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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I group them with pitchers who are really good at scuffing the ball. Is it is skill...sure. Should it be a skill that is rewarded...debatable.
  2. Go ahead and find an example of me complaining about the O's abysmal framing abilities. I'll wait.
  3. I saw the title and the picture and figured it was a workout plan.
  4. I don't know, I'm assuming most teams have spent all or nearly all of the money by now. We do know that the Braves and the Dodgers were willing to spend millions on an end of the second round draft pick, so 3M for a prospect or two doesn't seem out of line to me.
  5. How? Let's assume that the Tigers have already spent their International pool money for the current period. What mechanism is in place for them to turn money into potential prospects? I don't think simply buying players from other teams would be more efficient.
  6. Or what if it is a travel day and you are behind the plate and it's just over a hundred out there and you've got a plane to catch?
  7. The Royals just sold for a billion. Yes the Orioles are profitable.
  8. I would hope a 24 year old would have a good year in AA.
  9. I would hope a 25 year old would have a good year at AA.
  10. I figure some of them wouldn't be able to take the hit to their ego.
  11. We won't know until it comes up. Elias, to the best of my knowledge, hasn't been publicly asked and if he was I would expect he wouldn't give a reply that would indicate any undue scrutiny of players.
  12. It isn't always feasible to keep someone at a level until they "dominate" it.
  13. All three? He won't bring back that sort of haul.
  14. And he's two years younger at the same place (putting aside service manipulation games).
  15. What flag did Trout have that you wouldn't have signed him?
  16. My take: Tigers can afford to take on payrolll and they are willing to spend 3M for the chance to flip Schoop for prospects.
  17. And the cost of his salary.
  18. You wouldn't have signed Trout to that 6/144.5M deal? Good on you for admitting it I guess.
  19. If they pay him all the money they owe him he'll cut them a deal on his front office salary.
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