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Everything posted by joelala

  1. No I have not, admittedly, but have read reports that Hancock’s secondaries are inferior to Lacey’s, and Lacey is a lefty obviously. Also it’s concerning that Hancock hasn’t pitched all that well to start the year whereas Lacey has. Long season still, and my opinion right now is solely based on gut feeling. Have you watched them both?
  2. Pitching does win championships, but the attrition rate for pitchers is higher, so I lean towards an elite bat. But I would be happy with Lacy. I don’t want Hancock at #2.
  3. Haha I do too. Had to happen, and I don’t think Bundy will transform. He’s a back end starter, albeit a very good one. Angels should be fun to watch this year.
  4. Love your optimism and enthusiasm as always, Wildcard, but I think you’re misreading the tea leaves a bit. As was said, pitchers like those two are plentiful (in our own org nonetheless) so why take up a year long roster spot with one or both? We are going to be a very bad MLB team this year record-wise, but I’m really looking forward to watching some of the young guys you mentioned in your post get their shots.
  5. I’m not an expert, but I absolutely love Gonzalez. His swing is a thing of fundamental beauty, no wasted movement. For me, I’m ecstatic if we get either him or Tork.
  6. Certainly hope it will be hilarious. I’ll make it my avatar in four years either way.
  7. He did. I’m just being impatient and a bit paranoid. Probably just a case of nerves for the young man in his first ML ST.
  8. It would be fitting if the most ‘can’t miss’ prospect since Bryce Harper missed for us.
  9. The psychology behind these deductions is sound and I too wouldn’t be surprised nor blame him. When he signed the contract originally it’s very possible a positive test would have voided the whole thing. He had everything to lose. Now that he’s made a very large sum of money and has admittedly considered retiring and walking away from the rest of the money, why not take one last ride so to speak and have some fun again? I’m not saying I suspect him of taking PEDs this winter, but psychologically it would make sense
  10. I live in Chicago and will try to get to at least one of his games. Will definitely post video if/when I do.
  11. Ah ok they do mention he’s made some swing changes, and indeed the video I watched was from last year
  12. Has he been playing CF this year? And I’m not crazy about his hands. He has a weird load/ timing mechanism perhaps? that looks like it causes him to slap at the ball which saps his power.
  13. Nick Gonzalez is the safest and best pick assuming Martin is taken first
  14. Gonzalez could be our Anthony Rendon for the next 10 years. He’s my choice right now.
  15. Also would be happy with Tork. I want a college bat. Unless Veen really takes off this year. I read a Christian Yelich Comp on him. That’s enticing.
  16. I love Gonzalez’ swing. I’m a big fan and would love if we got him
  17. Agreed on all points. Leave him alone unless he gets hurt and a change is the only way to prevent further injury.
  18. Exactly. He was dominant for a few seasons.
  19. I agree with Law that it isn’t an orthodox or pretty delivery at all. I’m not trolling here when I say it reminds me a bit of Ubaldo. I’m very excited for Grayson, but I do see Law’s point. There’s a reason why almost no pitchers have a delivery that looks like his. Could he be the exception to the rule though? Of course ?
  20. No one else thinks there’s a chance that we ‘mutually part ways’ with Elias after this? Sludge like this is gonna keep leaking out...
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