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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Britton's thing was pretty stupid, it really was, and yet I can see from his perspective maybe it wasn't. Can you image if it worked out for Buck?
  2. Not everybody in baseball land thought the world of LaRussa, smart guy, but wasnt the best at managing pitchers and pitching staffs. I think you are judging Hyde too harshly, but thats within your rights as a Fan. Hell, Buck was in a 5 year winning stretch and 2 solid playoff runs, and some posters tore him apart as if he was just plain trash as a Manager.
  3. Hyde isnt perfect, Im sure they are many out there that would be worse. Not like this is an idea roster to manager. We need to be teaching fundamentals down on the farm, oh yeah, the Oriole way. Damnit that was the best way. Fundamentally strong, will usually beat stronger skilled players, but weaker fundamentals.
  4. I hate to say it, not even sure there is a long term plan out there.
  5. Dang for years, it was, we need Mountcastle up here and playing. Didnt take too long, now the tide as turned. The dude sucks and needs to be sent down tot he mil. Aint nobody at AAA to bring up. All the talent playing well, is at Bowie or below and not ready lol
  6. Like Weam's famous thread, they all break. For the most part, they really do.
  7. The guy is the ultimate pencil neck dick.
  8. If it wasnt because of his last name, he would have been patted on the back and sent home, been nice knowing you kid.
  9. Talk about a short sample size. Geeze
  10. I think people think the same magic portion that little Yaz did, will work with little Rip.
  11. Yes, at least where I was, six flags had 2 lanes, one for those with appointments and those without.
  12. I think Hogan is trying to get the people into getting their shot. The shot doesnt keep you from getting COVID, just supposed to keep you from dying. Then again, it all depends on what you read and believe is true, as there is so much out there.
  13. I thought Hogan is releasing Md from outdoor restrictions, starting tomorrow night. I also believe I heard, that indoor restrictions are gone, once the state hits 70% of the people have had shot 1.
  14. Thanks. I wasnt making a case for his comeback bid here, he has already tried that. But, he was fun to watch and root for, when he was here. Good times. Wish him well.
  15. I do know that he was a fit in the clubhouse, and the entire clubhouse gelled as a unit. Because of the numerous stories that came out about that clubhouse and unity they had. Does that make him a saint, no? I dont think he got plastered on the face of TMZ for doing stupid things either, which doesn't classify him for statehood. I never heard stories about his being an ass, like Bedard or Mussina. But, @Tony-OHwho most likely had first hand dealings with the guy, call say if he was an ass or not.
  16. I thought outsider arenas were losing all restrictions??????????
  17. 93 MPH is very hittable by MLB batters. But 14-15 MPH diff, keeps the hitter off balance, and guessing. If he is sitting back waiting for the slower 80 MPH pitch, the 93 will blow by him like a freight train. I like the curve a bit more than the changeup, the change in flight of the ball, can cause the hitter additional issues hitting the ball. Major League hitters sitting back guessing a changeup and take that thing for a long ride.
  18. It does also take movement, my bad for not mentioning that. If you can hit 15+ MPH diff between your pitches, and they are not easy to distinguish, you will have some success in the bigs.
  19. If you can achieve a good speed diff between your heat and your off speed, and have good control, you will be an above average pitcher in the bigs. Pretty old school foundation.
  20. My shoulder agrees with you, and I didnt play pro ball. But, I can forecast the weather by the more it aches.
  21. I thought Felix Pie was going to be hired to walk on water?
  22. The original post was meant to stir up a disagreeable discussion, and their goal was achieved.
  23. You are way out of the park. I will agree they are cheapskates on their payroll. Usually when you toss out the cheapskates tag, it applies to everything. For example when Bidwell owned the Cards, players have to provide their own Soaps and Shampoos in the shower, and he would provide game gloves for the receivers to use in the game. They also traveled as cheap as possible. We have discussed this in OH many times. The Orioles travel well, and they do not play cheapstakes in that aspect. They also spent much needed money on Sarasota and now spending money in the DOR.
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