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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. It's all prop bets these days, easier to manipulate.
  2. I got complicated feeling about Kimbrel. On one hand I want the O's to win. On the other hand I'd rather he crap the bed in May, forcing Elias to improve the pen, than wait until after the deadline to suck.
  3. I'm pretty sure God could have wrangled a couple of baserunners for himself.
  4. Can be hard to stay awake for an entire at bat, you probably dozed off.
  5. I'm not suggesting he looked good, just that it's overboard to say he got every chance. I think he got a decent chance, but he wasn't given a huge amount of rope.
  6. I think all the teams pay up for MiLB TV Roy.
  7. You think 10 games and 34 at bats is "every chance"?
  8. So 34 at bats is "every chance"? He had 10 games.
  9. I asked him to do it so I could reference it when folks talk about how important defense is to the FO.
  10. Because he's not being promoted.
  11. Enough off days built into the early part of the season to keep guys fresh.
  12. So who would you have brought up instead? Stowers? I guess you could have but I don't see the difference. He wasn't brought up to play, he was brought up to fill out the roster due to injury.
  13. Only if he goes into the Hall with an Orioles hat.
  14. If Mouncastle were clutch his teammates would have been in scoring position for this 3 XBH.
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