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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. ASA was Brainard's first name, and most people called him Ace. Which is why a lot of people believe he is the origin for the term. Its a talked about in wiki, of course, wiki is 100% authenticate. I think the Orioles throwing 4 twenty game winners, had 4 aces that season. To me the ace, is the stopper, the guy, you count on, that will have a good chance to win the game, before he even tosses the first pitch. You got a 1 to 4 game losing streak, you need your Ace to come out and put a end to the Ls.
  2. No worries, I get it. Its all good. I still remember Bud Norris being recycled and pitching pretty well for them lol
  3. They have had many other arms too, other than those, Like Grienke, etc. But, I get the point, more home grown, than I was giving them credit.
  4. i stand corrected. Well played. I guess with all the bodies they buy whenever they need to, has clouded my memory. I do remember, they lost all 5 SP, and picked up 5 more from outside the org one year, and still managed to have a playoff run.
  5. I did stumble across this definition:
  6. As much as he is an Ace, Kershaw flat out stank in post season, until his last playoff season, where he finally earned some redemption.
  7. The Dodgers buy their arms. But, you make several good points.
  8. i dont think a fans attendance or non attendance at a MLB game is directly to the person in the announcer's stadium announcer's seat. Even the fan favorite like Rex Barney, probably didnt put a single fan in the seats.
  9. I guess he has had 10 years to recover getting canned for his alfac joke.
  10. I dont buy the part about being a woman. I buy the part, they had an available body down at Bowie, they could offer the job too.
  11. Ace = Somebody who has shot down 5 enemy aircraft.
  12. I agree, it wasnt a timing thing, and we just decided to pull the plug and switch people. Im not going to go with the vendetta. either I just think its the attitude, its our decision, and how we want to do it, is our business.
  13. I was with you, up until the timing. You know you are going to let somebody go, you bring them in and you handle it in person. I dont care what the guy did or didnt do, it doesn't matter. How you conduct yourself, should always show class and the correct way. Its not that they didnt know what they wanted to do, and to wait until the last minute, is not excusable.
  14. Just because it was their right and it is, justify the classless way they handled the situation.
  15. Is there any team other than the Rays that are able to grow the arms with any success?
  16. Baseball is always a game of adjustments, the better ones can make the adjustments needed. I think Mountcastle will be okay and break out of it.
  17. Im sure they wasnt, that was meant as tongue in cheek comment as the team seams to be looking at money first for any action.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_sv8r4kbOI&ab_channel=masnOrioles
  19. By April 23, they need 3 daily outfielders, who can stay healthy and play everyday.
  20. Does it really matter who is playing, this year is a toss in, anyway?
  21. I was thinking the opposite as most dont have the skillset these days as bunting is a lost art. Food for thought. My memory is probably hazy, but Brady being left handed, was able to lay his fair share of bunts down for base hits.
  22. Here and there, even a string of a couple of games. It sounds like this is how the entire MIL season will play out. I suspect, they are working towards moving this to the ML, and really change the outlook on SP.
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