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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. He's a professional. How many fly balls you think he's caught over the yeas? They let him shag flys before the game right?
  2. I think he's got a case of the old.
  3. I have an explanation. It's baseball. It isn't the first time a switch hitter has switched back and forth on what side they were performing better.
  4. Pretty sad you can't even get the name right.
  5. Yea, we all wish that. I also wish everyone else was doing better in every aspect of their game. We want the players on our team to excel.
  6. And they lost by three. If we are being super simplistic about it, the stolen bases didn't factor into the decision.
  7. I'm not so much vehemently pro-union as I am anti-owner.
  8. And in the grand scheme of things it isn't all that damaging.
  9. I just don't see the point in continually harping on it.
  10. I'm not worried at all. He's not going anywhere and his overall game is fabulous. Best player in the game at his position and folks are picking apart his game.
  11. MLB will get concerned when the gambling sites get upset.
  12. I think the main thing to slow my posting down was the lack of activity on the music board.
  13. The big mistake to me was when they let the umps take back their mass resignation.
  14. Supposedly it has an impact on post season assignments.
  15. There is one in place. Home plate umps get graded on performance.
  16. In this case both teams are wearing it, so I think it was something that was decided about his level.
  17. Seven years in and the book is out eh?
  18. If I could pick a flaw for a Catcher I might just pick mediocre throwing arm. Either that or poor baserunner.
  19. I didn't say otherwise. I'm just over here spitting facts.
  20. If you go back to 2019-2021 you will not find many posts by Roy. Or the early part of 2022 for that matter. He's far from the only one.
  21. The biggest difference between the OH with and without Roy is that the team isn't winning when Roy is absent.
  22. Steve Finley is one of the players I most suspect of using PEDs. For that reason I don't like using him as a comp.
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