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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Glenn Davis. I'm not sure how much damage the Chris Davis contract has actually done to the franchise. Assuming that Roch was right when he said the Davis money wouldn't have been spent elsewhere has having Davis on the team turned a playoff team into an also ran? The 2016 team made the playoffs and Davis was pretty good. In fact without Davis that team might not make the wildcard game. Davis was bad but not terrible in 2017 and the team finished 12 games under 500. I don't think replacing Davis with Cruz turns that into a playoff team. Since then the team has been terrible and you could replace Davis with Trout and they would still be terrible. Now maybe those early 90's teams don't go even without the Davis trade, but maybe they do. I know the current O's would still have to go through a rebuild even without the Davis contract weighing them down.
  2. I wonder if he had a velocity spike his junior year and if that would make it less likely for him to have untapped velocity?
  3. Mancini could be an ownership test. Keeping Mancini strikes me as a move Peter would force upon his GM.
  4. Honestly for some players it might be more useful than competitive games. Perfect time to rebuild muscle memory.
  5. Makes you wonder why they even bothered doing it.
  6. I like things to be factually accurate. I don't think Daiz would be a good target for an early, below market extension.
  7. You missed my point. Traditional counting stats may not show actual skill or ability in a way that a deeper look might. Maybe a player's slugging is impeded by the home stadium? Maybe the ball used in the majors would benefit a player with a good launch angle? Maybe a player gets called out on borderline pitches that ML umps won't miss? Maybe it is something as simple as an unlucky BABIP. You going to not promote a guy because his slash line is poor when his BABIP is 220?
  8. You don't think it would be shortsighted to rely on traditional counting stats to determine if a player is worthy of promotion? why even have an analytics department?
  9. Or they said it was about money because it was about money. We know they consolidated what was two roles into one.
  10. I am also betting that Elias was a big fan of not pitching the guys and instead hitting them with guided instruction.
  11. Are any teams doing it? My guess is that MLB won't allow individual teams into that market.
  12. Nothing has been keeping him in the big leagues. ?
  13. I don't think we end up with someone comparable, and I'm not expecting him to repeat 2020 with the bat.
  14. How is paying him 3.5M for one season when the O's don't have anyone on hand to man the position overrating him? It is not as if he gave him a 3 year 40 million extension.
  15. At a certain point trying to maximize every possible advantage no matter how slight becomes an unnecessary drain on resources. You end up in a situation in which you mess with people simply because the system allows it. I asked you for a list of comps that you would pay arb 4 prices for and I see you failed to come up with any. Unless he's Goldschmidt or Votto he won't be worth arb 4 prices. As for me not caring? There is a huge gulf between me wanting to see him play in 2020 and wanting the team to pay him arb 4 in 2026. Like the difference of your opinion of yourself and others opinion of you big.
  16. Are you suggesting that this past year hasn't had an impact on team's spending?
  17. It's possible that ownership tightened the purse strings even more after last year.
  18. They had three choices. Pick up his option and play him. That would cost them 3.5M Decline his option. That would cost them .5M Pick up his option and trade him. That would cost them nothing.
  19. I'm not too much caught up in anything. How many right handed LF/1B/DH types can you remember being worth paying arb 4 prices for? Do any of them have the questions concerning plate discipline that Mountcastle has? You are too wrapped up in squeezing the tiniest little bit of advantage that you don't realize how unlikely it is to actually be an advantage.
  20. Just promote whomever the best defensive SS in the minors is to the majors.
  21. I've been over this a bunch. The odds of fringe top 100 RH LF/1B/DH being worth arb 4 prices seven years from now is pretty darn remote. I think playing service time games in those situations is a waste of energy. If you think he's a long term piece, extend him early.
  22. I don't think it is obvious at all when talking about a fringe top 100 guy.
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