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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. It's sensible to specify since they are not calculated in the same fashion. His rWAR is twice as far in the red as his fWAR.
  2. Thirty years seemed a lot longer thirty years ago.
  3. They should move a high OBP guy with some speed into the leadoff spot. I'm thinking maybe try Mountcastle there?
  4. Oh you know you want to judge.
  5. Wouldn't it be cheaper to just rent a teenager?
  6. You taking tomorrow off? I know a 54 year old who is.
  7. Haven't gamed in the last 25 years or keep up on modern entertainment trends eh?
  8. Velocity should play up in short stints.
  9. They say War never changes but it seems to me they re-calibrate it every few years.
  10. 1. I don't. 2. We are talking about a team playing out the string. Think of some of the reclamation projects we've seen I Baltimore. 3. No idea, I was thinking more of a guarantee he'd not be down long enough.
  11. Emotional? I don't think Elias is the emotional type. The incentive for another team is to get a guy that can eat innings. A 100 loss team needs cheap guys that can eat innings. We've been the 100 loss team often enough to know.
  12. Could just give Roch a lifetime contract.
  13. If you had a team full of "OK" 3 wins guys you'd do really well. The O's had two position players last season that had 3 fWAR.
  14. I think there are some teams that are rebuilding that could give him a chance. What's he got to lose? He gets paid either way. Once he gets sent down he loses a lot of the protections he's earned.
  15. He's at -.2 right now so yea, he'd need to exceed three wins the rest of the way. Seems a bit too optimistic for me right now. Pretty fair cutoff point.
  16. Nothing stopping the O's from Non-tendering him in the offseason so no difference in job security. I get where you are coming from, to me it seems like additional risk without additional reward.
  17. I don't think it's a good idea to trust a team to not screw you over. I don't think it's a matter of pride, it's a matter of not being a sucker. He gets paid this year either way and he has no guarantee of getting a contract for next season either way.
  18. A team would wait and pick him up for the minimum.
  19. That's an opinion. I wouldn't trust the O's not to delay my free agency if I handed them the chance. Just like Kim didn't trust them. He's earned the right to refuse.
  20. If the O's had evaluated correctly they wouldn't have traded for him last year! More like the Mets flubbed it. I think most folks thought that was a bit of an odd signing after the season he had last year.
  21. I don't know if the Means camp can force a binding agreement that a minor league stint won't impact his free agency. Without that guarantee I don't see him agreeing to be sent down.
  22. That might be an issue in this clubhouse.
  23. Aren't the Tides struggling enough already?
  24. Just not being good isn't cause for an IL stint. I'm not suggesting it's hard to find some reason but you can't just say "He can't get minor league guys out" and IL a guy.
  25. Assuming they can make a case that he's injured. Not being good isn't justification for an IL stint.
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