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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Realistic no, but not impossible. I did mention, not holding my breath and betting the farm on it.
  2. Do I really have to explain this to you? Seriously? Low risk and there is a small percentage chance of high return, by being able to perform at the major league level for a MLB club. Yes, most reclamation projects, dont work out, but they can and do happen.
  3. Low risk, high reward, if he has anything, he will get an invite to somebody minor league system.
  4. I dont disagree, but he does have age on his side. He doesnt have 3 years of wear and tear on his pitching arm. There is such a fine line between succeeding and not succeeding, that its possible. Not like Palmer at 46 coming back with nothing in the tank.
  5. I would not hold my breath or bet the farm. But, it has happened before on occasion. I wish him well.
  6. Hyde isnt going anywhere. this team is not concerned with building a contender.
  7. reminds me of the story Glen Brenner (Old DC Sports Dude, deceased, ex pitcher). He said he was down at AAA, pitching and control was always an issue with his skillset. Anyway, he walks the first 3 batters. Manager comes out and says, "Just throw Strikes". Glen said something about dang it, is that all I have to do, why didnt you come out here sooner, and kept me from loading the bases. But, you know what. If I could throw strikes, I would be up at the big club and not listening to your sorry ass. He said, he did get a suspension for that outburst and he deserved it. He said, people under estimate how pitching is more mental than anything at times.
  8. Im starting to wonder if its all based on cost.
  9. It didnt get any better than Angel and Miller
  10. I think the breaking stuff/changeup and fastball difference is what makes them similar and what makes them hard to hit.
  11. Where is @Roy Firestone when we need him? I would love to ask Jim Palmer to compare Means to Bedard and see what he has to say on the subject. Given at the time Bedard was the best lefty he had seen throw for the Orioles.
  12. Has anybody said, Means is the best lefty that the Orioles have ever thrown? Bedard had some really nasty stuff. Not trying to take anything away from the dude, and he is a very good pitcher and should continue to get better, and could very well expand past what Bedard was able to do.
  13. Means hasnt done what Bedard had gone, so I doubt you can get a big haul for him. But, hell, Ive been wrong before.
  14. Yeah, I guess he did have a couple of decent W-L for crappy teams. I loved watching him pitched when he was here.
  15. I like Means. Palmer said on more than once occasion, Bedard had the best stuff as a Lefty that he had seen in an Oriole uniform and he said, nothing against the other guys. He said Bedard was special, it just never reflected well in his W-L record as the supporting team was so terrible. I dont always agree with Palmer, but he knows more about pitching than myself, and thats a fact.
  16. Dang, I love Frobby and respect the heck out of him. But, I am with SG on this one, and an odd position for me lol
  17. we saw the same thing on BSUN's SUNSPOT before OH was created.
  18. This happens to other fandoms, too, right? We are just more familiar with the grass on our side of the fence.
  19. Too many savors are expected to arrive and walk on water, and they end up like Sisco or worse, dont even get to the bigs.
  20. Not according to his dWAR. My memory, was, he was adequate, like you mentioned. He was never fast footed, or able to fly sideways like Manny or Brock. He still had a cannon for an arm and if he put his glove to it, it was a sure thing.
  21. At least he has a glove on his hand, and not a brick.
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