcomes” style of play I’m not very interested in MLB. 

    On the bright side, NBA got their act together and will be doing it right. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Jammer7 said:

    I agree, generally. This year is a bit different to me. The junior year of the college pitchers did not allow for much development, but also limited the wear and tear on them. Traditionally, the junior years of college #1 pitchers, Friday night starters, are when they are perhaps over-used. Does that have any impact on your thoughts, negative or positive? Just curious.

    Interesting point. I think I err on the side of caution when looking at such an early pick. It does make me a little less leery of a SP, but unless there’s a clear talent difference I prefer a hitter this high up. 

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  11. 5 hours ago, Camden_yardbird said:

    All one needs to do is look 4 posts up and see that I am hesitant on Esch.  That said, I am always wary of the ST game where there a gagillion HRs and the report is Wind 5 mph out to CF.  Anyone there can say if that 5 mph is accurate. 

    Tho looking at the pitch placement he left the first two HRs middle middle.

    Wind was non existent 

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