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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. If I recall correctly, the ownership of the Orioles will be receiving money that is subject to revenue sharing instead of money that isn't. As well as paying money to the Nationals that they were previously pocketing.
  2. Is this really such a problem that it has to be addressed? What about 2 way players, can Ohtani come back after 10 days but he can't pitch for his first five days back?
  3. Good hope he stays safe and healthy.
  4. Sure, if you are facing a guy that's 5'6" and a buck forty who is choking up on the bat you aren't going to feel a huge need to strike him out.
  5. Not a lot of full counts back then. I remember a quote from a Hall of Fame pitcher from back in the day. Said something about how you had to pace yourself because you might have to throw 100 pitches in a complete game.
  6. But removing commercials would be a necessary step.
  7. Sure, once they take the games off television, and maybe radio.
  8. Someone like Altuve before he, ahem, suddenly got a lot stronger. By cutting out the junk food and stuff.
  9. Brewers and Rangers have been mentioned
  10. Not that I am aware of. Do they need another reason?
  11. Or even less entertaining, a guy can't find the strike zone and walks three dudes in a row.
  12. Maybe now Drungo can stay up past the seventh inning.
  13. I'm pretty much OK with guys in the lower minors delivering pizza in the off-season. Guys in the big leagues did it back in the day. But the situation can be improved upon.
  14. How about non-tendering good ML players because ownership set a budget that keeps you from tendering them?
  15. That would raise the value of international players and keep a lot of kids with aspirations of pro ball out of college. Mancini would have been a free agent before making the majors under your system. No wait, I guess the O's would have gotten five games out of him, since he didn't start playing pro ball until he was 21.
  16. I'm in agreement. I had issue with the statement "Tanking is really the only way to go ".
  17. I hate to give support to Moose but if Tate was a fourth round pick no one would be talking about him. Of course I don't think teams fall into that trap much these days.
  18. Sure, I'm on board with that view.
  19. You can be bad without tanking. Heck you can trade off expiring assets while being bad without tanking. Yankees did it, worked out really well for them. Taking a team and tearing it down to a bare framework is not the only way to build a winner, even if you don't have unlimited payroll.
  20. I'm sure they could. If they had a desire to. Neither side seems interested in that. BTW I'm not at all opposed to guys in AA and below needing to have jobs in the offseason. I don't think someone in short season ball, for instance, should be making 32K just for playing rookie league ball.
  21. Brewers lost 94 games in 2015 and managed to win 96 and make the playoffs last year without tanking. The Cardinals have never tanked. Giants built their mini dynasty without tanking (unless you count 90 and 91 loss seasons as tanking).
  22. That isn't true, it isn't the only way.
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