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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I agree, some folks don't. * I fully embrace the owners right to maximize profits while preferring that players get a larger share.*
  2. Who has the higher projected 2024 payroll the Dodgers or Yankees?
  3. I think other teams can afford 100M. They choose not to. Which isn't the same thing.
  4. I lend stuff like that no credence. It's just sour grapes. The spending in baseball isn't an actual issue. Check back in with me if the Dodgers win 3 WS in a row or the Padres declare bankruptcy.
  5. I think it's more about folks whining because it's another team. I was in Germany at the time so I don't know, but was any Oriole fan complaining about how much Angelos was spending when the O's were #1 in payroll?
  6. Why would someone be upset about workers getting raises?
  7. The Rangers don't make the playoffs without the six starts from DeGrom this year.
  8. It's crazy to me that fans get more upset about owners spending money than owners pocketing profits.
  9. From what I read it was two year deals. I can see the logic of going for the larger AAV one year deal with a stacked team over a two year deal. The Red Sox offered 2/28. Not hard to see why he didn't pick that.
  10. How much did the Rangers spend last off-season?
  11. I hope they make it to the WS...and lose to the Orioles.
  12. Word is his market was soft and he wasn't offered anything long term. The cap hit for this is a smidge under 20M. His deal is pretty close to the QO, bigger number but lower actual value.
  13. Profit? I'm not confident they are.
  14. I don't know. Payroll was between 31-40M lower in 2021. They drew 1M more in 2023. How much do the O's net per filled seat? I'm sure revenue was higher in 2023, profits...I don't know.
  15. Sportsguy has been posting over there.
  16. But it's the Central. Only the Twins finished over .500 last year. Only the Guardians finished over .500 in 2022. Only the White Sox finished over .500 in 2021.
  17. I bet Elias has a pretty good dental plan as well.
  18. Could be fun to try and score as high as possible.
  19. That's more possible.
  20. His career spread between BA and OBP is 50 points. I wouldn't expect him to put up a 250/325 line.
  21. She's dating a ballplayer so she's relevant.
  22. Sure from that angle it's a fair point.
  23. Cheater? Pfft. If you are trying to say that he might not be as effective since the crackdown fine but many guys used/use something more than is officially allowed, He was just more honest about it.
  24. I think he'd figure out what was going on in a week or so.
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