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Everything posted by InsideCoroner

  1. Good ol' D.J. Stewart. It's not easy to put up a .921 OPS in limited playing time and still be worth 0.0 WAR.
  2. The managers might want it but some opposing pitchers struggling to get noticed probably have an entirely different take.
  3. What a blow for the game. That's certainly going to make some GMs think twice before writing him a blank check. Here's hoping it's nothing that derails his career, baseball needs more players like him.
  4. In a good amount of those quasi-cycles, I am guessing the hitter didn't have the opportunity to choose whether he wanted the cycle, like a guy hitting his second home run in a day. I do respect that Gunnar didn't "stumble" coming around first, even if it's also in his own (statistical) best interest not to do so.
  5. I suspect you're right. Players can always sign on with a different team and get the hell out of Dodge. As a diehard fan, I don't have that luxury to just start following a different club. Sometimes I wish I could, but I can't.
  6. Here we are enjoying one of the best seasons the club has ever seen, finally lifting the clouds on years of abject misery, and this guy just can't help but try to ruin it by NOT. SHUTTING. UP. I think we should ask Oakland fans where they're getting all those "SELL" shirts printed up so that we can do some in orange (or white on black, for City Connect games).
  7. I think we certainly can, but I am honestly dubious abut our chances against Atlanta in a 7-game series.
  8. I think this year is different with so many people suddenly loving and praising the Orioles. That alone might give our 2nd-round draft choice the edge over a poor-fielding mercenary on his $90 million contract.
  9. So did I until I saw Moose post his pic in the High Water Mark thread. Somehow I forgot all about his 11 homers and negative WAR. But we really used to be the final dumping ground of once-decent players. So many guys like Ron Kittle, Keith Moreland, Greg Walker, Ernie Whitt, Sammy Sosa came and quickly went into retirement (plus Colby MF Rasmus).
  10. If Stanhouse was "Two-Pack", then in the modern era Fujinami should be "Two-Patch". I think he's effectively wild, but once the ball leaves his hand I don't think he has much idea where it's going to wind up. This time, it worked out. Next time, it may not. In a season where every game counts, I would prefer a little more dependability myself... but here we are.
  11. I found it telling that the PBP guy always opens the MASN broadcast by themselves, then they say “so-and-so will be with me in a moment” and then bring in the color personnel. Last night it was KB and Brach right from the get-go, surely to take the focus off Brown. It was good to see him back, nonetheless.
  12. Ryan O’Hearn with his game face on always gave me Kendall/Succession vibes.
  13. Start a thread? We’re talking about second half performances. Which includes both Frazier and Mounty. If you want to just harp on Frazier, there are another dozen threads for that already.
  14. I really like Kevin as our PBP guy. Yes, he’s young, he’s excitable, his references may not always hit home with everyone… but I see someone who is improving every year, who seems to love what he’s doing, and who (at age 33) should get even better as years roll on… plus I think he makes a great counterpart to Ben, who has also really come into his own as an excellent analyst / color broadcaster. I am always a little disappointed when someone other than Kevin kicks off a game.
  15. Pictured: Webb’s reaction upon hearing that Gillaspie already wears #71.
  16. He'll get a year of service time no matter where he finishes in the ROY, since he was on the OD roster. It would only make a difference for him if he had been called up a few weeks/months into the season, like with Adley or Michael Harris II last year.
  17. Considering the stadium is now in its second year of being cashless, there are even less reasons for long concession delays.
  18. That’s awful for Jung and the Rangers, I always thought Gunnar had a solid chance to win ROY outright but you hate to see such a young talented player get sidelined like that.
  19. For a lot of players, I don’t think it’s that easy. Maybe I’m wrong, but I suspect some guys like Mancini would rather be productive on $3M/yr rather than scuffling on a $12.5M/yr deal.
  20. It surely didn’t help matters yesterday that when Judge hit his homer, the guy waiting on deck (Stanton) had already taken Wells deep earlier in the game.
  21. O’Hearn has also been scorching the ball. Not just the hits and homers, but that guy has loud, loud outs. Last night he homered, but he also hit a very high fly to right that would have gone out if it was a bit more level, and hit another shot that was caught near the top of the center field fence. I really expected him to fade this month but it’s just not happening.
  22. I have rooted for Mateo’s success as much as anyone on here — when he’s on, he might be the Orioles’ single most exciting player — but a winning team like this needs a more dependable option. He can’t hit, he has botched plays when it really mattered, and (although this isn’t really his fault) I can’t recall any spectacular plays that only he could have pulled off this season (while last year, there were quite a few). Yes please to Ortiz. If they can get anything at all in return for Mateo, great. If not, c’est la vie. Frazier may not wow you, but he is reliable. This team needs reliable with the stakes so high.
  23. This is easily the most fun I have had watching the team since 2014. I would only be upset at an abbreviated postseason run if they overpay with prospects for a rental or two. If they more or less roll in with the team they have, then so be it -- I see no indications that this team can't be just as good next year. Right now, I'm just guzzling all the orange Kool-Aid I can stomach.
  24. I’m very grateful that Hicks had been able to play so well in Mullins’ absences, but man, his Kryptonite with two strikes is off-speed stuff below the zone. He flails at it every time.
  25. Maybe, but as total newcomers go, Brach made a good first impression. He looked/sounded nervous for the first couple innings but quickly settled into the flow, and it doesn’t hurt to have someone with a little first hand experience about things like spin rate, metrics and the modern game. I’d like to see him thrown into the mix again.
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