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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. thats the problem in a nut shell, there is no money available, at least, it appears, that they are not allowed to spend money.
  2. Hit the mute button, it doesnt really matter who is announcing this team, the eyes can tell you, all you need to know.
  3. Not making excuses for Elias. What is his budget, he is allowed to spend? Obviously, its not a real roster ready to compete. You can draft, and you can pick up castoffs other teams didnt want. Thats not how one builds a contending team, which is the BS, they keep giving us.
  4. Jones really needs to be in the HOF, just one of the reasons, the HOF voting system is a hot mess.
  5. Not if you use WAR. Nick was a 1.7, he had a 2.4 and 2.6 with the Braves and 4 other years. Not bad, when some here, thought his tank was pretty empty and didnt deserve a 3 year deal. You are dead on about Verlander, my memory is faulty on that one. One can only wonder, if they kept Manny, would they have tumbled as bad and need a total rebuild?
  6. Totally impossible to look at the ole magic eight ball, and determine the futre. Even the best of cakes fans here, never expected him to revive his career with the Braves like he did. Verlander had turned into a .500 mediocre pitcher with Detroit before being traded to the Astros. It pains me to see Manny playing for any team other than the Birds. Its not his fault, dang ownership here sucks so bad here.
  7. You are very right. But, there are the fandom fans that hate him with venom for playing for the yankees.
  8. I do agree with most of what you have said. I dont really blame Mussina for not going in as an Oriole. This organization is not a classy organization, and right or wrong. Mussina felt that Peter reneged on his promise to give him a good contract after the 1 year hometown discount. I dont care if Mussina was a butt, most players can be. When you run an organization, you take care of your people and you earn their respect. Most fans hate Mussina and some wasnt even old enough or born yet, but he left and went to the MFY, thats all they know. To me, Mussina was the best Orioles player that I saw play this game as an Oriole. They are many Oriole HOF, so he has strong competition for sure.
  9. remember the knock on him, was the alleged concern about his durability following 2 seasons of knee injuries. Should be a first round shoe in, if he keeps playing well.
  10. thanks. Yeah, we do, and they all have their phones and like to text and call, so that is way better, than waiting for the monthly phone call, as long distance costs wasnt something one was able to do ofton.
  11. thats for putting the right perspective on it. I guess I am sad, having lost my dad two months ago. I remember him taking the time to let me play baseball rec sports, and we went to baseball games. I did the same with my own girls and son. Now, my grandkids have NO interest in baseball. Not something that I can push or change. But, I will enjoy spending time with them, regardless of what we are doing. Life is short.
  12. Im more concerned with the fan base growing old and not being replaced by the younger generation.
  13. the youngsters, seam to have no interest in professional baseball, nor do they play in rec sports like they used to.
  14. Attendance is down, cable tv money is keeping some teams afloat and that was before the pandemic. MLB has lost popularity over the years, and is no longer the number sport in the USA. Some say, its no longer number 2. Is it close to dead, no, but gimmicks/tweaks to make the game better, isn't reality either. You raise an interesting theory about backroom shenanigans to help the twins. Maybe, I wouldnt put it past the MLB to do this.
  15. as MLB is struggling to maintain what they currently have, expansion seams the worst route to take. It wasnt that long ago, there was a contraction discussions and remove a team or two for the "good of the game'.
  16. Exactly at some point, you have to walk your talk.
  17. https://fanrecap.com/larry-sheets/ Nice Article, always liked Larry
  18. Been doing that for years. LOL I even do that to myself, when I go back and reread what I typed and it wasnt what my brain was thinking lol
  19. almost as bad the Ravens Sorry just poking a bit of fun at my Raven's fans.
  20. LOL, that name does sound better, in spite of me not liking the name for the football team. Had an email exchange with Weams before he got sick about weather I should change my name because of the debate going on, and one of the other posters kept complaining it was offensive to him. His guidance was as long as I was okay with RR, then keep it and dont let the hate from others influence your opinions.
  21. Sorry, Im just not feeling that this will be resolved in time for a full season.
  22. My bad, and my point, which I did a lousy job of selling was, the distance of the outfield way, did not play into, how many winning seasons they had or hadnt had.
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