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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. His worst defense at SS is better than Beckham’s best. ?
  2. Confused as to why posting a pitching line garners a downvote.
  3. I liked the responding tweet urging Britton to remind Davis he had more strikeouts in his last road trip than HRs for the season.
  4. Chris “the breeze” Davis has a ring to it.
  5. Yeah. What I quoted was a response to the idea that McDowell is the problem. If Castro is the problem, but could be fixed then why is it ok to howl about the pitch coach being fired (and I’m not saying he should be retained)? If people need someone to blame then Martinez seems a likely scapegoat since he’s Castro’s ‘private tutor’.
  6. Maybe Martinez is part of the problem.
  7. His range has always been suspect. I’d take him back if he worked out at 3B. There were scouts going back to AFL that profiled him there.
  8. I mentioned this in a game thread recently. While his arm appears plenty strong enough for 3B, he has a habit of shuffling his feet after fielding to get in better throwing position. It’s led to more than one close play because of it and it’s something he needs to clean up.
  9. So, they got rid of them all just in time?
  10. He’s +6 DRS this year and for his career at 2B. Below average at 3B and well below that at SS. Schoop was slightly above this year and 6 DRS for his career.
  11. I’ll be ticked if he becomes Cy Gausman, but not surprised.
  12. I rather liked the 2013 Chris Davis. I don’t think we get to choose.
  13. Wow, if I have nightmares tonight, I’m coming for ya.
  14. Wow, losing it with two outs in the 9th has to be tough. 130+ pitches
  15. Well, yeah. And virtually no drop in production!
  16. The real Chris Davis happened last night, like most nights.
  17. I’m guessing that’s a “hell yes”.
  18. Yeah, but I didn’t want anyone to think .150 was insurmountable for him. ?
  19. Sure, if they’re dropping the line from .200 to .150. “Chris Davis outperformed the mark he was named for this year by hitting (or, the lack there of) a whopping .153.”
  20. I think most would, but even you don’t seriously consider that as a real possibility, do you?
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