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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Did he do something productive? With modern bullpen usage I don't understand the fascination with running up pitch counts. Oh boy we get to see a reliever throwing 98.
  2. I think he's a slightly more affluent man's Stowers.
  3. Yea, that is what she says to all the charity cases.
  4. Ninth out of 30 Roy. Ninth out of 30. (OPS+) Twelfth out of 30 for RBI with RISP. No team is going to cash in all of them.
  5. Oh come on, you are blaming his defense on sitting? I guess he sat a lot last season when we kept get less than glowing reports on his glove.
  6. Is it on Kjerstad? They don't put Mountcastle or O'Hearn out there in left.
  7. It was pretty funny then. It was mostly the dried lake bed that was on fire. No real risk of property damage. Honestly it was a good thing to get that underbrush burned off. Just don't tell my moron neighbor who started it I said that.
  8. Down here in Florida the closest I've gotten to a shot like that was when my backyard was on fire a couple months ago.
  9. Jhoan Duran, wasn't he the Doctor in Barbarella?
  10. Exactly, you won't ever see Roy making negative predictions about a bad Orioles team.
  11. Or when the Union got pissed off at the absurdly low payroll the Orioles and Astros were throwing out there.
  12. I wish John Martyn had taken things more seriously.
  13. I don't see how having a guy that isn't good at third play third is showcasing him. They are showcasing the fact that he's not good over there.
  14. And this classic line: Mind you I'm a fan of the song but that line always sticks out like a sore thumb.
  15. He was smote in the forehead. Great control or not what helmet doesn't cover the forehead?
  16. No, the one that took the head shot from a rock. What kind of Philistine Champion isn't wearing a helmet? No way you are getting a kill shot with a river stone against a guy with a helmet on.
  17. We also have Stowers, Norby, Kjerstad and Mayo in the upper minors that have questions about their defense. Can the O's develop guys defensively?
  18. He's a lock. He's been a lock. Could retire today to follow his dream of being a meteorologist.
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