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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Your right, but how does that fit, with "the good of the game"? So they save money, it just shows they dont care about guys able to be all they can be.
  2. And hinder the development of the prospects? Thats like sending you to a Ford Technical Motors College, and placing you in a GM dealership. I mean a motor is a motor, right?
  3. Sound like Zach tossed 4 innings of shutout ball last night, so that is encouraging.
  4. I am beyond baffled that they use different baseball. It makes zero sense, They are prospects, because they are learning, so you give them equipment that is different from what they will be using in the bigs?
  5. Dang,, using facts to support your opinion. SMH LMBO
  6. I believe he said a large 2 year deal in 19 for 20 / 21, and he already has probably got a good chunk of that. So it was easier to let go. Nowhere near the same conditions as the Chris Davis dead weight contract.
  7. Im south of the park, which is why I thought the weather was looking bleak for a game tonight. I hope you all get it in, rain delays are never fun at the park.
  8. Good luck tonight, weather is looking very suspect.
  9. But arent some of the fans outside the city limits, basing it on their vaccination rate seams a bit silly.,
  10. Being Duke used to be in the same conference. I never rooted for them, but always thought Coach K ran a respectable program and respected his skillset as a tier 1 coach in college ball. Not saying he was perfect, but compared to some of his peers, I thought he stood out well.
  11. Thanks and I stand corrected. I do remember Clevenger sucking at catching, until he was demoted and knew if he wanted to catch for Buck, he had to make serious improvements. Which I did remember, he coming back up and he wasn't plus by any means, but he didnt suck anymore.
  12. I do not believe Chance was drafted with the plan to keep him at the catcher position. I remember they had faith in his bat, and that they would move him out of catcher to take advantage of his stick.
  13. They have also not spent money wisely, so money isnt always the best fix. I dont see them coming back all that quickly, but we shall see.
  14. Maybe I think you are demanding too much of her, and being overly critical. BTW, I thought she was the PA announcer and not the MASN broadcast person.
  15. Yet, this has never ever happen before in the entire Orioles PA announcer's history of the team. Nor, does it ever happen at other stadiums, ever. I know some people used to listen to the game on the radio and ear piece in their ear, just to stay on top of every minute of the game. At least back in the day of the AM radios. lol
  16. Well said, and I share your opinion. It sucks to lose and then it sucks to see so much negativity in here. Some of it, is justified, but posters tend to beat it to a dead horse.
  17. Angelos does suck as an owner. There are other teams with bad ownership, Marlins, Pirates, White Sox come to my mind pretty quickly. Not sure he is the worse, hard to define the ineptness in those 4, on which is "worser".
  18. You are not wrong. But, other than those 2 on this team, who do you keep? Just at some point, you keep your better players and stop talking rebuilt and show us. I dont want another 14 year period where this team sucks, Im too old for that. Once was enough.
  19. Your right. But at some point in the rebuild, you keep your Mancinis and your Means, you start filling in around them. You cant keep trading for prospects, it doesn't do anything but tease the fans that you are trying.
  20. You mean like the haul we got for Manny? Prospects are and will always be iffy.
  21. I do not like these new era hats, sam I am.
  22. I still suspect its a banned poster, that got tired of lurking, created a new dummy account, probably even a dummy email and then had a short fuse at something somebody didnt like that he posted, and then went defcon-5. They like to think they are anonymous, but unless they are sophistic with VPNs and darkweb crap, then, they leave digital fingerprints behind, compare that to a short list of banned posters, and I suspect you will find your match.
  23. If I was a guessing person, sounded like a banned person, with an axe to grind, had one too many.
  24. Thats not as easy to do as some people think. You give a skilled forensics guy enough time, you would be surprised at what they can dig up.
  25. Thats great. Post of the decade for sure.
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