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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. We would be looking at him making multiple obviously questionable moves in consecutive years. How many folks honestly liked either of the deals last season? I'm not talking about trading for a guy and him under performing what was expected. Flaherty was not good with the Cards last year and was trending down. Fuji was below replacement level with the Angels. They had assets to make more impactful moves and didn't. If the goal is to stay in the playoff picture most of the time you don't have the discussion. If the goal is to win a ring, you would start the discussion after two years of underwhelming additions.
  2. Which isn't what would be happening in this very specific scenario.
  3. I was responding to this. One person saying something and someone else calling them crazy...that's not discussion.
  4. Boy you already had your reply ready no matter what I said eh? And here I was thinking you were being reasonable for a change. Yes, if two postseasons in a row he makes obviously questionable additions to the roster instead of more impactful moves despite having trade capital and payroll room it becomes a question. How many more years to you give him at that point? Now do I think he's going to have a repeat of the 2023 deadline? No I don't. But if he does, he's opened the door to being criticized for it. Let's be honest here, both the Flaherty and Fuji moves looked pretty questionable in real time, this isn't a case of hindsight.
  5. No, but it should be open to discussion at that point.
  6. Hold up a second. If Elias comes out of this years trade deadline with the 2024 versions of Flaherty and Fuji and they wash out in the playoffs you don't think it's time to question his ability to close things out?
  7. Elias for not bringing back Frazier?
  8. It's not even me! I haven't been posting a ton.
  9. I read that it isn't made to order, which would be enough to turn me away from trying one.
  10. How big an improvement can you expect to get? Backup catchers are generally not very good.
  11. I hope the first move is to get a guy that doesn't need to be fixed.
  12. This is from a Fangraphs piece I just posted elsewhere. I think it's been going on for longer than a year but I guess maybe it's reached a tipping point?
  13. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/dj-stewart-is-walking-here/
  14. Huh? The trend toward more aggressive at bats, which we've seen for more than two games, is a directive. Trying to pull data from a 2 game series is trying to pull data from a 2 game series. News flash, MLB team strikes out a lot over the span of 2 games, highlights following the break!
  15. That's a 2 game sample size. And they could have easily won both games.
  16. It's team wide. They said they were going to move in the opposite direction, they drafted players to facilitate that. They developed them and suddenly, team wide, they flipped the script. It has to be by design coming from the FO.
  17. Y'all got this macroed up with a blank spot you can just insert the new name?
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