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Everything posted by crowmst3k!

  1. The play-in game has been the best thing MLB has implemented in a long time.
  2. Didn't let the rat percolate enough.
  3. Elias is fine for now, however: he can't just sit on his hands every offseason. The rebuild is not at the point of yielding positive MLB results yet, but adding some players a year or two earlier than the projected window can't hurt. Not all of the talent for a contending team can come from the farm alone.
  4. If I don't start seeing more prospects on the ML roster this time next year, I'll be stressed. For now, the stress is like water on a duck.
  5. I'd love Hip Hop Fish and Chicken Field if we're going with fast food. (I SINCERELY doubt that HHFC has pockets deep enough to do this).
  6. I can't think of any reason for a team in a small-mid market NOT to sell stadium naming rights. It's basically free money. The stadium name doesn't matter to me. The on-field product is 100% all I care about.
  7. I don't know what the point of a Hyde resignation would be. Casey Stengel couldn't win with this roster.
  8. Agreed. But, there's always the off chance that something was missed, not addressed in their org. This would be a cheap pickup, might turn into something.
  9. They can throw him out every 5th day for the rest of the year. Nothing that happens this year matters. Hopefully he's not with the team in 2022.
  10. BB rate and HR rate were not terrific at Durham. Good K9. WHIP isn't great. Depends on whether there are major issues in these places or things that can be fixed via coaching.
  11. Great point. He's not in the poll, but what about Mussina instead of Palmer?
  12. Hard one. I went with Palmer because of need. Frank would have been a great addition, even if current day Orioles also got him at age 30. He was somewhere between dominant and very very good almost all of the 7 seasons he spent here. Also, a natural leader and someone who knew how to win.
  13. That would be fantastic. I am very high on Stowers, and any chance for him to get more ABs on his way up would be good.
  14. Would also like to see Stowers promoted to Norfolk, but I don't see that move happening until ST next year. But totally agree with Grenier and Dorrian going to 6 and 5 and playing there every day. I would hope they put up similar or better at AAA and make it to Baltimore midway through the 2022 campaign (if it happens).
  15. Hopefully the Orioles can get some value out of the pen from some of these failed starters. Or...maybe they figure out how to be effective in the rotation. The good thing about guys getting shelled this year: it doesn't matter. But if they get shelled, hopefully they learn from their mistakes and work on improvements.
  16. I'm very encouraged by the batting eye that some of our guys have at Bowie. Patrick Dorrian is only batting around 240-250, but with an OBP of 380+, and he has some pop. I don't know how he is in the field, but if he's serviceable or better, I could see him has a good solution for 5 sometime next year. Grenier isn't hitting really well, but his OBP is close to 100 above his average, and may be a good utility guy in the future. Terrin Vavra looks to be the 4 of the future, but he needs to get/stay healthy. Kyle Stowers looks like a legit power OF, and also has a good batting eye. You gotta give credit to the development staff and to Buck Britton. Bowie has a lot of guys who are patient at the plate, who I am very excited to see in Baltimore in the future. Edit: I hope that Buck Britton eventually becomes the Orioles manager. And maybe after Zack retires, I would love to see him come back in some capacity as a coach. Both guys have been very valuable to the Orioles.
  17. The Kjerstad injury is really troubling, and I worry about that potentially cutting his career short. Heart problems are not something you want to see in a pro athlete. The Vavra injury is very annoying. If he stayed healthy, I could see him in Norfolk now, possibly competing for the starting job in Baltimore out of spring training. I am optimistic that he'll be good to go at Bowie/Norfolk out of spring training and will see time in Baltimore at some point next season. DL Hall is very concerning. I've seen too many young pitchers get injured and it derails their development. Hall is such an important part of the future. As far as the ineffectiveness: Yeah, I was hoping that the Orioles could find a 4th-5th starter out of the Kremer/Akin/Wells/Lowther bunch.
  18. I agree with all three points. Relating to your Wei-Yin Chen thread, the Orioles do need to begin supplementing their roster with external talent sooner if they realistically view 2023 as a competitive year. Davis has a stupid contract, dead money, etc...but the majority of that liability will be off the books in 2023. 2022 should not be a tank year. It should be an improvement year, and whether the Orioles decide to bring in the right players in this offseason to help it along will tell me whether or not they're serious about building this thing.
  19. Ryan is now at .3 RWAR. Considering he was at -1 RWAR not too long ago, that's an impressive turnaround. Dude still needs to get on base more before I get particularly excited about him.
  20. Manager for a team who we recently played. Protocols could affect our roster. Totally a valid topic.
  21. Especially for pitchers. A position player would be way less of a risk. Pitchers break all the time.
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