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Everything posted by oriole

  1. I think you absolutely need another starter. Irvin and McDermott are backup options, not guys you depend on. You could say the same for Kremer if you’re trying to have a good and consistent rotation. I just hope whoever they sign is better than Gibson. It’s time to move up the ladder a bit in terms of quality.
  2. Im an optimist today, chose 102-103. I think the relative opponent strength and the thrill of chasing a division title will light a fire and keep them playing well. It hurts knowing that the SP is still a big question mark, but this team continues to surprise me.
  3. There is no bull and no horns. Billionaire owner cries poor. There won’t be extensions or major free agents. It’s all on Elias and luck. So far, so good. We’ll see Gibson/Frazier type signings and Fujinami/Irvin type trades and we’ll like it. There is no other choice. That is bird land.
  4. I doubt they move Bautista out of the closers role…his issue seems to be confidence in his pitches and taking him out of that role will probably make it worse. Plus, there’s no one else near as good as him on the team right now. I think an addition of some guys likes Hall, Wells, and hopefully a healthy Givens will be really helpful down the stretch. I don’t think Fujinami was the answer, but it was worth a shot. I see the reasoning and appeal
  5. Consistency over such a long period of time is pretty interesting, at least it is to me. The whole streak thing is meaningless, but I enjoy it. I want to see how long they can keep it going if only for my own entertainment. So maybe it’s obscure, so what? Still impressive
  6. Get a life. This is an Orioles forum
  7. CF is icing on the cake tbh. He can play SS very well and the rest of the infielders are flexible enough to move over to 2B or 3B if needed. I just mean he is a great 26th man to have, his skills fit that role, and I think it’s more helpful to have a good player for a well defined minor role than to bring up a young player that you hope can be an every day player and then have them sit on the bench most games. At least right now it is.
  8. I went with Mateo for the reason being how this spot would be used. There’s no every day at bats to be had, I think that could potentially mess with Ortiz or Holliday. The spot that we’re talking about is a backup player and defensive replacement. That is Mateo, and he’s a good one to have on a good team. Obviously a bit of a luxury as he moves through arbitration, but for the rest of this season at least…he’s a good player to have in the role he’s been playing as of late. If we’re talking every day at bats, I’m all about giving Ortiz some time. Holliday too, but he’d be pushed early while also leap frogging Ortiz, who deserves an honest look in MLB. Hard to say who would be better, but I know which one has the higher ceiling.
  9. John Angelos is a billionaire. There is no accountability. The only negative will be the press and we can only hope that his thin skin will let it bother him. I’m more annoyed at the whole distraction from the great season the actual team is having. I like Brown and all but I’d take him or leave him when weighed against actual baseball play. I can’t stand Angelos, but I love the Orioles so I deal with him and move along.
  10. Cano was an all star. I thought of him as a throw in with Povich.
  11. I feel like I need to write Mountcastle an apology letter lol
  12. I think they’re all gone at the end of the season. Flaherty is the only one that seems like a reasonable option to return but from what I understand, he’s a west coast guy.
  13. I went with the easy choice, DL Hall. Judging by the way Cowser and Westburg, any of those other prospects will not play enough to make it worth it.
  14. I’m definitely somewhere in the gray area about this topic. But I don’t see why it either had to be all or nothing. Flaherty is pretty close to nothing, but not quite there. But trading some other guys for an actual SP that will help win games isn’t some nail in the coffin that I feel like gets insinuated. I have no doubt that the Yankees will be a much better team next year and the Red Sox are heading there too. Sometimes there is a moment to strike and Elias fumbled. Sure, we’ve still got a plethora of highly touted prospects but we’ve got no where to play them all. On top of that, we still have a huge glaring hole at the top of the rotation. Anyways, I’m fine with how things transpired. But it’s certainly not an honest attempt at putting your best foot forward. If the prospects were gold, Elias is a dragon guarding the door.
  15. I feel like if the league valued Santander anywhere near what we all believe him to be, he’d have been traded by now. I voted 2/25 but I expect something more along the lines of 2/30.
  16. Hmmmm what a dumb trade. Inconsequential and a move to say you made a move. Oh well, its not anything to get worked up over. Inconsequential goes both ways
  17. Gotta agree with you. No room for Prieto and Rom isn’t exactly anyone to fuss about. I think in a vacuum it’s lopsided towards the Cardinals but it’s alright for the O’s at the moment.
  18. Hmmmm Prieto seems like a lot for an average at best SP rental. But whatever, he was also about as disposable as it gets in this organization.
  19. Good lord, that is insane. Mets have got to be covering a ridiculous amount of money.
  20. I’d prefer to keep Kremer over Fabian/Beavers so that weakens the offer a bit I think. If they’re set on position players then they may not mind though.
  21. Gilbert is a great target if he is available. With so many years of control left, I wouldn’t mind as much giving up players that I’ve generally felt are untouchable. Cowser, Westburg, and Kremer? I don’t know if that’s enough, but I wouldn’t feel terrible about it even judging from the Mariners perspective.
  22. Count me out on the Verlander notion. He’s old, expensive, and they want prospects in return. When he’s done there is no upside or hope for return. One day he will come in and it will be very clear that he is over 40 and there’s no turning back…an impressive achievement considering it’s a rare feat for any player to make it to such an advanced age and still be any good at all. But he’s a ticking time bomb is all I’m saying…no thanks unless they’re giving him away.
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