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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. The Orioles are not small market team. They are firmly mid-market. Just because they have a super tight payroll, for whatever excuse they want to make, make them small market. That said, I do not desire to see them spend money, to just say, see, we spent money like you ask. Fiscal responsibility might be a good way to describe. Be willing to spend if the right player is available. At this point, are they even looking?
  2. Just like Brady went last round. Some guys have the mental fortitude and skillset not seen by the scouts, until they develop. I get the Pirates, in fact, saw MASN the other night, and they claimed the Birds were looking at that catcher they picked. Good point about 2 of the teams picking pitchers, I think Im going to sit back and see how this kid plays out, because I declare this pick, a wasted pick, a money saving move, or maybe even pure genius.
  3. I get that to an extent. One team passes. maybe its money, or they are stupid, or just like the way the kid combs his hair. But, when multiple orgs pass. Are they all stupid, or, I wonder if their homework dug up something, we arent privy too.
  4. Ok, the Orioles passed on him, why did the other teams pass on somebody that was projected as a top 5 by some mock draft boards? Take them out of the discussion, somebody must have seen something or know something that we the gen public doesnt.
  5. Thanks, sorry for some reason, my brain was telling me 2010 was Andy and 2009 was Flanny.
  6. Lawler was projected by several to be a top 5 pick. Either they missed it, or a bunch of others missed read the draft.
  7. Maybe not full time CF, but as a COF that can play CF in a pinch, is always a good thing.
  8. No matter whom they picked, it would have ticked off half the keyboard GMs, who think they know more than the GM does.
  9. I like Hyde's response the other day, when asked if he would do icy hot in his armpit and he went something like not really, and I would like it even less in other areas.
  10. Stop posting misinformation, geeze. Hello, what the hell are you doing, when you type crap that nobody else buys either. So take all the data you want, but when you look at all the metrics, and not cherry picking your facts, it does not point to an average first baseman. Great guy, great clubhouse guy, great teammate, above average bat. No disagreement. I think the right team, in the right situation with a need, would come kicking his tires, but will they give up anything, that remains to be seen.
  11. You are a troll, you know that. What is his dWAR at first. How is his range? His Rdrs is a -3 at 1st. His Rtot is also a -2 at 1st.
  12. You like to put out facts as part of your discussion MO. Facts provide us the evidence that now matter how much we like Trey, he is what he is, a below average 1B at the position.
  13. I like Diaz, but the question mark with him. Can he stay healthy for the whole season?
  14. No worries Tony, not that many leads to protect with this team.
  15. Nice one. Well Played. Tipping my hat to you!
  16. thats like the 3 pitcher to puke on the mound this season. Im sure its happened before but, I dont remember it. Maybe CoC or SG can correct me again.
  17. Dang, to even be that close to making that catch is amazing skill set.
  18. So paying the Angels for them to use a vet pitcher, when they dont come close to having 5 arms to throw, is a solid trade. He has made trades with a look to the future. But you are like CoC, anything at all, we say, you will find fault with and disagree with and be quick to point out how wrong we are.
  19. Show me evidence that this team has signed and brought in major league off the FA market, or traded to get somebody. Andy and the DD built a winning team by trades, internally and finding diamonds in the ruff. Tell me what Elias has done.
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