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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Hence the green. I didn't think green text would solve things but I was asked to do it... If Hyde prioritized service time manipulation over development last year why wouldn't he do the same this year? We are two weeks away from what would normally be Septembr callups. I was referencing that with my comments.
  2. But if they wait until next may they get another additional year. If it made sense to not promote Mountcastle last September than the same logic could hold true in 2020.
  3. Once again, no one accused him of an overdose. That is just something you are making up. Secondly, yea, gatekeeping. To suggest that folks can only relate to things they have personally experienced is ridiculous.
  4. If I remember correctly, and I could be wrong, their was a story about him in which someone asked if he wanted a shrimp cocktail and he replied "I don't drink.". He wasn't joking.
  5. I didn't see that he was so he probably isn't. Stuff like that tends to get mentioned.
  6. I don't know. You don't know. Notice I said "If"? What we do know is he wasn't doing what he was supposed to as a stipulation of his employment. Where did Davis get his drugs? Do we know how he sourced them? Did he have an active prescription but not a TUE? I don't know. I don't think we should assume either way.
  7. Why bring them up for a month and a half when you can wait until next year and get a whole year of control?
  8. Pretty sure you aren't qualified to question him if you don't have ADHD yourself Drungo. #Gatekeeping
  9. I don't think it is reasonable at all to dismiss someone's views on a topic for such a reason. Do you think the only way to be knowledgeable about a topic is to experience it yourself? Is a female incapable of understanding prostate cancer?
  10. We don't know how much and how often he was taking the medication. Is it OK with you if he was exceeding the proper dosage? You will agree that it is important that the proper medication is taken in the proper manner? Not only for the sake of competitive balance but for the player's safety.
  11. Because his doctor thought he should be on a different medication than the one he was taking without an exemption when he was twice found in violation of the rules. How come you didn't answer my question?
  12. I don't get the mindset of those folks that think that taking amphetamines somehow doesn't count as cheating. Just don't understand it. It's a restricted substance.
  13. No I don't. He has to apply for an exemption because he's taking a performance enhancing drug. How is it absurd that substances like that must be approved? I think it is telling that he is not currently taking Adderall. If that is the proper medication for his disorder why is he prescribed something else? We don't know how much and how often he was taking the medication. Is it OK with you if he was exceeding the proper dosage?
  14. Nice, how I have a target for my ire other than just Dwight Smith.
  15. That was the Shrimp Cocktail guy right?
  16. OK, he was taking Adderall but do we know what dose? If we don't know what dose we don't know if he was attempting to self mediate his ADHD, which is still a violation, or something else. What we do know is that he got caught in violation TWICE.
  17. Zero difference IMO. We also don't know exactly what he was taking and in what doses. All we do know is he failed two tests.
  18. So Davis got suspended for using PEDs but you are worried about Sosa encouraging players to use them?
  19. Dan did, at the very least, skirt some rules with Santander. That was some pretty questionable maneuvering going on. Seems to have worked out well for the O's in the end.
  20. I think Buck favored offense over defense in the outfield.
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