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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. You take the hitters and just get a pitching staff that strikes everyone out.
  2. We don't know if Hays will be healthy in 10,
  3. They needed to replace Hays and he's already on the 40. I don't think it goes much deeper.
  4. Automated strike zone and MLB injuries forcing guys to the majors therby lowering the pitcher talent level?
  5. It is if it's for an extended period. He's not on the IL yet.
  6. Will be interesting to see him in the outfield.
  7. It's isn't about Banuelos, it's about Mayo being on the 40 man. That's one less 40 man spot you can manipulate. You send him down and he uses an option.
  8. Folks have said he's too short to play first.
  9. What if you are underwater on the mortgage?
  10. I'm not sure anyone other than that person quoted is worried about it.
  11. Guy had a hit streak, Mountcastle challenged a call that resulted in the streak ending. I guess a certain type of pitcher might decide that is worth throwing at him?
  12. So you want to send him down in 2026? Odd choice. #Remindme2years
  13. So? It explains why folks were talking about it.
  14. He's got an ERA under 2. He's a quality starting pitcher that was known to be on the market.
  15. I use an electric razor, I don't need to look at a picture of RZNJ when I shave.
  16. I'm sure I'm not qualified to judge. And yes, his confidence level has probably changed. Heck someone loses five pounds and they feel more confident going to the beach. Guy has on his favorite shirt maybe he feels more confident talking up that cute UPS lady.
  17. Once again didn't say that. You love misrepresenting my statements. Do I think Jackson's confidence has taken a hit? Sure. He's probably slightly less confident than he was before. I don't think his confidence level has dropped to a point where it is anything close to an issue. I think most professional athletes are extremely confident individuals and are pretty resilient mentally. I think it is "dumb and ignorant" to diagnose a player's mental state from behind a keyboard.
  18. I think his confidence is fine. I don't think most professional athletes lack for confidence.
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